仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 1 Section D 课件(共19张PPT)

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Topic 1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm? Section D learning aims:1. 复习形容词比较级和最高级的用法。2. 掌握本部分14个单词,词组。southwest, feed, bamboo, less, land, whale, sea, ocean, fur, bone, feature,feed on, less and less, in danger.3.了解野生动物的处境,提升保护野生动物的意识。并能据课文写出相关濒临灭绝动物的短文。 形容词有?个比较等级,即(1)原级;(2)比较级;(3)最高级。比较级表示“更.”,用于两者之间的比较;最高级表示“最.”,用于三者及三者以上的比较。形容词比较等级的规则变化:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The air is _, the sky is _ and the rivers are _ there.I think the countryside is _ the city, too.I think the sheep are the _ of all.The pigs must be the _ and _ animals on the farm.Whats the strongest animals on the farm ?But now, rainforests are becoming _ .Grammarfresher bluerclearer quieter thannicestfattest laziestsmaller and smaller Functions _ do you like _ , plants or animals ? I like animals _._ do you think so ? Because animals are our friends. They _ us happy.We _ the same world _ them.People can enjoy the _ of nature there.Which betterbetterWhymakeshare withbeauty Look at the pictures. 近日,一组大海龟惨遭屠宰的视频刷爆了湛江的朋友圈。12月6日下午二时左右,徐闻县前山镇山海村的海边,一大群人正在屠宰一只巨型国家二级保护动物棱皮龟,并以70元/斤的价格出售龟肉。当地人纷纷赶去抢购,不多时已经售罄。这只巨型海龟被绑在板车上,10余人才拉得动。 百度百科资料显示,国家二级保护动物棱皮龟,又称革龟,是龟鳖目中体型最大者,最大体长可达3米,龟壳长2米余;体重可达800-900公斤。 棱皮龟主要分布在热带太平洋、大西洋和印度洋,偶尔也见于温带海洋。棱皮龟是现存最古老的爬行动物。近年来,棱皮龟种群数量呈锐减趋势。据美国杜克大学研究小组发表的海龟调查报告表明,棱皮龟有可能在今后10-20年内灭绝。 Other animals in danger ocean n.海洋the smallest sea animals Chinese tiger 华南虎以 为 食 Watch the flash and answer the questions as quickly as you can.视频1-P87 They have less and less land to live on. Some humans kill them and make the ocean water dirty.Some people kill them for their fur and bones. Find out why they are in danger. Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks. Pandas live in the _ and _ of Southwest China. They _ _ bamboo. But now they have _ _ _ land to live on. So pandas are becoming _ in number. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks. The _ animals in the world are not elephants. They are blue whales. They are the _ but they feed on the smallest sea animals. Now they are _ _ because some people make their _ _ dirty and others _ whales for their meat. Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks. Chinese tigers live in the _ of China. They are also _ _ now. They are the _ _ _ tigers in the world and they eat /feed on small animals. Some people kill tigers for their _ and _. What should we do to protect them ? We shouldnt buy . or eat.We shouldnt throw . into We must stop people from.(阻止某人干某事)We share .with. . They are important to. .project Finish your workbook.


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