人教新目标版英语七下Unit 7《It’s raining》(Period 3)ppt课件

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Unit 7 Its raining. 学 习 重 点单词:visit, Canada, summer, sit, juice, soon, vacation, hard, Europe, mountain, country短语:have a great time (doing), on a vacation, study hard, have fun, call sb, a lot句型:1. Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. 2. Im so happy to see them again. 3. My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. 预 习 检 测一、请根据中文意思写出下列单词。(这些都是黑体单词,要好好记住哦。)1. _ v. 拜访;参观2. _ n. 加拿大3. _ n. 夏天;夏季4. _ v. 坐5. _ n 果汁;饮料6. _ adv.不久;很快7. _ n. 假期8. _ n. 欧洲 Canadasitsummerjoicevisitsoonvacation Europe 9. _ adj. 多雨的;阴雨的10. _ n. 高山11. _ n. 国家 12. _ v. 滑冰13. _ adj. 下雪的14. _ n. 冬天;冬季 15. _ adj.俄罗斯的 n.俄罗斯人;俄语16. _ adv.努力地 adj.困难的预 习 检 测snowywinterRussianhardrainymountain countryskate 预 习 检 测二、请认真阅读课本,找出以下短语。17. 许多;大量 _ 18. 暑假 _19. 玩得开心 _ 20. 度假 _21. 此刻 _ 22. 写信给某人 _23. 努力学习 _ 24. 下个月 _ a lotsummer vocationhave a great time/ have fun on a vocationright nowwrite to sb. study hardnext month The place Su Lin is visiting 25. _The person Su Lin is visiting 26. _The subject Su Lin is studying in Canada 27. _The persons Dave is on a vacation with 28. _The weather in Europe 29. _预 习 检 测三、阅读P41 2b短文,完成下列信息表。EnglishCanada His aunt Cool and windyHis family 思 考 探 究have a great time的意思及用法have a great time意为“玩得开心”,其中,great 可以换成good/ nice1. 其同义短语是:_2. have a great time后接动词时,应把动词变为 _。例如:3. I have a great time_ (play) basketball.hard一词多义 当副词时,意为“努力地,猛烈地”;当形容词时,意为“困难的,硬的,猛烈的”。hardly 副词,意为“几乎不”。例如:have fun/ enjoy oneself 动词-ing形式(即动名词)playing 4. He studies very _ (努力). 5. Its raining very _ (猛烈). 6. I think math is very _ (困难). 7. He _ (几乎不) eats meat.反意疑问句的含义及用法Its hot in your country now, isnt it? 本句为反意疑问句,它由一个陈述句和一个简略的一般问句构成,两个句子用逗号隔开;它遵循“前句肯定,后句否定;前句否定, 后句肯定”的原则。两部分的时态要保持一致。如果前半句有never, hardly (几乎不), nobody (没有人), nothing (没有什么)等,后半句要用肯定。hardhardhardhardly 8. 他喜欢音乐,对吗? He likes music, _?9. 她不是老师,对吗? She isnt a teacher, _?10.他们上学从来不迟到,对吗? They are never late for school, _? Russian 一词多义它当作形容词时,意为“俄罗斯(人)的”;它当名词时,有两个意思:指“俄罗斯人”时,是可数名词,复数是11. _; 指“俄语”时,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。指国家“俄罗斯”时,要把Russian 变为12. _。doesnt he is she are theyRussians Russia Period 3训练案 (Reading P41)成效追踪(一) 根据2b内容完成短文填空,每空一词。 Su Lin and Dave are (1) _ a great time in two different places. Now Su Lin is visiting his aunt (2) _ Canada. He (3) _ studying English and learning (4) _ lot. Also, He is (5) _ some of his old friends. He is happy to see them (6) _. Now he is sitting by the pool and drinking orange (7) _. Dave is having a (8) _ time in Europe. He and his family are (9) _ a vacation in the mountains. The (10) _ there is cool and cloudy, just right for walking. havingin isavisiting againjuice great/goodonweather 二、阅读理解 Today is cloudy and cool. There are many old people taking a walk in the park. The children from No.1 Primary School are in the park, too. Miss Smith, their head teacher, is also playing with them now. Theyre having a good time. What are the children doing there? Lets have a look. There are some girls under the big tree. They are singing. Whos near the swimming pool? They are also some girls. They are playing games there. What are the boys doing? Theyre playing football near the river. 能 力 阶 梯 What about Linda and Lily? They are reading an interesting book by the river. Whats Lucy doing? Oh, shes watching her classmates playing football. They all feel relaxed today. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 11. How many kinds of activities do the children have in the park? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight.能 力 阶 梯A ( ) 12. What are the boys doing in the park? A. Playing games. B. Playing football. C. Reading a book. D. Flying kites.( ) 13. Where are Linda and Lily? A. There are near the pool.B. They are under the big tree. C. Theyre by the river.D. Theyre in front of the river.BC能 力 阶 梯 ( ) 14. Which of the following is true? A. Miss Smith isnt in the park today. B. A lot of old people are taking a walk in the park. C. Lucy is playing football. D. Some children are playing chess under the tree.( ) 15. Who is the story mainly(主要地)about? A. Some old people. B. Miss Smith. C. Linda and Lily.D. The children from No.1 Primary School.BD能 力 阶 梯 二、重点词汇积累(从提供的阅读文章中找出以下短语)16. 散步 _17. 玩得开心 _18. 看一看_19. 在大树下_ 20. 在河附近 _ 21. 在河边 _take a walk have a good timehave a look under the big tree near the riverby the river (三)重点句型解析并造句 在上面的短文中找出这句话:22. 她正在观看她的同学踢足球。_. watch sb. doing sth. 观看某人在做某事23. 她在观看孩子们跳舞。Shes watching the children _.24. 我在观看他们做游戏。Im watching them _.Shes watching her classmates playing football. playing games dancing


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