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Unit 5What are the shirts made of? 1. Learn how to ask for information politely 2. Talk about directions3. Learn to write a guide to a place 4. Describe a place using adjectives What are these things? Say the names in English.chopsticks bowl What are these things? Say the names in English.stamp window What are these things? Say the names in English.fork coin What are these things? Say the names in English. blousering What are these things? Say the names in English. goldglass gold bars What are these things? Say the names in English. steelsilver What are these things? Say the names in English. cottonwood What are these things? Say the names in English. silkpaper What are these things usually made of? It is made of / They are made of What are these things usually made of? It is made of / They are made of 1a What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible. 1. chopsticks2. window 3. coin4. stamp 5. fork6. blouse a.wood b. gold c. silver e. paperf. silkg. glassThings Materials 1b Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made. Things Made of Made in shirts cotton Koreachopsticks silver Thailand ring steel America cotton bag America cotton dress Japan chairKorea scarf Thailand 1c Practice the conversation in 1a. Then make conversations using the information in 1b.A: This ring looks nice. Is it made of silver?B: Yes, and it was made in Thailand. 2a Listen and check ()the main topic of Nick and Marcus conversation._ the science museum_ the art and science fair_ environmental protection_ a model plane_ a beautiful painting_ grass and leaves 2b Listen again. Write short answers to the questions.1.Where is the art and science fair? Outside the science museum.2. Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go? No, they dont. 3. What is the model plane made of? Wood and glass.4. What is the painting made from? Grass, leaves and flowers. 2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.A: What did you see at the art and science fair?B: I saw .A: What is it made of / from?B: . 2d Role-play the conversation. Pam: China is famous for tea, right?Liu Jun: Yes, both in the past and now. Pam: Where is tea produced in China?Liu Jun: Well, in many different areas. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. Pam: How is tea produced?Liu Jun: Well, as far as I know, tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. Pam: What happens next?Liu Jun: The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China. Pam: It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.Liu Jun: Yes, people say that tea is good for both health and business! What is famous in your city? What is it made of? Make a conversation using 2d as a model. Chinese knotpaper cuttingtiger-head shoes 1. glass n. 玻 璃 glass作 “ 玻 璃 ” 讲 时 , 为 不 可 数 名词 , 表 达 数 量 则 用 piece(s) of glass. glass 作 “ 玻 璃 杯 ” 讲 是 可 数 名 词 。 We can see everything through glass. 透 过 玻 璃 我 们 什 么 都 能 看 到 。 Three pieces of window glass were broken because of strong wind. 由 于 风 太 大 , 窗 户 上 的 三 块 玻 璃 碎 了 。Explanations 2. Is it made of silver? 它 是 银 子 做 的 吗 ? be made of 为 “ be + 及 物 动 词 的 过 去 分 词 + of”的 被 动 语 态 结 构 , 意 为 “ 由 制 造 ; 由 制 作 ” 。 The bridge is made of stone. 这 座 桥 是 用 石 头 砌 的 。 