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熔接 fusion welding压接the inclined position打底焊backing weldpressure welding焊接对接焊butt welding封底焊back sealing weld过程 welding process角焊 fillet welding盖面焊cosmetic welding焊接技术welding technique搭接焊lap welding深熔焊deep penetration weld焊接工艺welding technology/船形焊fillet welding in the dingprocedureownhand position/filletweld摆动焊welding with weaving/焊接操作welding operationing in the flat positionweave bead welding焊接顺序welding sequence平角焊horizontal fillet weldin前倾焊foreward welding ( 英焊接方向 direction of weldingg国 )/ forehand welding ( 美国 )焊接位置welding position立角焊fillet welding in the v后倾焊backward welding( 英熔敷顺序build-up sequence/dertical position国 )/ backhand welding( 美国 )eposition sequence仰角焊fillet welding in the o分段退焊backstep welding焊缝倾角 weld slope/inclinatioverhead position跳焊 skip weldingn of weld axis坡口焊groove welding对称焊balanced welding/ bal焊缝转角 weld rotation/angleI 形坡口对接焊square butt weanced welding sequenceof rotation平焊位置flat polding左焊法leftward welding forehsition of welding喇叭形坡口焊flare groove weand welding横焊位置horizontal position olding右焊法rightward welding/bacf welding立焊位置vertic卷边焊flanged edge weldingkhand weldingal position of welding纵缝焊接welding of longitudi挑弧焊whipping method仰焊位置overhead position onal seam自动焊automatic weldingf welding 平焊 downhand wel横缝焊接welding of transvers手工焊manual welding/handding/flat position weldinge seamwelding横焊 horizontal position weldi环缝焊接girth welding/ circu车间焊接shop weldingngmferential工地焊接site welding( 英国 )/ f立焊 vertical position welding螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral sield welding (美国 )仰焊 overhead position weldieam/weldingof helical sea拘束焊接restraint weldingngm堆焊 surfacing/buildingup/ov全位置焊all position welding :环缝对接焊butt welding of cierlaying熔焊时, 焊件接逢所处空间位置包rcumferentialseam隔离层堆焊buttering括平焊、 横焊、 仰焊等位置所进行定位焊tack welding端部周边焊boxing/end return的焊接。 如水平固定管所进行的环单面焊welding by one side返修焊rewelding缝焊接双面焊welding by both sides补焊 repair welding向下立焊vertical down weldi单道焊single pass welding/si塞焊 plug weldingng/downwardwelding in thngle run welding槽焊 slot weldinge vertical position多道焊multi-pass welding衬垫焊welding with backing向上立焊vertical up welding/单层焊single layer welding焊剂垫焊welding with flux baupward welding in the verti多层焊multi-layer weldingckingcal position分段多层焊block sequence/ b窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding倾斜焊inclined position weldilock welding强制成形焊enclosed weldingng分层多道焊multi-layer and m脉冲电弧焊pulsed are weldin上坡焊upward welding in thulti-pass weldingge inclined position连续焊continuous welding电弧点焊arc spot welding下坡焊downward welding in断续焊intermittentwelding螺柱焊stud welding热风焊hot gas welding预热温度preheat temperatur单面坡口 single groove高能焊high grade energy wee双面坡口 double groovelding层间温度interpass temperatu坡口形式groove type固态焊接solid-state weldingreI 形坡口 square groove单面焊双面成形one-side weldi焊接终了温度finishing temperV 形坡口 single V grooveng with back formationatureY 形坡口 single V groove with焊接条件welding condition后热温度postheating temperroot face焊接工艺参数welding parameature双 Y 形坡口 double Vgroove witer焊丝伸出长度wire extensionth root