人教版七年级英语上册习题课件:专项训练 专题一 词汇 (共39张PPT)

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人教版七年级英语上册习题课件:专项训练 专题一 词汇 (共39张PPT)_第1页
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人教版七年级英语上册习题课件:专项训练 专题一 词汇 (共39张PPT)_第2页
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人教版七年级英语上册习题课件:专项训练 专题一 词汇 (共39张PPT)_第3页
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一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。Group 11Have a look at the Tshirts. We sell t_ for only 5 dollars.2Can you help m_ with my English? Of course.3Miss Li is o_ English teacher; we all like her very much.4These are my family members. I l_ them so much!5My book is here. Where is y_?6Excuse m_, is this your car?7What a beautiful girl! Do you know h_ name? 第 1 页专题一词汇hemeur oveourse er 8Call m_ at 6856034.9John and Jack are brothers. T_ go to school together. 10Whos that girl?S_ is a basketball star.11Is the map in your grandparents room?Yes, its on t_ bed. 12Her room is tidy, but y_ isnt. Group 21Hello, Im Alan. Nice to m_ you. 第 2 页专题一词汇e heyhe he ourseet 2My room n_ is 502. 3The pen is not m_. Its Jasons.4Steve and Simon are my good f_. 5You can call the police at one one z_6There are s_ students in my group, four girls and three boys.7Now we are m_ school students.8Miss Liu is a nice teacher, but I dont know h_ QQ number.9Hangzhou is a city in C_.10Green is Lindas l_ name. 第 3 页专题一词汇umberine riendseroeveniddle erhinaast 11We have e_ classes a day, four in the morning and four in the afternoon. 12I need a t_. I want to call my mother every day. 13Is the ID card y_?No, I think its Marys. 14Im May Black. She is Mary Black. We have the same family name. But our f_ names are different.15M_ Li is a good teacher. She is nice to us. Group 31Are these your b_?No, they arent. They are h_第 4 页专题一词汇ightelephoneoursirstr. ooks ers 2What a_ this pen? Is it yours?No, it isnt m_3There are many students in our s_4This is my schoolbag. Y_ is still in my room.5E_ me. Is this your pen?6How do you s_ the word “phone”?7This is my c_ game.8C_ me at 5342489, please.9This is my b_. It is yellow. 第 5 页专题一词汇boutine chooloursxcuse pellomputerall ike 10This is the k_ to the door. Lets go in. 11Your _ (戒指) is very nice.12I like watching _ (棒球) games.13Is it a _ (笔记本)?No, it isnt.14There are two _ (词典) on the desk. 15Lets go to the _ (图书馆)第 6 页专题一词汇eyring baseballnotebookdictionarieslibrary Group 41David a_ plays games with his friends.2W_ your ID card?Its in my schoolbag. 3There are s_ books on the sofa.4They are my friends and these are t_ bags. 5Where is my green cup?I t_ it is on your table. 6I dont know_ his name. 第 7 页专题一词汇lwaysheres ome heirhinkno 7There is a c_ on the wall. 8Is this your t_ player?No, it isnt. Its Davids. 9There are two n_ on the teachers desk.10The white model p_ is on the desk. 11Her things are e_, on the desk, on the sofa and under the bed. 12I have two _ (收音机)13Look. The _ (帽子) are on the bed. 14My schoolbag is _ (在下面) the bed. 15Im _ (整洁的), but Gina is not. 第 8 页专题一词汇lockapeotebookslaneverywhereradioscaps undertidy Group 51Let u_ play soccer. Its easy.2A_ class, I play volleyball with my friends.3Lets p_ volleyball. Its interesting.4My mother often w_ TV in the evening.5Watching TV is r_. 6Hurry up(快点儿),or well be l_7Tom and Jack are in the same class, so they are c_8This book is very i_; every student likes it. 