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新版优秀班集体主要事迹汇编 优秀班集体主要事迹 我们班是一个积积极向上,团结互助的集体,同学们在一起学习、生活,像一个温暖的大家庭。下面面是优秀班集体主要事迹: 一、出色的管理和良好的自治治 一是推进班级民主管理,使学生干部成为“管理能手手”。每位班干都明确自己的的工作职责,能够认真履行义义务并接受全体老师和同学们们的监督和考核。每月老师和和同学们都要对每一位班干部部当月的工作进行测评,看看看哪位班干的“支持率”最高高!这大大增加了班委会工作作的积极性,工作主动性和主主人翁责任感随着班级的发展展与日俱增。即使在班主任不不在时,自习课、间操、义务务劳动、晨会、小测试等活动动均能达到班级自治!该班王王洪岩,李雪同学被评为区优优秀班干部。 二是坚持实行行“一日常规量化考核制度”,各项工作实行量化管理。学生入校以来坚持每天记录录学生的行为,一周一总结,一月一测评,做到奖惩分明明、惩罚得当,形成了独有的的评价体系。并认真记录反馈馈在“家校联系卡”上,得到到了家长的积极反馈,收到了了较好的效果,使得该班一直直以来都有着良好的纪律,先先进班集体事迹材料每周都能能得到校纪律、卫生示范班的的光荣称号。 二、营造良好好的学习氛围以提高学习兴趣趣 浓浓学风和能吃苦的精神神,激励学生勇攀高峰。在学学习上,同学比谦虚,互帮互互学,优秀生督促后进生,常常为讲解一道难题,要探讨许许久;同学也很自信,以“每每一天都是起点,每一步都要要向前”,全面发展自己,不不断超越自我!同时,同学们们注重发展多方面的才能,挖挖掘自己的潜能。我经常开导导大家“大事讲原则,小事讲讲风格”塑造学生健康、和谐谐的人格。 首先,我本着“以强扶弱,共同提高”的原原则,根据学习能力、思想觉觉悟的高低,把学生平均分成成十个学习帮扶小组。我要求求每组学生在十分钟之内选出出组长、起出组名、编出奋斗斗口号。同学们对这种作法感感觉很新鲜,积极性得到了发发挥,发言很踊跃。经过学生生自主、合作、交流、讨论,在规定的时间内,各组都出出色的完成任务。学生们还编编出了响亮的充满自信和斗志志的口号。 然后,在安排学学生座位时,我让各小组座位位集中摆放,兼顾学习困难、思想觉悟低的学生。把学习习好、优秀班集体事迹材料思思想好的学生同学习困难,思思想觉悟低的学生搭配在相邻邻座位上,让学生相互帮助,共同提高。 事实证明,在在全班形成的这种“帮扶对子子”,有利的调动了学生学习习的积极性、主动性,特别是是学习有困难、思想觉悟不高高的学生,学会了如何学习,如何改进学习方法,如何改改掉不良习惯,并明显的提高高了学习成绩。如:我们班现现在没有不完成作业的现象了了;课堂上一些爱做小动作的的学生现在也能努力地约束自自己专心听讲了;以前不爱发发言的学生现在也能踊跃发言言了;上自习比以前有秩序了了,再也没有追赶打闹的现象象了;我班徐文旭和贺蝶同学学的数学成绩以前考50多分分,现在也能考70多分了,全班同学在学习上向前迈了了一大步。 三、发挥班委会会和骨干的核心力量。 一个个良好的班集体,必须拥有一一批团结在班主任周围的积极极分子,先进集体事迹材料一一个班集体中,必须有一部分分热爱集体工作又有较强工作作能力、自身素质较好、在集集体中有一定威信和影响力的的学生组成班干部队伍,形成成集体的核心,通过他们团结结、带动其他集体成员,沟通通信息,协调动作,开展集体体工作。我班由班长、副班长长、学习委员、纪律委员、卫卫生委员、文体委员、安全委委员组成,班级管理,制度先先行,为了选出有较高思想素素质,品德高尚真心为同学服服务的委员,班里严格执行定定期改选班委制度,改选的整整个过程完全也是按民主集中中制的原则来操作。另一方面面,为了增加工作的透明度和和公开性,自觉接受同学的监监督,为了能及时解决班里短短期内出现的问题,班里每周周召开一次全体同学参加的班班会,而后就存在的问题进行行讨论研究。总之,建立起的的班级管理制度使各项班级工工作有章可循,有法可依。在在此之下委员们才会明确职责责范围,团结一致,工作协调调,圆满完成了各项任务。如如今在我班中,已形成了一支支优秀的班干部队伍,他们乐乐于奉献,注重工作方法,管管理水平高,尤其是他们在学学习、思想、各类活动中都是是骨干和典范,带领全班同学学获得了若干个第一。 四、以科学的班级管理规范人 “不以规矩,不成方圆”。一个集体要维护自己的统统一,必须有一定的行为准则则与判断标准,先进班集体主主要事迹这就是集体规范。在在班级管理中,一方面要引导导学生学习和遵守中小学生守守则和行为规范,同时还要以以此为依据,根据班级实际情情况,在全体成员的参与下,制订若干合理而且可行的具具体条例与规定,如班级公约约、课堂常规、学习纪律、卫卫生公约等,以引导和规范集集体成员的日常道德和学习等等行为习惯。培养平等、友爱爱、团结、互助、共同进步的的人际关系,造就每个同学尊尊重人、关心人、爱护人,做做到心中有他人、有集体。现现在的家长对子女过分疼爱,一些孩子养成了不少坏习惯惯。让他们养成良好的行为习习惯,就得从一点一滴的小事事入手。 班集体健康舆论的的形成,对优化班集管理,促促进良好班集的形成至关重要要。小学先进班集体事迹材料料有一批敢抓、敢管的干部,就形成了健康的舆论,班委委就如一块磁铁,能形成一个个“磁场”,吸引周围同学,“磁化”周围同学。这样,健康的舆论就像滚雪球一样样,越来越大,形成一股巨大大*。为了强化健康的舆舆论,平时生活中,经常选择择有教育意义的文章在上班会会时宣读,进行理想目标教育育、挫折教育、意志品质教育育、为人处世、社会经验教育育,塑造学生健康、和谐的人人格、也通过这些陶冶学生的的情操。同时还开展丰富多彩彩的第二课堂活动,如乒乓球球、羽毛球比赛等 五、取得得优秀成绩 我们班在这一年年来取得了可喜的成绩,被评评为校级优秀班集体、优秀中中队、卫生先进班集体。这些些成果的取得离不开我们全体体师生的辛勤汗水和奋斗的心心血。共同的奋斗目标是班集集体不断奋进的动力,班集体体就是在一个接一个的目标的的实现中逐步形成和发展的。不断提出新的共同的奋斗目目标,寻找鼓舞学生前进的力力量,小学先进班集体事迹激激励和指导全班学生朝着共同同的方向前进。为了配合学校校文明教育活动,我们班进行行了“做文明学生,向不良行行为告别”的行为比赛活动,使学生提高了文明素质,自自觉培养自己的良好行为;为为了抓好清洁卫生,我们班进进行了只有一个地球和学校是我家,精心爱护她的主题班队会,使学生认识识到学校是我家,精心爱爱护她帮助学生树立主人人翁意识,把保护校园清洁卫卫生变成一种自觉的行动。 一份汗水,一份收获,在全全体师生的共同努力下,本班班的每个学生不论在学习上还还是养成教育上都有明显的进进步。相信在我们的共同努力力下,班级的明天会更好。 以上就是我班的先进事迹材材料。 集体事迹范文文:优秀班集体主要事迹 make use of civil servants in the home station to search for the body.Eighth: discipline style wind rectification party members and cadres to analyze the materialThrough the pre meal discipline style rectification mobilization, focus on learning, special counseling, seminars and the central city autonomous region and self Union, its three public security security organ style building on a series of documents, through the questionnaire, the masses and grassroots police, democratic life Comrades give me comments and suggestions I, from the thought, style, discipline, work in various aspects of serious reflection, profound check out their own problems, found itself has many shortcomings, the analysis on the following:One, the existence of their own problems political and ideological consciousness is not strong enough. In: think of the party's ideological route, policy implementation and implementation lack of political acumen and insight, does not have a not I stay the sense of mission and sense of crisis. In the use of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought and Deng Xiaoping theory armed his head there is a gap in the brain, cultivating yourself from the angle of observation, analysis, understanding of things also some stay on the surface, not through the nature of the phenomenon, the understanding of things is not profound, not comprehensive. the purpose of the concept is not enough strong. From the ideological point of view, his opposition party for the public, the recognition is not deep enough, always think yourself at the grassroots level to the rural work office, familiar with twenty points, sometimes attitude towards the state visiting people all cannot always keep warm service, when the hand is a little more work. It is troublesome, some impatient temper, that attitude is not good enough, sometimes too much to consider about personal gains and losses, being subjective for self, objective for others and nothing is not related to an armchair thought, so that their services for the people of the public servant consciousness to do not fade, the to all the people, anxious people are anxious 。 not to delve into business knowledge. In the table: treat as insufficientlyactive product actively, only to meet with the superior authorities and given the task of leadership, difficulties in work, not good at thinking, and thinking, often wait for the leadership, said step by step, not my work done, do deep, do fine, as long as go on it. Do not pay enough attention to the business knowledge and knowledge, a lack of professionalism, think they have some business knowledge can adapt to the aim of the present work, do not pay attention to comprehensive business knowledge, until the problem there will deal. Sometimes due to work The repetition of a single, coated, copy, as long as the time to complete the work. Even if the trouble at work to meet complicated, complicated things, have a drag on the state of mind, not today, tomorrow again, to escape the mining method, that the ship to reach the bridge straight, not their own force to find countermeasures, but to wait for their appearance, the lack of a hard drill into the spirit of the work in charge of business knowledge and learning to relax, no self compression and scalability since the prospective value of its own.) in the style of work is not solid enough. In: working with times to cope with trouble attitude, do not really want to work in the field, to find a shortcut to size, it is best not to spend too much energy would be able to get things done. Sometimes due to selfishness as strange, do exist a lot of wrong, less wrong, do not good attitude, in addition to their required to complete the outside, can not do not do, save the trouble. In dealing with the check and practise fraud phenomenon. from the management point of view, the cause of the sense of responsibility than in the past have a larger decline back, sometimes reluctant to manage, afraid of trouble trouble.Two, the reason for the existence of the problem to the study of politics as a mere formality. stop in the form of perfunctory meticulous, in politics learning should cope with the psychological, not to participate in the study and take the initiative to accept the idea as a required course in a party members and cadres to seriously. Therefore, in view of the problem, think of ways on the sensitivity is not strong prospective, enough, just based on the present, not in the future. In front is also major issues issues of right and wrong to correctly grasp, but just muddle along in sections, not strict demands on myself. Although usually often study Marxism Mao Zedong thought and Marxism Leninism, Deng Xiaoping ping Theory, but the thought did not cause the attention of height the purpose of learning. It is not clear, the lack of learning thinking, only to understand the thought of Mao Zedong from the word literally, not the essence of consciousness thinking, make their understanding of theoretical knowledge and the actual process