face极性 polarity弧长 arc length带钝边U 形坡口 single U groo正接 electrode negative/strai熔化速度melting rateveght polarity熔化时间 melting time带钝边双 U 形坡口 double U gr反接 electrode positive/rever熔化系数melting coefficientoovesed polarity熔敷速度rate of deposition/dVY 形坡口 single compound a运条方式manipulationof eleceposition ratengle groovetrode熔敷系数deposition coefficien带钝边J 形坡口 single J groov焊接电流welding currentte焊接电流增加时间 welding curr熔敷效率deposition efficiency带钝边双 J 形坡口 double J groent upslope time损失系数loss coefficientove焊接电流衰减时间 welding curr飞 spatter单边 V 形坡口 single bevel groent downslope time飞溅率spatter loss coefficienove电流密度current densityt双 V 形坡口 double V groove短路电流short circuit current融合比fusion ratio不对称双 V 形坡口 asymmetric脉冲电流pulse level/pulse cu稀释 dilutiondouble V grooverrent level稀释率rate of dilution双单边V 形坡口 double bevel脉冲电流幅值pulse current a合金过度系数transfer efficiengroove/K groovemplitudecy/recovery (of an element)带垫板V 形坡口 V groove wit基值电流background level坡口 grooveh backing/ single V groove脉冲频率pulse frequency坡口面groove facewith backing脉冲焊接电流占空比 duty cycle坡口面角度angle of bevel ( 英喇叭形坡口 flare grooveof pulse duration国 )/ bevel angle (美国 )锁底坡口 single bevel groove电弧电压 arc voltage坡口角度included angle( 英国 )with backing locked再引弧电压 reignition voltage/groove angle( 美国 )坡形板边tapered edge焊接速度welding speed坡口高度groove depth焊缝 weld行走速度rate of travel/travel钝边 root face接逢 seamspeed钝边高度thickness of root fa焊缝符号welding symbol送丝速度wire feed ratece/width of root face焊缝金属 weld metal线能量heat input/energyinp根部间隙root gap( 英国 )/root填充金属 filler metalutopening (美国 )熔敷金属 deposited metal热输入 heat input根部半径root radius/groover焊缝表面weld face/ face of预热 preheatadiusweld后热 postheat根部锐边root edge焊缝背面back of weld焊后热处理posweld heat trea卷边高度height of flange焊缝轴线 axis of weldtment/postheattreatment卷边半径radius of flange焊缝尺寸size of weld焊缝宽度weld width/width oeld超强匹配接头overmatchingwf weld断续角焊缝intermittentfilleteld joint焊缝长度weld length/ lengthweld接头根部root of jointof weld交错断续角焊缝staggered inte对接接头butt joint焊缝有效长度effectivelengthrmittent fillet weldI 形对接接头 square butt jointof weld并列断续角焊缝chain intermittV 形对接接头single V buttjoi焊缝厚度throat depth/ throaent fillet weldntt thickness端接焊缝edge weldU 形对接接头single U buttjoi焊缝计算厚度theoretical throa卷边焊缝flanged edge weldntt塞焊焊缝plug weldJ 形坡口接头 single J butt join焊缝实际厚度actualthroat纵向焊缝longitudinal weldt熔深 penetration/depth of p横向焊缝transverse weld双 V 形对接接头double V buttenetration环行焊缝girth weld/ circumfejoint焊缝成形appearanceof weldrential weld双单边V 形对接接头doublebe焊缝成形系数form factor of w螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helicavel butt joint/ K groove buteldl weldt joint余高 reinforcement/excess密封焊缝seal weld带钝边U 形对接接头doubleUweld metal承载焊缝strength weldbutt joint背面余高 root reinforcement联系焊缝connective weld带钝边J 形坡口接头doubleJ j削平焊缝flush weld/weld m定位焊缝tack weldointachined flush焊道 bead/ run/ pass角接接头corner joint对接焊缝butt weld焊波 rippleT 形接头T joint角焊缝fillet焊根 weld root/ root of weld斜 T 形接头 inclined T joint焊脚 leg/ fillet weldleg焊趾 weld toe/ toe十字接头cruciform joint/ cros角焊缝断面形状profileof fillet封底焊道sealing run (after ms-shaped jointweldaking main weld)/ back wel三联接头joint