be made of “由 制 成 ” , 后 接 原 材 料 , 强 调 物 理 变 化 , 能 看 出 原 材料be made from “由 制 成 ” , 后 接 原 材 料 , 强 调 化 学 变 化 , 不 能 看 出 原材 料be made into “被 制 成 ”, 后 接 成 品 , 强 调 被 制 成 什 么 成 品be made by “被 制 造 ” , 后 接 制 作 人 , 强 调 制 作 人 是 谁be made in “在 制 造 ” , 后 接 地 点 或 场 所 , 强 调 物 品 的 产 地 The kite is made of paper. 这 个 风 筝 是 用 纸 做 的 。 The wine is made from wheat. 这 种 酒 是 用 小 麦 酿 成 的 。 Some of the trees will be made into paper. 其 中 一 些 树 将 被 做 成 纸 。 The chair was made by an old carpenter. 那 把 椅 子 是 一 位 老 木 匠 制 作 的 。 This car is made in Shanghai. 这 辆 车 由 上 海 制 造 。 3. grass and leaves 草 和 叶 leaf 意 为 “ 叶 ;叶 子 ” , 是 可 数 名 词 , 其 复 数形 式 leaves. In autumn the leaves fall down from the trees. 秋 天 , 叶 子 从 树 上 落 下 来 。树 叶 (leaf)一 半 (half)自 己 黄 妻 子 (wife)拿 刀 (knife)去 收 粮 ,架 (shelf)后 蹿 出 一 只 狼 (wolf), 就 像 强 盗 (thief)逃 命 (life)忙 。 4. Where is tea produced in China? 中 国 哪 里 产 茶 ? produce (to make things to be sold, especially in large quantities ) 作 动 词 , 意 为 “ 生 产 ;制 造 ; 出 产 ” 。 What does the factory produce ? 这 家 工 厂 生 产 什 么 产 品 ? produce 可 以 表 示 通 过 制 造 而 获 得 产 品 , 也 可 以 表 示 生 产 粮 食 、 蔬菜 等 , 即 通 过 种 植 而 获 得 产 品make 作 “ 制 造 ” 讲 时 , 一 般 可 以 和 produce相 互 换 用 。 但 不 能表 示 通 过 种 植 而 获 得 产 品 They produce wheat and rice. 他 们 生 产 小 麦 和 稻 米 。 The factory makes/produces cars. 这 个 工 厂 制 造 小 汽 车 。 5. Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. 安 溪 和 杭 州 都 因 为 茶 而 广 为 人 知 。 be known for意 为 “ 以 .闻 名 ; 为 人 知 晓 ” , 同 义 短 语 是 be famous for。 He is known /famous for his learning. 他 以 学 问 渊 博 著 名 。 表 达 程 度 “ 以 而 非 常 著 名 ” 时 , 分 别 用 : be well known for 和 be very famous for. be known for 以 .闻 名 ” , 表 示 出 名 的 原 因be known as “作 为 .闻 名 ” , 表 示 出 名 的 形 式be known to “为 所 知 晓 ” , 表 示 出 名 的 范 围 Hong Kong is known for its shopping streets. 香 港 因 它 的 购 物 街 出 名 。 Hong Kong is known as a shopping city. 香 港 作 为 一 个 购 物 城 市 出 名 。 Hong Kong is known to people all over the world. 香 港 为 全 世 界 的 人 所 知 晓 。 6. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. 当 叶 子 成 熟 以 后 , 它 们 就 被 手 工 采 摘 , 然 后 被 送 去 加 工 。(l) are picked by hand意 为 “ 被 手 工 采 摘 ” ,是 被 动 语 态 结 构 :“be+及 物 动 词 的 过 去 分 词 + by+其 他 ” , 介 词 by意 为 “ 被 ”。 We are all moved by his words. 我 们 都 被 他 的 一 番 话 感 动 了 。 (2) process (to treat raw material, food , etc. in order to change it)动 词 , 意 为 “ 加 工 ;处 理 ” 。 The fish are processed by freezing. 这 种 鱼 经 过 了 冷 冻 处 理 。 process还 可 作 名 词 , 意 为 “ 过 程 ” 。 The training of astronauts is a long process 训 练 宇 航 员 是 个 长 期 的 过 程 。 7. The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China. 茶 被 包 装 起 来 , 然 后 被 运 送 到 中 国 周 边 的 很 多 不 同 的 国 家 和 地 区 。 pack作 及 物 动 词 , 意 为 “ 包 装 ;装 箱 ” 。 We usually pack shirts in paper bags. 我 们 通 常 用 纸 袋 包 装 衬 衣 。 pack 作 名 词 ,构 成 短 语 a pack of, 意 为 “ 一 包 ” I bought a pack of gum. 我 买 了 一 包 口 香 糖 。 3a Read the passage. What two things did Kang Jian want to buy in America? Where were they made?The Difficult Search for American Products in the US If you go to another country, what kinds of things would you buy? Would you buy a camera in Japan, some beautiful clothes in France, or a watch in Switzerland? No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries. However, you could be wrong. Kang Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco. He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. “I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys were American brands, they were made in