of decoupling, did not play the guidance of the theory of function, and learning, only to learn, to make learning become formal, dogmatic. for the masses of knowledge service consciousness is weak. Not all heart firmly establish the purpose of serving the people. No concept of profound experience of all for the group of the masses, all rely on the masses, from the masses. Essence to the masses without any time to bulk solid masses satisfaction as their gains and losses the loss measure. In the future I really do to serve the people wholeheartedly.This article from the civil servants of the house, to see the text, please use the official service member of the home station to see the body of the search.Ninth: the court thought style rectification analysis of materialAccording to the Department of the province's court system work to rectify the ideological activities of subordinate and unified requirements, through in-depth study and learning mobilization phases, I clearly recognize that this rectification activities is a major deployment of provincial Party committee to make, is to carry out thorough implementation of the central inspection group and provincial requirements for practical action, carry out the whole rectification activities we, to practice the important thought of Three Represents, implement the scientific concept of scientific development, consolidate the ruling status of the party, improve judicial capacity, maintain court image, it has important practical significance to establish the credibility of law and other aspects. To participate in the whole style of discipline rectification, I do a good job in charge of thought on Divided to do product in action to actively participate. Adhering to self recording, writing experience, and in April 25 by all police officers into the conference and everyone had a to promote the collective belief, not to let a comrade in live activities as the theme behind the experience of communication and in all the police officers caused strong repercussions. To further correct dry police thinking, to promote the rectification work at our hospital plays a certain role in.5 11 the superior department inspection approval approval, I thought the hospital whole style rectification activities smoothly into the second stage, and carry out in an orderly manner in socialism Rule of law philosophy of education and social education concept of honor education as the main content to the justice, as one of the core of the people as the core of the ideological style rectification activities.Swing phase live activity is a very important stage of the rectification activities, deeply and consequences of revealing problems directly affect the whole campaign effect. Learning is the foundation of investigation, is the key, the rectification is the goal. In the ideological style of second order rectification stage, especially in the province, city, county 33 The steering group and the level Party school refers to the careful guidance and help, through their own investigation, and leadership, collective discussion and so on ways to help, the masses, I earnestly carry out criticism and self-criticism, the control system and the various rules and code of conduct for judges, carefully check put themselves in the ideal faith, law enforcement idea, consciousness of serving the people clean and efficient, , discipline, strict with oneself and honor and disgrace and other aspects of the problem, more solid and effective to carry out self-examination analysis on the activities of the check analysis of the problems such as the following:One, the existing problems and the performance of the table1, the lack of systematic education and learning initiative.There are still learning to cope with the presence of thought. Mainly do not take the initiative to learn in school, lack of consciousness. Only limited to the provisions of the study subjects did not have the breadth and depth