among three平形角焊缝flat filletdmembers凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld打底焊道backing weld (befor搭接接头lap joint凹形角焊缝concavefillet welde making main weld)/ back套管接头muff joint/ sleevej角焊缝凹度concavityweldoint侧面角焊缝side filletweld/ fil根部焊道root pass/ root run双盖板接头double strappedjlet weld in parallelshear填充焊道filling beadoint正面角焊缝front filletweld/ fi盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cov盖板接头strapped jointllet weld in normalshearer pass端接接头edge joint立角焊缝fillet weldin the ve回火焊道temper bead/ anne卷边接头flanged edge jointrtical positionaling bead锁底对接接头lock butt joint横角焊缝fillet weldin the ho熔透焊道penetration bead斜对接接头oblique butt jointrizontal position焊层 layer混合接头mixed joint/ compo平角焊缝fillet weldin the fla焊接接头welded jointsite jointt position接头形状joint geometry有间隙接头open joint斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld等强匹配接头equalmatching无间隙接头closed joint连续焊缝continuousweldweld joint焊接电弧welding arc断续焊缝intermittentweld低强匹配接头undermatching电弧形态arc shape连续角焊缝continuousfillet wweld joint电弧物理行为 arc physics behaviour电磁力 electromagnecticforc渣系本目图 slag system diagra引弧 striking arcem引弧电压 striking voltage电磁收缩效应pinch effect碱性渣 basic slag电弧气氛 arc atmosphere电弧飘移 wandering of arc酸性渣 acid slag阴极 cathode电弧稳定性arc stability碱度 basicity热阴极 hot cathode电弧静特性 static characterist酸度 acidity冷阴极 cold cathodeic of arc长渣 long slag阴极斑点cathode spot电弧动特性 dynamic characte短渣 short slag阴极区 cathode regionristic of arc粘性熔渣 viscous slag阴极区电场强度intensity of th最小电压原理 principle of min氧化物型熔渣 oxide melting se electric field in the cathoimum voltagelagde region电弧挺度 arc stiffness盐型熔渣salt melting slag阴极压降cathode drop电弧偏吹 arc blow盐-氧化物型熔渣salt-oxide m阳极anode磁偏吹 magnetic blowelting slag阳极斑点anode spot阴极清理作用 cleaning action熔渣流动性fluidity of the sla斑点压力spot pressureof the cathodeg; slag fluidity阳极区 anode region电弧自身调节 arc self-regulati熔渣 solidified slag阳极区电场强度intensity of thon多孔焊渣 porous slage electric field in the anode挖掘作用 digging action玻璃状焊渣 vitreous slagregion极性效应 polarity effect自动脱落焊渣self-releasingsl阳极压降anode drop熔滴 dropletag弧柱 arc column/ arc stream熔滴比表面积specific surface脱渣性 slag detachability弧柱压降 voltage drop in arcof droplet焊接设备 welding equipment;column熔滴过渡 metal transferwelding set弧柱电位梯度 potential gradie过度频率 transition frequenc焊机 welding machine; weldnt in the arc columnyer弧焰 arc flame粗滴过渡 globular transfer; dr电焊机 electric welding mach弧心 arc coreop transferine; electric welder硬电弧 forceful arc/ hard arc短路过渡 short circuiting tran焊接电源 welding power sour软电弧soft arcsferce旋转电弧 rotating arc喷射过渡 spray transfer脉冲电弧pulsed arc旋转喷射过渡rotating spray t焊接热循环 weld thermal cycl脉冲喷射电弧 pulsed spray arransferec脉冲喷射过渡pulsed spray tr焊接温度场 field of weld tem起皱现象 puckering phenomeansferperature; weld temperaturena爆炸过渡 explosive transferfield起皱电弧 puckering arc渣壁过渡 flux wall guided tra准稳定温度场quasi-stationary起皱临界电流puckering criticnsfertemperature fieldal current熔池 molten pool焊接热源 welding heat sourc间接电弧indirect arc沸腾状熔池 boiling molten poe压缩电弧 compressive arcol点热源 point heat source磁控电弧 magnetic controllin弧坑crater线热源 linear heat sourceg arc熔渣slag面热源 