China.” Toys are not the only things made in China. “I wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes,” he explains. “But I had to visit five or six stores before finding a pair made in America!” He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. “In fact,” he continues, “there are many other things there made in China footballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones. Even American flags are made in China!” Kang Jian thinks its great that China is so good at making these everyday things. However, he wishes that in the future China will also get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world. 3b Read the passage and answer the questions.1.Where did Kang Jian go to visit his aunt and uncle? In San Francisco.2. What did he discover in the toy stores? He discovered that most of the toys were made in China.3. Why did he have to visit many stores before buying a pair of basketball shoes? Because he wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes made in America, but most of them were made in China. 4. What did he realize after his shopping experiences? He realized China is so good at making these everyday things.5. Why do you think so many products in America are made in China? How do you feel about this? I think Chinese people are great; they can make many things and sell them to places around the world. It shows that China is a great and strong country. 3c Read the passage again and write what the underlined words in bold refer to.1.No matter what you may buy, you might probably think those products were made in those countries.those: _ _those: _(products) cameras, beautiful clothes, watches(countries) Japan, France, Switzerland 2.He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. it: _ _3. I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys had American brands, they were made in China. they: _so many products in the local shops were made in Chinamost of the toys 1. Would you buy a camera in Japan, some beautiful clothes in France, or a watch in Switzerland? 你 会 买 日 本 产 的 相 机 , 法 国 制 作 的 漂 亮 衣 服 ,还是 瑞 士 产 的 手 表 ? (1) France 名 词 , 意 为 “ 法 国 ” , 是 国 家 名 称 。 Have you ever been to France? 你 去 过 法 国 吗 ? French adj. 法 国 的 ;法 国 人 的 ; 法 语 的 n. 法 语Language Points 2. No matter what you may buy, you might probably think those products were made in those countries. 无 论 你 可 能 会 买 什 么 , 你 或 许 会 认 为 那 些 产 品 就 产 于 那 些 国 家 。 (l) no matter what意 为 “ 无 论 什 么 ” , 引 导 步 状 语 从 句 , 相 当 于 whatever。 No matter what/Whatever you say, I can not agree with you, 无 论 你 说 什 么 , 我 都 不 会 赞 同 你 。 与 no matter what用 法 类 似 的 还 有 : no matter who = whoever 无 论 谁 no matter when = whenever 无 论 什 么 时 候 no matter where = wherever 无 论 在 哪 儿 No matter where /Wherever you go, dont forget your hometown. 无 论 你 去 哪 里 , 都 不 要 忘 记 你 的 家 乡 。 (2) product (a thing that is grown or produced, usually for sale)名 词 , 意 为 “ 产 品 ; 制 品 ” , 可 指 农 业 加 工 品 、 工 业 产 品 及 脑 力 劳 动 的 产 物 。 They have no need to advertise our product. 他 们 没 有 必 要 为 我 们 的 产 品 做 广 告 。 The novel is the product of ten years of labor. 这 部 小 说 是 十 年 努 力 的 产 物 。 3. He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. 他 意 识 到 美 国 人 几 乎 不 可 避 免 会 买 到 中 国 制 造 的 产 品 。avoid (to keep away from somebody/something) 作 动 词 , 意 为 “ 避 免 ; 回 避 ” , 后 可 接 名 词 、代 词 、 或 动 词 -ing形 式 作 宾 语 , 但 是 不 能 接 不定 式 作 宾 语 。