六年级下册英语课件-Unit3 Part B Lets learn|人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共18张PPT)

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六年级下册英语课件-Unit3 Part B Lets learn|人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共18张PPT)_第1页
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六年级下册英语课件-Unit3 Part B Lets learn|人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共18张PPT)_第3页
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Free talkWhat did you do last weekend?I.How was your weekend?It was.Did you do anything else?Yes,I. Reviewgo-see-eat-ride-hurt- bought-ran-were-fell-came-wentsawaterodehurt buyrunarefallcome Look at the picture and answer What does Wu Yifan do ? eat fresh foodgo swimming buy giftstake pictures Look at the picture and answer What did Wu Yifan do ? ate fresh foodwent swimming bought giftstook pictures What did Wu Yifan do?He ate fresh food.eat ate/eit/ What did Wu Yifan do?He went swimming.go went/went/ What did Wu Yifan do?He took pictures.take took/tuk/ What did Wu Yifan do?He bought gifts.buy Read after the radioAmy: How was your holiday, Yifan?Wu Yifan: It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures. Pair work(1 minute)A: How was your.?B: It was . A: Where did you go?B:I went to.A: What did you do?B: I. Last summer holiday, Andy ateHe took pictures of He wentHe bought Robin is not for sale.How much is this? Sorry. You cant buy him. Hes my friend.Oops!Look and say Write an article. Last summer holiday, I went to Hainan with my parents.We went there by plane.Because it was faster than train.In Hainan,we went swimming in the sea and ate someseafood.They were delicious.We also tookmany pictures there. My mother bought many gifts for her friends.We had a goodtime there. 一 、 用 所 给 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空 。1、I _(ride) a horse yesterday.2、They _(eat) fresh food last Saturday.3、What did you do yesterday? I _(buy) a gift.4、Jim went to the park and _(take) pictures.5、How did you go to Beijing? We _ (go) there by plane.rodeatebought tookwent 二 、 选 出 错 误 的 一 项 并 改 正 。1.( )I went there with train. A B C2.( ) He did her homework last night. A B C 3.( )What did you saw in the zoo? A B C4.( )How did you went there? A B5.( )Did he sees a film yesterday? A B CC byB hisB seeB goB see 1.同步P 笔试部分。2. 抄背签P27 A本。3.100第 篇。4.预习P28。


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