春外研版七下Unit2《This morning we took a walk》ppt课件

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Revision: Tell us something about your last holiday. It must include (包括): WhenWhereHowWhoWhenHow longHow longWhatHow did you go for your holiday? was with you / went with you? did you go? did you go? did you leave? did it take you to get there? did you spend there? did you do there? was your holiday? arrive v. 到达relax v. 放松world-famous adj. 举世闻名的French adj. 法国的,法语的n. 法国人,法语sell v. (sold) 卖,出售top n. 顶端till conj. 直到为止light n. 电灯on n. 电灯adv. 在使用中,开着的wonderful adj. 绝妙的,了不起的palace n. 宫殿/ra v/rleks/,w:ldfems/frent /sel/tp/tl/lat/ n/w ndfl/ /pels/ 与 电 脑 比 速 度 写出下列动词过去式am/isarebecomebegin buildbuymeettakehavego do was 是were 是became 变得began 开始built 建造bought 买met 迎接,见面took 乘坐,带去had 有went 去 did 做 与 电 脑 比 速 度 Paris is one of the most famous places in the world.The map of Paris There are many places of interest(名胜) in Paris .巴黎圣母院凯旋门 Louvre卢浮宫 the River Seine 塞纳河 Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔 1. Who did Betty write the email to ? And when ?2. How did she go there?3. Who met Betty at the airport?To her grandma on Friday 1st June.She went there by plane.Her aunt and uncle met her at the airport.Read Part 1 and answer the questions.4. We were tired so we relaxed at home and began our tour of the city yesterday.译 汉 语我们感觉很累,所以我们就在家休息,昨天开始在市里观光。 Listen to Part 2-3、4 -5 ,fill in the blanks1. Yesterday we _to the Louvre Museum . 2. In the evening we _dinner in a French restaurant.3. This morning we took a walk along the street market. We also _some shopping . I _a present for you .4. At about 3 oclock , we_the Paris Underground to the Eiffel Tower . 5. Tomorrow we are going to _a famous palace and take a boat tour on the River Seine.wenthaddidbought tookvisit 4. What did she see in the Louvre Museum?5. Where did she go this morning?6. When did they go to the Eiffel Tower?She saw the Mona Lisa.She went to the shops and street markets.They went to the Eiffel Tower at about three oclock.7. How did they get to the Eiffel Tower?They went there by underground.Read Part 2 、3 、4 and answer the questions 在课文中找出下列短语 1乘飞机到达2前天3在机场4卢浮宫博物馆5世界著名的艺术品6今天早晨7散步8 卖如此好的水果蔬菜 9排队等候10灯亮着11乘船旅游arrive by planethe day before yesterdayat the airportthe Louvre Museumworld-famous works of artthis morningtake a walksell such good fruit and vegetableswait in lineThe lights are on take a boat tour Were on holiday in Paris. After we arrived by plane the day before yesterday, Aunt Joan and Uncle Pete_ (meet) us at the airport. We _ (go) to the Louvre Museum yesterday. We _(have) dinner in a French restaurant in the evening. This morning, we _ (take) a walk and I _ (buy) a present. We _ (take) the Paris Underground to the Eiffel Tower in the afternoon. We _ (go) to the top. We _ (wait) all the lights _ (be) on. Were going to take a boat tour on the River Seine tomorrow. Rewrite the email.metwenthad tookbought tookwentwaited were Language points1. arrive in +大地方 “到达” arrive at +小地方We last week. 我们上周到达伦敦。We five minutes late. 我们到车站晚了 5 分钟。 * 如果不指明到达的地点要用arrive。如: When will you arrive? 你什么时候到? When I arrived, they werent there. 我到达时,他们不在那儿。 arrived in Londonarrived at the station . get to +名词 表“到达某地”。(reach)When we , it began to rain. 我们到达公园时,就开始下雨 了。. get/arrive+地点副词home, here, there We last night. 我们昨晚到这儿。Will you _ the village at ten? A. get to B. arrive C. get 链接 Agot to the parkgot / arrived here 2. We were tired so we relaxed at home relax v. 休息;放松;使 . 放松 I just want to sit down and relax. 我只想坐下休息会。 The music will help to relax you. 