of learning from educational efforts. On the theoretical study and practical work department contact is not enough. Because the purpose of learning is not clear, resulting in learning regression learning, theory and practice out of touch. As a pioneering and innovative spirit, striving for excellence is not enough, consciousness is not strong, to have work requirements of the standard is not high enough.2, the justice of the people's purpose is not strongNot firmly establish the party for the public, the Secretary for justice for the people wholeheartedly, service for the purpose of the people concept, carry out the three one represents is not truly implemented. The concept of the masses still needs to be further improved, not very good emergency the needs of the masses, to the masses are thinking, help the masses required. Like come to find some legal problems of their acquaintance, consulting fellow, not very good to do legal publicity and guidance, and often think they are subjective to care, love, people, often simply called and sent them away from and even demonstrated not impatient attitude, let them produce false misunderstanding for one. Some social evils like myself and unable to see unwholesome tendencies, stress change, simply turn a blind eye to, not to argue, not to fight for.This article from the public house of civil servants, the main body of the text, please use the civil service in the home station to see the body of the text.Tenth: township leading cadres to rectify the style of self analysis of materialBy learning the < CPC Central Committee on strengthening and improving the turn style construction of the party is decided and the Secretary of municipal Party committee in the city > City cadres work to rectify the speech, deeply aware of the ruling party, the party's image, the hearts of the people back to the relationship of vital importance, and the relationship between the country's future and destiny. He also by re education a Marx doctrine, as the team leader, more should take the lead in section analyzed its problems, deep section analyzes the causes of problems, find out the root causes of grasping rectification, put the Three Representative requirements into their mind, for their own practice, better to serve the people For Guang'an, to achieve a new leap forward to contribute Huaying Ying! Now needle for the lack in the analysis are as follows:One, the idea is backward, the thought is not enough to liberateAlthough usually adjusting for a number of political, economic and social aspects of scientific knowledge, and pay attention to learn from the essence to enrich themselves, but because in the leading positions of leadership, and for day-to-day affairs as the saying goes: above thousand lines, following a needle to wear, are off, to do so not deeper hospitality of a host, a quiet learning learning under the heart, leading to new things is not timely when the master, affect the solution of emancipating the mind deeper.Two, in-depth study and research is not enoughAs usual the basic situation of the whole town has been mastered, the guiding ideology is to hold the key to. So, the typical village, village, community agencies and difficulties, research time relatively more on economic and social development, the village, less social investigation time. Their main view of typical village work the agency's own active. If a little guide can achieve a multiplier effect, and difficult village, society through greater efforts to support it so as to become the typical document exhibition grounds after become a banner, advanced, so the subconscious of typical village, agency and difficulties in the village, she poured energy to relatively more so, just cause On the basic level of deep-seated contradictions and problems can not be fully grasp.Three, grasp the implementation of the work is not enoughAlthough usually to work and pay attention to improve the stressed a lot of rules