春外研版七下Module8《story time》(Unit3)ppt课件

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Module 8 story timeUnit 3 Finally, she pushed the door.She didnt like the middle bed or the big bed.Did she pick any flowers in the forest?【本单元例句】 Goldilocks walked in the forest yesterday. 昨天,金凤花姑娘在森林里散步。walk加个ed就构成了过去式,规则动词的过去时变化口诀要巧记:主语v.过去式+其它一般过去式II (行为动词)Grammar 一般情况下加-ed pick-picked以e结尾只加-d like-liked辅音后的 y 变为i 再加-ed hurry-hurried双写规则要牢记 stop-stopped 何时双写?重读闭音节, 结尾只有一个辅音字母时双写最后的辅音字母,再加-ed。注意: -ed的读音, 关键看动词的最后一个 音素。请看下表: 清辅音后读 /t/ liked /t/浊元音后读 /d/ played /d/t/, /d/后面读/id/ counted /id/decided /id/ 1 Baby Bear _ at the girl in his bed.2 She _ the house.3 Goldilocks _ out of bed.4 She _ to the little house.5 The three Bears didnt _ the door because they were out in the forest. pointedenteredjumpedanswer enter hurry jump like notice point return try Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1 hurried answer 6 The three Bears didnt _ Goldilocks in bed at first.7 Goldilocks didnt _ to that part of the forest again.8 Did she _ the small chair first? No, she didnt. She tried the big chair first.9 Did she _ the small bed? Yes, she did.like noticereturntry Once upon a time there was a small boy called Tom. One day Tom (1) _to go for a walk in the dark forest. He (2)_ for a short time and then he (3)_ some flowers. Next, he (4) _ a little house. wantedwalkedpickedanswer ask be enter knock look notice pick walk wantComplete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.2 noticed He (5) _ on the door but nobody (6) _. He (7) _ the house. There (8) _ a big table, a big chair, a big bowl and a big bear. Then Tom (9) _ at the bowl of food with big eyes. The bear (10)_ Tom, “Are you hungry? Try some of my food.” Tom tried the food. Then they were good friends.knockedanswered enteredwere pointedasked Now work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.1 Did Tom want to go for a walk in the dark forest?2 Did he pick a lot of blue flowers?3 Did he notice a house?4 Did he knock on the door first?Yes, he did.No, he didnt.Yes, he did.Yes, he did. I. 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The old man _ (die) last night. 2. Tom _ (finish) all the food in his bowl. 3. My little sister rushed to me and _(大喊) loudly. 4. I _(注意到) that strange man over there.shoutedfinishednoticed diedQ UIZ II根据汉语意思补全下列句子。1. 她向四周看了看,注意到一所小房 子。 She _ _ her, and _ a little house.2. 汤姆赶快来到那所房子。 Tom _ _that house.looked around noticedhurried to 3. 我想到森林里散步。 I want to _ _ _ _ in the forest.4. 他决定去好好工作。 He _ to work hard.5. 托尼睁开眼睛,一骨碌从床上跳起来。 Tony _ his eyes, and _ _ _ the bed. jumped out of openedgo for a walkdecided III. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 (每空词数不限)。1. I _ (be) busy last week.2. Jack and I _ (be) late for school yesterday.3. I _ (walk) to school last Monday.was werewalked 4. Mary _ (not, visit) her aunt this morning.5. There _(be) a lot of people in this village five years ago.6.The girl _(stop) at the garden and picked some flowers.7. I _(be, not) at school yesterday.didnt visitwerestoppedwasnt 8.There _(be) some water in the cup.9. Tom _(arrive) in Beijing last month.10.The child _(cry) because there was nothing in his bag.wasarrivedcried 2. 他敲了敲门。3. 她向一间小房间里看了看。4. 她把碗里的东西全吃了。5. 她提起篮子,跑出了房间。He knocked on the door.She looked into a small room.She finished all the food in the bowl.She hurried out of the house with her basket.They didnt notice the girl at first.1. 他们起初没有注意到那个女孩。IV. 翻译下列句子。


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