译 : 他 对 我 的 问 题 避 而 不 答 。误 : He avoided to answer my questions.正 : He avoided answering my questions. 1.Most _ turn yellow, red or brown in autumn. A. leaf B. leave C. leaves D. lives2. All kinds of new machines are made _ that factory. A. of B. from C. into D. inCI. 单 项 选 择 。 D 3. No matter _ you say, I would not believe you. A. how B. what C. where D. when4. Excuse me, havent you learned the new _ law? Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt. Sorry, we wont do that again. A. food B. traffic C. medicine D. educationBB 5. In autumn there are a lot of _ in the ground. A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves6. This pair of shoes_ hand, and it _ very comfortable. A. is made with; is felt B. are made from; is felt C. are made of; feels D. is made by; feels CD 7. What languages _ in that country? German and English. A. are speaking B. are spoken C. speak D. is spoken8. Many trees _ along the streets every year. So the air is very fresh now. A. plant B. are planted C. planted D. were plantedBB 9. Silver _ a ring for money. A. is usually made into B. is usually made of C. is usually made from10. I like the dumplings made _ my mother best. A. in B. from C. byA C 1. Be careful of these pieces of _ (glass). They may hurt you.2. Mo Yan now are well _(know) as a Nobel prize-winning writer.3. I have been to _ twice. But I cant speak _, even a little. (France)4. Get up early tomorrow, and you can avoid _ (arrive) there late.II.用 所 给 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空 。glassknownFranceFrencharriving Homework Master the words and expressions in this unit and pre-view next part. Unit 5What are the shirts made of? Translate the phrases.be made of be made in be widely known foron the side of mountainsby handIt seems that all over the worldbe good for 由 . 制 成在 制 造 /生 产 因 为 众 所 周 知 在 山 坡用 手似 乎 ., 看 来 好 像 .全 世 界有 益 于 If you take a trip abroad, what would you do? visit scenic spotstaste fine foodchat with local peoplebuy special productadj. 当 地 的 ; 本 地 的n. 产 品 ; 制 品learn a little local language If you go to Switzerland, what would you buy? If you go to France, what would you buy? Are your shirts made of cotton? Yes, they are. And they were made in the US.Whats the model plane made of? Its made of used wood and glass.Where is tea produced in China? Its produced in many different areas.Grammar Focus How is tea produced? Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.Active voice: People grow tea in Hangzhou.Passive voice: Tea is grown (by people) in Hangzhou. Is it made of silver?It was made in Thailand.What is the model plane made of?Where is tea produced in China?How is it grown?It is planted on the side of mountains.They are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.Read the sentences below, paying attention to the underlined parts. 在 英 语 中 , 动 词 有 两 种 语 态 , 即 主 动 语 态和 被 动 语 态 。 被 动 语 态 的 基 本 结 构 是 “ 助动 词 be + 及 物 动 词 的 过 去 分 词 ” , 其 中助 动 词 be有 人 称 、 数 和 时 态 的 变 化 ,其 变化 规 则 与 be作 为 连 系 动 完 全 一 样 。 1.一 般 现 在 时 被 动 语 态 的 各 种 句 式 结 构肯 定 式 主 语 +am/is/are+过 去 分 词 ( + by)否 定 式 主 语 +am/is/are + not +过 去 分 词 (+by) 疑 问 式 Am/Is/Are+主 语 +过 去 分 词 (+ by )?特 殊 疑 问 词 + am/is/are+主 语 +过 去 分 词 ( + by .)?被 动 不 离 “ be” “p.p.”, “p.p.”前 面 助 动 be。主 谓 一 致 莫 忘 记 , am, is, are现 在 时 。 2.