第 9 页专题一词汇sfter lay atcheselaxing ate lassmatesnteresting 9I love s_, and I often play basketball.10I dont like math because it is so d_11We all l_ PE. because its relaxing.12What about playing soccer?That s_ great.13I h_ two sisters and Jim has one brother.14W_ TV is Jacks favorite.15Look! There is o_ one child left in the classroom. 第 10 页专题一词汇ports ifficultikeoundsaveatching nly Group 61Children should eat lots of v_ like carrots and tomatoes. 2Getting up early and going to bed early are very good h_3Jay Chou is a singing s_. Many young people like him.4I love fruit. I think its h_5One last q_Do you eat icecream after dinner?6David asks Cindy Smith about her e_ habits.7Red s_ are a kind of fruit.8I have hamburgers for b_第 11 页专题一词汇egetables abitstarealthyuestion atingtrawberries reakfast 9December 25th is Johns date of birth, so everybody says“Happy b_” to him.10Do you like salad?Yes, I r_ like it. 11I dont like fish, but I like eating c_. 12I want to buy some f_,such as apples,bananas and so on. Group 71He is about 177 cm tall, so he needs l_ pants.2I need a sweater for s_第 12 页专题一词汇irthdayeally hickenruit ongchool 3One d_ is about seven yuan.4S_ are only $5 for three pairs.5This hat is too s_ for me. I want a big one.6Come and buy your c_ at our great sale.7Whats the p_ of that sweater?8Thank you very much, Linda.You are w_9Jim b_ a Qianjiang Evening newspaper every day for his class.10There are t_ months in a year. 第 13 页专题一词汇ollarocks mall lothesriceelcomeuys welve Group 81The first month of a year is J_2Ms. Smith is our English teacher this t_. 3Whats your favorite month?A_. 4March is the t_ month in a year. 5Tomorrow is my grandpas eightieth birthday, and we buy a lot of t_ for his birthday.6Have a good t_, Mary!Thank you!7I am very b_ today, so I cant go to see you. 第 14 页专题一词汇anuary ermugust/Aprilhird hingsimeusy 8Tom is a s_ in No.2 Middle School.9We will have a school t_ on September 9th.10We have a happy art f_ today!Group 91Mr. Wang teaches us g_ at school. 2T_ is the fifth day of a week. 3Whats your f_ sport?Football. 4We have no class on Saturday and S_第 15 页专题一词汇tudent ripestivaleographyhursday avorite unday 5I think science is d_ but interesting.6After class we play volleyball for two h_7Why are you so busy today?B_ I have a lot of homework to do. 8My favorite s_ is science. 9She is good at painting. She likes a_ very much. 10Linda likes art and music because they are r_. Group 101Wheres your schoolbag? Its under the _ (课桌)第 16 页专题一词汇ifficult oursecause ubject rt elaxingdesk 2I think pingpong is _(容易的), but tennis is difficult.3This _ (衬衫)is nice.4_ (打电话)Mike at 8266519.Please _ (给打电话) Jane. This is her phone number.5Big is the opposite (相反的) of _ (小的)6Mr. Smith lives in _ (中国) now.7Tom is _ (十二) years old.8Mr. Green must _ (找到) his lost dog. 9Ill go to the park with my friends this _ (星期日)10These are Ginas _ (父母)第 17 页专题一词汇easyT-shirtCall call smallChinatwelve find Sundayparents Group 111Davids brother is lazy; his socks are _(到处)2Sandy has a good _ (吃) habit. She has some fruits and vegetables every day.3December is the _ (十二)month of a year.4The teacher says math is a _ (有用的) subject.5Her skirts are in all _(颜色). She likes them very much.6Thanks for your _(帮忙)7Terry _ (遇见) her good friend Celia at the bus stop every day.