and regulations and strict requirements, but stressed that, go to the frontline not much time, the meeting issued a document on the implementation of more situation inspection and supervision measures ineffective. Less funny hard. The reason: one is the township town one sidedness, arbitrariness large, some work is difficult to quantify, evaluation, especially the grassroots cadres work like masses of large differences in the quality of the work according to the original plan to complete the end.This article comes from the civil servants' house, to see the text please make use of civil servants in the home station to search for the body.Eleventh: organ dry cadre style rectification self analysis materialThe work style of cadres to rectify the self-examination self self analysis thought style educational institution arrangement of materials in the financial bureau party safety rectification activities requiring a meal, in the construction of harmonious fiscal, financial security in the process, adhere to adhere to the people-oriented, nature is to put the accumulation of attention from the one-sided pursuit of material quality growth and wealth. Gradually transfer to promote the all-round development of people up. Changes in work style of cadres, strengthen the construction of administrative efficiency for organs, also practice practice of the important thought of Three Represents, and the inevitable request of strengthening the party's governance capability and advanced into the building, is fully implement the construction of Scientific Outlook on Development, to build a harmonious society The need of reality. Through this activity, the specific content of the whole ideological style rectification, control of practical work and thinking, his usual flat, seriously investigate in the ideological style, work attitude and other aspects of the existing problems, and a deeper analysis of its causes and harm, aiming at the existing problems in his work, from the ideological work, learning, and other aspects of the self. Now self-examination self self analysis as follows:One, participate in the education and rectification activities of the organs of the machine.Since the authority to carry out the whole style of education and rectification activities, I according to the fiscal bureau party arrangements, and actively participate in learning, find the problem seriously. In the study, whether the organization's staff will be learning or training center group study sessions, I have time to go there, in addition to the collective absence. Study abroad, people also insist on self-study. Learning, writing experiences. At the time to learn at the same time, I also pay attention to the control requirements, and find the actual work and personal ideological problems in the lack of efforts to correct their own existence style lazy, slack discipline, work efficiency is low. Questions. At the same time, the provisions on the control of Qingdao municipal Party committee issued the Eight Honors and 88 Disgraces , strict work discipline cadres organs dry and hard, from its start, do a little bit of their own efforts. The force become cadres of qualified, to make it become an efficient, low-cost and honest, diligent, pioneering organ do the cadres.Two, the self correction.The control party asked to find several key of self-examination, I think for myself in general is still doing well. One is to obey the overall concept, have a strong sense of global, in the work carried out more to more cooperation and Comrades work. Whether it is a copy, as long as there is the task, as long as there is Lili to work, is conducive to the development of the financial industry, we have a heart to think, an effort to make, not a phase of mutual prevarication, passing each other, the maneuver took phenomenon. For example, our job title training work, work arrangements in the cente


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