一年级上册英语课件-Unit 6 Gossip! 3_新概念英语青少版

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一年级上册英语课件-Unit 6 Gossip! 3_新概念英语青少版_第1页
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一年级上册英语课件-Unit 6 Gossip! 3_新概念英语青少版_第3页
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Unit6 Lesson 11 Gossip! 闲谈! Annie: Whos _ _, Polly?Polly: Which _, Annie?Annie: The girl _ _. That _ _ with the Jenkins _. that girl girl over there tall girl family Polly: Oh, thats _, our new _? Shes _ _ student.Annie: Shes a _ _ girl.Polly: Yes, shes _ ,too. Shes a _ _. Claire neighbour an art very pretty clever nice girl Annie: Wheres _ _? Is _ _?Polly: No, _ _. Shes _. Shes _ _. she from she English she isnt American from Washington Annie: Is her _ _,too?Polly: Yes. Her_ an _, and her _ a famous _. family here fathers accountant mothersphotographer Polly: Look! _ her _ over _.Annie: That _ in the _ _?Polly: Thats _, Thats mother therewoman expensive car right Polly: Shes _ _.Annie: Pretty? Shes _! What _ her_? Is _ _?Polly: _ and _. very pretty beautiful about husband he handsome Wait see Revision 一 个 高 个 学 生 一 个 胖 警 察 一 位 帅 男 演 员一个矮个老师一 位 年 轻 的 摄 影 师一 个 瘦 邮 递 员一 位 漂 亮 女 演 员一位 年 长 的 会 计Fast reaction Revision- 连词成句 He, short, English, a, is, student American, actress, that, is, or, French ? fat, a, policeman, He, is, English She, short, teacher, American, a, is old, an, he, French, accountant, is Chinese, He, a, actor, is, handsome i a short English student.Is that actress American or French?He is a fat English policeman.She is a short American teacher.He is an old French accountant.He is a handsome Chinese actor. 形容词排列顺序:数量+大小+形状+新旧+颜色+国籍+ n. P47看图造句那位警察是胖还是瘦? 他很胖。那位会计是老还是年轻? 他很老。那位女演员的国籍是什么? 她是中国人。看那位摄影师。描述一下她。 她是一位年轻的法国摄影师。看那个男孩。 哪一个男孩? 那边高个子的? 是的。他是一位英国学生。Is that policeman fat or thin? He is fat.Is that accountant old or young? He is old.What nationalitys that actress?Shes Chinese.Look at that photographer. Describe her.She is a young French photographer.Look at that boy. Which boy?The tall one over there?Yes. Hes an English student. Can you describe them? Can you describe them? Can you describe them? Can you describe them? Lets learn all adjectives!tall shortyoungnewthinold uglyfathandsomebeautifulshortlongbig smallclean dirtythick thinlight heavy Whats missing?


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