第 18 页专题一词汇everywhereeatingtwelfth usefulcolorshelpmeets 8I dont have any brothers or sisters, but I have some _(表兄弟)9Ted _ (必须) find his baseball, because he has a match tomorrow.10My father always reads newspapers _ (在以后) dinner. Group 121The _ (价格) of the skirt is fifty dollars.2_ (星期三) comes after Tuesday.3My favorite subject is _ (科学) at school.4Jack plays sports every day, so he is very h_.5Im a student. I do my h_ every day. 第 19 页专题一词汇cousinsmust afterpriceWednesday science ealthyomework 6E_ me, is this your pen?7Bills pants are long, but Emmas pants are s_二、阅读小短文,用方框中的所给词的适当形式填空。 Achicken, banana, food, egg, at, health, subject, eat, some, carrotThis is Tony. Is he 1._? Yes, he is. Because he 2._ well and plays sports every day. This is his 3._ list. For breakfast, he has an 4._ and some fruit. For fruit, he likes 5._ and apples. For lunch, he has 6._ and lots of vegetables. For vegetables, he likes 第 20 页专题一词汇xcuse horthealthy eatsfoodegg bananaschicken 7._. For dinner, he has a hamburger and 8._ salad. 9._ 7:00 every morning, he plays pingpong with his father. And his favorite 10._ is PE. Bher, on, too, my, birthday, love, play, name, a, July Hello, my 1._ is Li Hua. Kate is 2._ good friend. She is 3._ American girl. Her birthday is 4._ August 2nd. She has her 5._ party on that day. 6._ likes playing baseball and volleyball. My birthday is on 7._ 1st. I have my birthday party, 8._. I 9._ sports. I always 10._ basketball and soccer. 第 21 页专题一词汇carrots some Atsubjectname my anon birthdaySheJuly too loveplay Cbasketball, do, three, name, like, and, dont, lunch, under, picture Hello, friends! My 1._ is Jack. I have two 2._ here. This is the picture of my room. Some books are in the bookcase. Some photos are on the wall. Whats that 3._ the chair? Oh, its my basketball. I always play 4._. But I 5._ like tennis. Look at this picture. Its a picture of my dining room. I have 6._ meals here. For breakfast, I like eggs, oranges 7._ bananas. For 8._, I like hamburgers, salad and oranges. And for dinner, I 9._ chicken, tomatoes and bananas. 10._ you have a nice picture? 第 22 页专题一词汇name picturesunderbasketball dont threeand lunchlikeDo Dmother, she, her, be, sister, brother, too, father, happy, picture This is a 1._ of Xie Lis family. The girl 2._ Xie Li. 3._ is a student. This is Xie Jun. Hes Xie Lis 4._. He and his 5._ are in the same school. Their 6._ is Mr. Xie. Hes a teacher. The woman is Xie Li and Xie Juns 7._. 8._ name is Wang Juan. She is a teacher, 9._. Their family is a 10._ family.Eand, he, dont, sports, watch, boring, has, fourteen, ball, like 第 23 页专题一词汇picture is Shebrother sisterfathermother Hertoo happy Look at this photo. The boy in a blue jacket is my good friend. 1._ name is David. Hes 2._. He likes playing 3._ very much. He has ten soccer 4._,twenty basketballs and thirty baseballs. He always 5._ sports on TV. His brother John 6._ sports, too. He has five basketballs, six baseballs 7._ one soccer ball. They 8._ a good computer, buy they 9._ like playing computer games. They always say it is 10._. They are really good students. 三、根据句意,用适当的单词填空, 使句子意思完整。1Do you know that girl? Whats _ name?2We have English class _ Monday _ Friday. 第 24 页专题一词汇Hisfourteen sportsballs watcheslikesandhave dontboringherfrom to 3We often speak English with classmates _ class.4Theres a map _ China on the wall of our classroom.5I have _ uncle. His name is Jim.6Whats that?Its a photo _ my family.7My brother can sing well, _ he cant dance.8Call Alan _ 23341987. He is _ home.9We sell it _ a very good price.10Come _ Xinhua Bookstore and see _ yourself. 