音乐会使你感到轻松。His father often _ (relax) half an hour after supper.relaxes 链接 relaxing adj. 令人放松的 (跟物有关) I think dancing is . 我想跳舞是个很好的恶消闲方式。 relaxed adj. 感到放松 (跟人有关) He when he returned from his vacation last Sunday. 上星期天他度假回来感到很放松。 a good relaxing waywas relaxed 3. We waited till all the lights were on.我们一直等到所有的灯都亮了. till “直到.”1. They slept _ the alarm woke them. 他们一直睡到闹钟响。2. I will wait for you _you finish your homework. 我会等你直到你做完作业。 till till 小结 重点短语 1乘飞机到达2前天3在机场4卢浮宫博物馆5世界著名的艺术品6今天早晨7散步8 卖如此好的水果蔬菜 9排队等候10灯亮着11乘船旅游arrive by planethe day before yesterdayat the airportthe Louvre Museumworld-famous works of artthis morningtake a walksell such good fruit and vegetableswait in lineThe lights are on take a boat tour12、arrive at/in get to 13、relax/relaxing/relaxed 14 till 1. 我父母正在香港度假。My parents _ _ _ in Hong Kong.2. 我妈妈喜欢周末购物。My mother likes _ _ _ at the weekend.3. 上周日我花了100元买了一件衬衫。I _ 100 yuan_ a shirt last Sunday. ExercisesComplete the sentences.are on holidaydoing some shoppingspent on / buying 4. 昨天他们花了两个小时到达洛杉矶。It _ them two hours _ _ _ Los Angeles.5. 你在那个小村子待了多久?_ _ _ you _ in the small village? took to get to / to arrive inHow long did spend / stay 1.I was at home this morning.(改为一般疑问 句) _ _ at home this morning?2. Lucy didnt go there because her mother was ill. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Lucy go there?3. My father bought some things in the store yesterday afternoon. (改为同义句) My father _ _ _ in the store yesterday afternoon. Rewrite the sentences.Were youWhy didntdid some shopping 4. They had a big dinner last Saturday. (对划线部 分提问) _ _ they _ last Saturday?5. It cost me 1,000 yuan to buy the cell phone. (改 为同义句) I _ 1,000 yuan in _ the cell phone.6. Mark is sending an email to his friend. (用 yesterday改写句子) _.Mark sent an email to his friend yesterdayWhat did dospent buying Look at the pictures. Write sentences about Daming and Linglings holiday. 1.On Tuesday, they visited a museum.2.On Wednesday, they went for a walk in the countryside.3.On Thursday, they had lunch in a caf. 看图表达步骤一、审图:确定基本要素: 5W1Hwhen who where why how what Last summer, Two years ago, At the age of 12Beijing, Hangzhou, QuzhouDaming , Lingling for the holiday go by train认真看图, 然后在每副图的下方写出所发生事情的相应词汇。 visit museumgo to park have lunch 二. 扩展成句把要点变成完整的句子。On Tuesday, they visited museum.On Wednesday, they went to park.On Thursday, they had lunch in a caf. 三. 连句成文发挥想象,开好头。注意5W1HLast summer,Daming and Lingling went to Beijingfor their holidayThey went by train.On Tuesday, they visited museum.On Wednesday, they went to park.On Thursday, they had lunch in a caf.when who where why How what Daming and Lingling went to Beijing for their holiday. 四. Last summer, Daming and Lingling went to Beijing for their holiday. They went by train. They arrived on Monday. On Tuesday, they visited museum.On Wednesday, they went to park.On Thursday, they had lunch in a cafe.It took them to get there.They did some sightseeing. First,They did a lot of shopping. They bought presents for their family.适当发挥and took a taxi to their hotel.Then they They went boating and saw a lot of fish in the water. 五. 写好结尾 They went home by plane on Friday. It was a short holiday, but it was great. They had a great time. the Great WallTianan Men1. When and where did you go?2. Who went with you?3. How did you go there?4. What did you do or see?5. How was it like? Last summer we went Shanghai Talk about a special holiday.Expo 2010, Shanghai China Write a passage about yourunforgettable holiday.


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