plane heat source电弧力 arc force渣系 slag system瞬时集中热源instantaneousconcentration heat source针状铁素体 acicular ferritere热效率 thermal efficiency条状铁素体lath ferrite断 口形貌 fracture apperance热能集中系数 coefficient of h侧板条铁素体 ferrite side-plat断 口试验 fracture testeat flow concentratione宏观断口分析 macrofractogra峰值温度 peak temperature晶界欣素体 grain boundary fphy瞬时冷却速度 momentary cooerrite; polygonal ferrite; pro放射区 radical zoneling rate-entectoid ferrite纤维区 fibrous zone冷却时间 cooling time粒状贝氏体 granular bainite剪切唇区 shear lip aone置换氧化 substitutionaryoxy板条马氏体 lath martensite焊接性 weldabilitydation过热组织 overheated structur使用焊接性 service weldabilit扩散氧化 diffusible oxydationey脱氧 desoxydation魏氏组织 Widmannst?ttenstr工艺焊接性fabrication welda先期脱氧 precedent desoxyducturebilityationM-A 组元 martensite-austenit冶金焊接性 metallurgicalwel扩散月氧 diffusible desoxydate constituentdabilityion焊件失效分析failure analysis热焊接性 thermal weldability沉淀脱氧 precipitationdesoxof weldments母材 base metal; parent meydation冷裂判据 criterion of cold crtal扩散氢 diffusible hydrogenacking焊接区 weld zone初始扩散氢initial diffusible h冷裂敏感系数cold cracking s焊态 as-welded (AW)ydrogenusceptibity coefficient母材熔化区fusion zone100 C残余扩散氢 diffusible hy脆性温度区间brittle temperat半熔化区partial melting regidrogen remained at 100 ure rangeon残余氢 residual hydrogen氢脆 hydrogen embrittlemen未混合区 unmixed zone去氢 dehydrogenationt熔合区 bond area去氢热处理 heat treatment f层状偏析 lamellar segregatio熔合线 weld junction (英);boor dehydrogenationnnd line (美)脱硫 desulphurization愈合 healing effect热影响区heat-affectedzone脱磷 dephosphorization断口金相 fractography(HAZ)渗合金alloying断口 fracture过热区 overheated zone微量合金化microalloying延性断口 ductile fracture粗晶 区 coarse grained regio一次结晶组织 primary solidific韧窝断口 dimple fracturenation structure脆性断口brittle fracture细晶区 fine grained region二次结晶组织secondary solid解理断口cleavage fracture过渡区 transition zoneification structure准解理断口quasi-cleavagefr硬化区 hardened zone联生法吉晶 epitaxial solidificatiacture碳当量 carbon equivalenton氢致准解理断口hydrogen-em铭当量 chromium equivalent焊缝结晶形态 solidification mbrittlement induced银当量 nickel equivalentode in weld-bead沿晶断口 intergranularfractu舍夫勒组织图Schaefflers dia结晶层状线rippleregram多边化边界 polygonizationbo穿晶断口 transgranularfract德龙组织图 Delong s diagramundaryure连续冷却转变图(CCT图)conti结晶平均线速度mean solidific疲劳断 口 fatigue fracturenuous cooling transformatioation rate滑移面断口glide plane fractun裂纹敏感性cracking sensibility分块形槽热裂纹试验segmented circular groove cracking tt刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)r焊接裂纹 weld crackestigid restraint cracking test焊缝裂纹 weld metal crackH形裂纹试验 H-type cracking插销试验 implant test焊道裂纹 bead cracktestTigamajig薄板焊接裂纹试验T弧坑裂纹crater crack鱼骨形裂纹试验fishbone cracigamajing thin plate crackin热影响区裂纹heat-affectedzking testg testone crack指形裂纹试验finger (cracking)焊道纵向弯曲试验 longitudinal纵向裂纹 longitudinal cracktest-bead test横向裂纹 transverse crackT形裂纹试验 Tee type cracki柯麦雷尔弯曲试验Kommerell微裂纹 micro-crack;micro-fing testbead bend testssure环形槽裂纹试验circular-groov肯泽尔弯曲试验Kinzel test热裂纹hot cracke cracking test缺口弯曲试验notch bend test凝固裂纹 solidificationcrack可调拘束裂纹试验varestraint热朔性试验hot-ductilitytest晶 间裂纹 intercrystallinecractest热影响区冲击试验impact testkBWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验BWRof HAZ穿晶裂纹 transcrystallinecraA cracking test for austeniti热影响区模拟试验synthetic hcke steeleat-affectedzone test多边化裂纹polygonizationcr圆棒裂纹试验bar type cracki最高硬度试验 maximum hardackng test; round bar crackingness test液化裂纹 liquation cracktest落锤试验 NRL (Naval Resear失延裂纹 ductility-dipcrack里海裂纹试验Lehigh restraintch Laboratory)冷裂纹cold crackcracking test测氢试验 Hydrogen test延迟裂纹 delayed crack圆形镶块裂纹试验circular-pat焊接材料氢致裂纹 hydrogen-inducedch cracking test电极rack十字接头裂纹试验cruciform c焊接材料 welding consumable焊道下裂纹 underbead crackracking tests焊根裂纹 root crackZ向窗口拘束裂纹试验Z-directi电极 electrode焊趾裂纹 toe crackon window type restraint cr熔化电极 consumable electrod锯裂纹 chevron crackingacking teste消除应力处理裂纹stress reliefG-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验G-BO不熔化电极 nonconsumableelannealing crack (SR crack)P weld metal crack testectrode再热裂纹 reheat crack巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验Battelle鸨电极 tungsten electrode焊缝晶间腐蚀 weld intercrycttype underbead cracking t焊丝 welding wire. Welding ralline corrosionestod刀状腐蚀 knife line attackU形拉伸试验U-tension test实心焊丝solid wire敏化区腐蚀 weld decay缪雷克期热裂纹试验Murex ho渡铜焊丝 copper-platingweldi层状撕裂 lamellar tearingt cracking testng wire焊接性试验weldability菲斯柯裂纹试验 FISCO (type)自保护焊丝 self-shielded weldi裂纹试验 cracking testcracking testng wireIIW 裂纹试验 IIW cracking teCTS 裂纹试验 controlled ther药芯焊丝 flux-cored wirestmal severity复合焊丝 combined wire丫形坡口裂纹试验slit type cra拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)t堆焊焊丝 surfacing welding rocking testensile restraint cracking tesd填充焊丝filler wirectrodearmfulless electrode/焊条 electrode/ covered elect珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic healow-fume and low-toxic elecrodet resistant steel electrodetrode焊芯 core wire低温钢焊条 low temperature s堆焊焊条 surfacing electrode药皮 coating (of an electrode)teel electrode/ steel electro耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing elect/ covering (of an electrode)de for low temperaturerode涂料 coating flux/coatingma铝合金焊条 aluminum alloy ar钻基合金堆焊焊条cobalt baseterialc welding electrodealloy surfacing electrode齐U gas forming constitue铜合金焊条 copper-alloy arc碳化鸨堆焊焊条 tungsten carbintswelding electrodede surfacing electrode造渣齐U slag forming constitue铜芯铸铁焊条 cast iron electro高镒钢堆焊焊条high manganentsde with steel corese steel surfacing electrode合金齐U alloying constituent纯银铸铁焊条 pure nickel cast双芯焊条 twin electrode脱氧齐1J dioxidizeriron electrode绞合焊条 stranded electrode稳弧齐U arc stabilizer球墨铸铁焊条 electrode for we编织焊条 braided electrode粘接剂binderlding spheroidal graphite ca双层药皮焊条 double coated e水玻璃 water glassst ironlectrode水玻璃模数 modules of water铸芯焊条 electrode with cast管状焊条 flux-cored electrodeglasscore wire气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volat酸性焊条 acid electrode银基合金焊条nickel base alloile covering高钛型焊条 high titania (type)y covered electrode焊条工艺性usability of the elelectrode蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrodeectrode/ technicality of the钛钙型焊条lime titania type纯铁焊条 pure iron electrodeelectrodeelectrode渗铝钢焊条 