第 25 页专题一词汇after/before/inofan of butat atatto for 11_ does he have PE.?He has PE. at 3:00 in the afternoon.12We clean the classroom _ Friday afternoon. 13What color is that pen?Its _ green. 14_ _ is it today?Its July the fourth.15When is your birthday?My birthday is _ May. 第 26 页专题一词汇When on/What datein 16Is this man your friend?Yes, _ _17_ _ does she go to work in the morning? At 7:30.18_ go to the library to read books. Good idea. 19_ is that girl over there?Its Li Lin.20Is your name Gina? No, _ isnt. My name is Lucy. 第 27 页专题一词汇he isWhat timeLetsWhoit 21Tom plays _ volleyball very well.22I dont like geography _ its boring.23This is my friend. _ name is Bob.24_ _ are the socks?Fifty dollars.25_ is your pencil box?In my schoolbag. 第 28 页专题一词汇/ becauseHisHow muchWhere 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。1这个用英语怎么说?Whats this _ _?2迈克的杯子是什么颜色的?_ _ is Mikes cup?3安娜,请拼写一下你的名字。_ _ your name, Anna.4戴尔想对弗兰克说谢谢。Dale wants to _ _ to Frank. 第 29 页专题一词汇in EnglishWhat colorPlease spellsay thanks 5他姓韩。His _ _ is Han. 6这是戴尔的QQ号吗?_ _ Dales QQ number?7这是我的弟弟和妹妹。_ _ my brother and sister.8那是一箱棒球。Thats a(n) _ of _.9你可以找我哥哥要那张光盘。You can _ my brother _ that CD. 第 30 页专题一词汇family/last nameIs thisThese arebox baseballsask for 10请给他发电子邮件到jim351sina。Please _ him _ jim351sina.11露西的父母认为这个学校不错。Lucys parents _ the school _ good. 12汤姆总是在晚上给她打电话。Tom _ calls _ in the evening. 13玛丽的小刀在她的课桌上。Marys knife _ _ _ _. 第 31 页专题一词汇e-mail atthink isalways heris on her desk 14妈妈,我的手表在哪儿?对不起,我不知道。_ my watch, Mom?Sorry, I _ know. 15莉莉和珍妮在同一个班。Lily and Jenny are _ _ _ _16网球对你来说容易吗?Is tennis _ _ you? 第 32 页专题一词汇Wheresdont in the same classeasy for 17埃里克喜欢玩电脑游戏吗?_ Eric like to _ computer games?18放学后你想和海伦一起走吗?_ you want to go _ Helen after school?19我妹妹只吃水果沙拉。My sister _ _ fruit salad.20露西喜欢在哪儿吃午饭?_ _ Lucy like to have lunch?21给我几个小时考虑一下这件事。Give me a few hours to _ _ it. 第 33 页专题一词汇Does playDo withonly eatsWhere does think about 22我们想成为朋友。We want _ _ friends.23我喜欢汉堡包,但是我不常买。I like hamburgers, _ I dont often buy _24祝你过得愉快!Have a(n) _ _!25我今天下午想去学校图书馆。I want to go to the _ _ this afternoon. 26吉姆有一些照片要给你。Jim _ some photos _ you. 第 34 页专题一词汇to bebut themgood timeschool libraryhas for 27明天上午你可以来我家。You can _ _ my home tomorrow morning.28他们十月份有三场球赛。They have three _ _ in October.29汤姆,来跟我们吃午饭吧。Tom, _ _ _ _ with us.30我们八点上历史课,之后我们上英语课。We have history at 8 oclock. _ _, we have English class.31我认为琳达唱得非常好。I think Linda sings _ _第 35 页专题一词汇come toball gamescome and have lunchAfter thatreally well 第 36 页专题一词汇32他们卖的蔬菜价格都很优惠。They sell vegetables _ _ _ _33让我们这周五下午见。_ _ this Friday afternoon.34我们认为艾伦是个很有趣的人。We think Alan is _ _35和孩子们玩游戏是有趣的。Its interesting to _ _ _ children.36戴尔很友好。的确如此。Dale is very friendly.Thats _ _at a good priceLets meet great funplay games withfor sure 第 37 页专题一词汇五、写出下列相对应的数词形式。firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixtheighthninthtwelfth nineteenthtwentieththirty-first 第 38 页专题一词汇六、写出下列名词的复数形式。1book_ 2.pen_3key_ 4.boy_ 5class_ 6.watch_7family_ 8.party_ 9woman_ 10.child_11sheep_ 12.thank_ books penskeys boysclasses watchesfamilies partieswomen childrensheep thanks


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