一 般 现 在 时 被 动 语 态 的 基 本 用 法 用 法 示 例表 示 经 常 性 或 习 惯性 发 生 的 被 动 动 作 I am often asked the question by my pupils. 表 示 近 期 正 在 发 生的 被 动 动 作 These days people are moved by a teacher named Zhang Lili.描 述 某 种 常 态 化 的被 动 的 客 观 事 实 The spaceship is mainly controlled by computer.强 调 目 前 存 在 的 针对 行 为 主 体 人 的 被 限 制 性 动 作 You arent allowed to take photos. 3.主 动 语 态 变 为 被 动 语 态 的 方 法第 一 步 :将 主 动 语 态 的 宾 语 改 为 被 动 语 态 的 主 语 ;第 二 步 :将 主 动 语 态 的 谓 语 改 为 “be+及 物 动 词 的 过 去 分 词 ” 结 构 ;第 三 步 :将 主 动 语 态 的 主 语 改 为 介 词 by的 宾 语 , 放 在 谓 语 之 后 (有 时 可 省 略 )。如 图 示 : They (主 语 ) grow (谓 语 ) tea (宾 语 ) in the south-east of China. 被 动 语 态 :主 动 语 态 : Tea (主 语 ) is grown (谓 语 ) by them in the south-east of China. 1.People play football all over the world.2. The old man on TV tells a story on Sunday.3. Students listen to the kind teacher carefully. Football is played all over the world by people.A story is told by the old man on TV on Sunday.The kind teacher is listened to by students carefully. 把下列的主动句变为被动句。 4a Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.1.Children under 18 _ (not allow) to watch this show without their parents.2.We _ (pay) by the boss on the last Friday of each month.3.A: What language _ (speak) in Germany? B: Most people speak German, but many can speak English, too.4.Most of the earths surface _ (cover) by water.5.The classroom _ (clean) by the students every day.are not allowedare paid is spokenis coveredis cleaned 4b Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.1.Farmers plant the tea on the sides of mountains. The tea is planted on the sides of mountains by farmers. 2. This shop uses the best materials to make dresses. _ _3. Careless driving causes many traffic accidents. _ _The best materials are used to make dresses by this shop. Many traffic accidents are caused by Careless driving. 4. The postman brings letters and postcards to peoples homes. _ _5. Our family does not use this silver plate very often. _ _Letters and postcards are brought to peoples home by the postman.This silver plate is not used very often by our family. 4c Ask five classmates about something they are wearing or have in their schoolbags. The list of words below may help you.pencil, jacket, sweater, T-shirt, shoes, cap, gloves, ring.A: Whats your pencil made of?B: Its made of wood.A: Where was it made?B: It was made in Shanghai. Explanation1.What language is spoken in Germany? 在 德 国 人 们 说 什 么 语 言 ? Germany名 词 , 意 为 “ 德 国 ” , 是 国 家 名 称 。 German是 其 形 容 词 形 式 , 意 为 “ 德 国 的 ” ;还 可 作 名 词 , 意 为 “ 德 语 ;德 国 人 ” 。 The weather in Germany is quite different. 德 国 的 天 气 截 然 不 同 。 A German speaks German.德 国 人 说 德 语 。 词 尾 为 -man表 示 某 国 人 的 单 词 的 复 数 形 式一 般 是 把 -man变 为 -men. an Englishman two Englishmen a Frenchman two Frenchmen 但 是 , German “德 国 人 ” 的 复 数 形 式 则 是直 接 加 -s。 a German two Germans 2.Most of the earths surface is covered by water. 地 球 表 面 的 大 部 分 被 水 覆 盖 。 surface (the outside or top part of something) 名 词 , 意 为 “ 表 面 ;表 层 ” 。 The bowl has a shiny surface. 这 个 碗 表 面 光 亮 。 surface (the outer appearance of person, thing or situation.) 作 名 词 , 还 可 表 示 “ 外 表 ; 外 观 ” Her gentleness is only on the surface. 她 只 是 外 表 温 和 而 已 。 3. Careless driving causes many traffic accidents. 粗 心 驾 驶 导 致 很 多 交 通 事 故 。 traffic名 词 , 意 为 “ 交 通 ;路 上 行 驶 的 车 辆 ” , 指 的 是 路 上 来 往 的 车 辆 和 行 人 , 是 不 可 数 名 词 。 