人教精通版英语六上Unit 2《What’s your hobby》(Lesson9)教学课件

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人教精通版英语六上Unit 2《What’s your hobby》(Lesson9)教学课件_第1页
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人 教 精 通 版 六 年 级 上 册 collecting toy carscollecting maps collecting stampscollecting picture cardsLets reviewWarm-up Whats your hobby?My hobby is Lead-inThis is a photo of my father. Can you guess his hobby? Look and sayHis hobby is fishing. He likes fishing. Whats your fathers hobby? PresentationHe likes flowers. So his hobby is _.Look and guess planting flowers PresentationLook and guessHe likes eating. So his hobby is _.cooking meals PresentationJust read and talkGao Wei and Jim are looking at the photos. What arethey talking about? Listen and sayThey are talking about Jims familys hobbies. PresentationHow many people are mentioned in the conversation? Just read and talk Listen and circleWho are they? Five people. Theyre Jims grandpa, grandma, father, mother and Gao Weis grandpa. What are their hobbies?PresentationJust read and talkJims grandpaGao Weis grandpa Jims father likes fishingplanting flowersdrinking Chinese teacookingJims grandmaJims mother singingRead and fill Just read and talk Jim: Hi, Gao Wei! Do you want to look at my family photos?Gao Wei: Sure! Wow! Whats he doing? Jim: My grandpa is fishing.Gao Wei: Is that his hobby? Jim: Yes. Whats your grandpas hobby?Gao Wei: His hobby is planting flowers.Presentation Listen and imitate Just read and talk Jim: Look here at my grandma. Her hobby is drinking Chinese tea.Gao Wei: Thats great! Whats your dads hobby? Jim: Look at this photo! His hobby is cooking.Gao Wei: Thats interesting! And whats your mums hobby? Jim: Her hobby is singing. In this photo, shes singing at her birthday party.Gao Wei: Thats wonderful!Presentation Listen and imitate Read it by yourself for one minute .自读对话一分钟。Learning tip : 1 0203 0 5 04 06 03 02 01 0Practice当 你 自 己 朗 读 时 , 遇 到 不 会读 或 不 明 白 意 思 的 单 词 或 句子 , 可 以 把 它 圈 起 来 , 请 教同 学 或 老 师 ! 小 组 合 作 , 练 习 对 话 并 表 演 , 其 他 同 学 评 价 。PracticePronunciation(语音) Fluency(流利) Cooperation(合作)OK!Great!Super! Ask and answerPractice Whats his hobby?His hobby is singing. Ask and answerPractice Whats her hobby?Her hobby is dancing. Ask and answerPractice Whats his hobby?His hobby is playing basketball. PracticePair work His hobby is Whats your mothers hobby?Whats your fathers hobby? Her hobby is PracticeLets do a survey My fathers hobby is cooking.My fathers hobby is fishing.Whats your fathers hobby? Name _ Date _ His hobby is reading.活 动 要 求 :1.活 动 时 间 : 5分 钟2.活 动 内 容 : 调 查 家 人 、 老 师 或 朋 友 的 兴 趣 爱 好 。3.活 动 形 式 : 学 生 4人 一 组 , 由 一 名 学 生 扮 演 采 访 者 , 其 他 3名 学 生 为 被 采 访 者 , 仿 照 图 片 提 示 进 行 活 动 。4. 展 示 方 式 : 小 组 集 体 展 示 ,每 人 至 少 说 一 句 话 。 如 何 询 问 别 人 的 兴 趣 爱 好 并 做 相 应 回答 呢 ?Whats your grandpas hobby?His hobby is .Summary例 句 Whats your grandpas hobby?His hobby is planting flowers. 1.跟 读 课 文 录 音 , 按 照 正 确 的 语 音 、 语 调 朗 读 课文 对 话 。2.调 查 你 的 父 母 或 身 边 的 朋 友 他 们 的 兴 趣 爱 好 ,并 制 成 一 张 表 格 , 要 求 用 英 文 填 写 。3.预 习 Lesson10。 Homework


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