alumetized steel e焊条使用性 running characteri钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type ellectrodestics of an electrode/ operaectrode高效率焊条 high efficiency eleting characteristicsof an el氧化铁型焊条iron oxide typectrodeectrodeelectrode/ high iron oxide t铁粉焊条 iron powder electro焊条熔化性 melting characteriype electrodedestics of an electrode高纤维素型焊条high cellulose底层焊条 backing welding ele焊条直径 core diameter(type) electrodectrode焊条偏心度 eccentricity (of an石墨型焊条 graphite type elec深熔焊条 deep penetration elelectrode)trodeectrode药皮重量系数gravity coefficie碱性焊条 basic electrode/ lim重力焊条 gravity electrodent of coatinge type covered electrode立向下焊条 electrode for verti焊条药皮含水量percentage of低氢型焊条low hydrogen typcal down position weldingmoisture for coveringe electrode节能焊条 saving energy electr焊条夹吃持端 bare terminal (o高韧性超低氢焊条 high toughnodef an electrode)ess super low hydrogen ele水下焊条 underwater welding焊条引弧端 striking end (of actrodeelectroden elcetrode)奥氏体焊条 austenitic electrod耐海水腐蚀焊条 seawater corr焊剂 welding flux/ fluxeosion resistant steel electro熔炼焊剂fused flux铁素体焊条 ferritic electrodede粘结焊剂bonded flux不锈钢焊条 stainless steel ele低尘低毒焊条 low-fume and h烧结焊剂 sintered flux/ agglomerated fluxence (submerged-arcweldin活性气体保护电弧焊metal acti窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrg)ve-gas arc weldingow-gap submerged arc wel横列多丝埋弧焊 series subme混合气体保护电弧焊 mixed gadingrged arc welding (SAW-S)s arc welding低氢型焊剂low hydrogen typ横列双丝并联埋弧焊transvers二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊carboe fluxe submerged arc weldingn-dioxide arc welding; CO2高速焊剂 high speed welding热丝埋弧焊 hot wire submergarc weldingfluxed-arc welding细丝 CO2 焊 CO2 arc welding无氧焊剂 oxygen-free flux窄间隙埋弧焊narrow-gap subwith thin wire低毒焊剂 low poison fluxmerged arc welding粗丝 CO2 焊 CO2 arc welding磁性焊剂magnetic flux弧压反馈电弧焊arc voltage fwith thick wire电弧焊 arc weldingeedback controlling arc wel磁性焊剂CO2焊unionarc wel直流电弧焊direct current arcdingdingwelding自调节电弧焊self-adjustinga约芯焊丝 CO2焊 arcos arc pr交流电弧焊 alternating currerc weldingocess; dual shield arc weldint arc welding适应控制焊接 adaptive controng三相电弧焊 three phase arcl welding气电立焊 electrogas (arc) wewelding焊剂层 burden; flux layerlding熔化电弧焊 arc welding with气体保护电弧焊gas shielded氮弧焊 nitrogen-arc weldingconsumablearc welding水蒸气保护电弧焊 water vapo金属极电弧焊metal arc weldi保护气体 protective atmosphur arc weldingngere原子氢焊 atomic hydrogen w不熔化极电弧焊arc welding惰性气体 inert-gaseldingwith nonconsumable活性气体 active-gas冲器室中电弧焊controlled at碳弧焊 carbon arc welding惰性气体保护焊inert-gas (arc)mosphere arc welding明弧焊 open arc weldingwelding旋转电弧焊 rotating arc weldi焊条电弧焊 shielded metal arMM焊 argon arc weldingngc welding (SMAW)熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊met短路过渡电弧焊 short circuitin重力焊 gravity weldingal inert-gas arc weldingg arc welding躺焊 fire cracker welding鸨极惰性气体保护电弧焊tungs焊丝横摆频率weaving speed电弧堆焊 arc surfacingten inert-gas arc weldingof wire自动堆焊 automatic surfacing鸨极氢弧焊 argon tungsten a焊丝停摆时间electrode keep躺板极堆焊surfacing by firerc weldingtime of slidercracker welding脉冲氢弧焊pulsed ar


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