There is heavy traffic during the rush hours. 上 下 班 时 间 交 通 很 繁 松 。 There is little traffic on this road. 这 条 路 上 行 驶 的 车 辆 很 少 。 4. cap 帽 子 (a type of soft flat hat with a hard curved part at the front which is called a peak) 名 词 , 意 为 “(尤 指 有 帽 舌 的 )帽 子 ”。 John took Toms cap just now. 刚 才 约 翰 拿 走 了 汤 姆 的 帽 子 。 Ill buy a beautiful hat for my mother and a cool baseball cap for my father. 我 将 给 妈 妈 买 一 顶 漂 亮 的 帽 子 , 给 爸 爸 买 一 顶 酷 酷 的 棒 球 帽 。 cap 尤 其 指 男 性 戴 的有 帽 舌 的 便 帽 、制 服 帽hat 常 指 带 檐 的 帽 子 ,可 作 女 性 戴 的 帽子 的 通 称 及 帽 子的 总 称 1. It is said that two _ and three _ are going to visit our school next week. A. German; Japanese B. Germany; Japan C. Germanys; Japans D. Germans; Japanese2. Driving after drinking wine _ in China. A. allows B. doesnt allow C. is allowed D. isnt allowedD DI. 单 项 选 择 。 3. Excuse me, havent you learned the new _ law? Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt. Sorry, we wont do that again. A. food B. traffic C. medicine D. education4. If more trees _, our city will be more and more beautiful. A. plant B. planted C. are planted C. were plantedB C II.句 型 转 换 。1.I wash dishes every day. (改 为 被 动 语 态 ) _ _ _ _ _ every day.2. Most of the farm work is done by machine in China today.(改 为 一 般 疑 问 句 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in China today?3. The jacket is made of cotton. (改 为 否 定 句 ) The jacket _ _ _ cotton.Dishes are washed by meIs most of the farm work done by machine isnt made of 4. French and English are spoken in Canada. (对 画 线 部 分 提 问 ) _ _ _ _ in Canada?5. He takes good care of the child.(改 为 被 动 语态 ) _What language are spokenThe child is taken good care of by him. 【 2013江 苏 常 州 】 This listening material, together with its CD-ROMs, _ well. A. sells B. sell C. is sold D. are sold【 解 析 】 某 些 可 以 和 well, easily, smoothly等副 词 连 用 的 不 及 物 动 词 如 read, write, wash, clean, draw, cook, sell, lock, open等 , 且 主 语 是非 生 命 的 名 词 或 代 词 , 用 主 动 结 构 表 被 动 含 义 。本 句 的 主 语 为 This listening material为 第 三 人称 单 数 ; sell well意 为 “ 畅 销 ” 。 句 意 为 “ 这个 听 力 材 料 以 及 它 的 光 盘 很 畅 销 。 ” 故 选 A。 【 2013河 南 】 Excuse me. Im looking for Be the Best of Yourself. Sorry. The book you ask for_ out. A. is selling B. is sold C. was selling D. will be sold【 解 析 】 主 语 the book和 动 词 sell构 成 被 动 关系 , 又 时 态 为 一 般 现 在 时 , 因 此 用 一 般 现 在时 的 被 动 语 态 。 答 语 句 意 “ 对 不 起 , 你 要 的书 已 售 完 ” 。 故 选 B。 【 2013广 西 南 宁 】 Han Hans books are popular. They _ by many teenagers. A. is read B. was read C. are read D. were read【 解 析 】 由 上 句 可 知 韩 寒 的 书 很 受 欢 迎 , 用一 般 现 在 时 ; 主 语 they是 复 数 形 式 , 故 答 案选 C项 。 【 2013湖 北 宜 昌 】 At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups. More chances _ to students to learn from each other. A. offer B. are offered C. have offered D. are offering 【 解 析 】 句 子 大 意 为 “ 小 组 学 习 为 学 生 提 供了 更 多 相 互 学 习 的 机 会 ” 。 “ 机 会 ” 和 “ 提供 ” 之 间 存 在 被 动 关 系 , 须 用 被 动 语 态 。 四个 选 项 中 , 只 有 are offered为 被 动 语 态 。 故 选B。 【 2013湖 北 襄 阳 】 Didnt you see the sign “No Parking!” on the right? Sorry, I didnt. But now I know parking _ here. A. wasnt allowed B. isnt allowed C. wont allow D. doesnt allow【 解 析 】 由 上 句 中 的 “ No Parking!”可 知 ,停 车 不 被 允 许 , 根 据 时 间 状 语 now可 知 , 考察 一 般 现 在 时 态 的 被 动 语 态 , 故 选 B。 【 2013广 东 梅 州 】 The child without parents _ good care of by his


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