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新版英语口语23句英语口语23句英语口语23句英语口语23句汇编 英语口语精炼1、Hi. Whats your name?A: Hi. Whats your name?你好。你叫什么名字?B: My name is Cherry. Whats your name?我的名字叫琦瑞。你叫什么名字?A: My name is Byron.Nice to meet you. Cherry.我的名字叫拜伦。认识你很高兴,琦瑞。B: Nice to meet you , too. Byron. 认识你我也很高兴,拜伦。A: Have a seat, please.请坐。B: Thank you.谢谢。2、Excuse me,are you Mr. Bao?A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Bao?请问,你是包老师吗?B: Yes, I am. Can I help you?是的,我是。有事吗?A: Yes, I want to study English with you.是的,我想跟你学英语B: Oh, thats great! Youve come to the right person.哦,那好啊!你算找对人了!A: Yes, Im so lucky to have such a good teacher like you.是的,有你这样的好老师我真幸运。B: Yes, you are. same here.是的,彼此彼此。3、May I have your name?A: Hi, my name is Tina. May I have your name?你好,我叫蒂娜。你能告诉我你的名字吗?B: Sure. My name is Byron当然可以。我的名字叫拜伦。A: Whats your Chineses name. Please?请问你的中文名字叫什么?B: My Chinese name is Bao jiankun我的中文名字叫保建昆。A: Can you write your Chinese name here?请把你的中文名字写在这里好吗?B: Sure.好的。4、Whats your fathers name?A: Whats your fathers name?你爸爸叫什么名字?B: His name is Wu dong.他的名字叫吴东。A: Whats your mothers name?你妈妈的名字叫什么?B: Her name is Cathy.她的名字叫凯茜。A: Do you have any brothers and sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗?B: I wish. Im the only child in my family.我倒是很想有。我是家里的独生子。5、Whats your first name?A: Whats your first name?你的名字叫什么?B: My first name is Bill.我的名字叫比尔。A: Can you spell it?请拼一下好吗?B: B-i-l-l, Bill. B-i-l-l, 比尔。A: Thank you. Heres your room key?谢谢。这是你房间的钥匙。B: Thank you.谢谢。6、Whats your last name?A: Whats your last name?你姓什么?B: My last name is Brown. You can call me Mr.Brown.我姓布朗。你可以叫我布朗先生。A: Mr. Brown, I have a question.布朗先生,我有一个问题。B: Sure . Go ahead.好的,问吧。A: How can I speak English as well as you do?我怎样才能把英语说的跟你一样好?B: Just speak it like I do.跟我一样说不就行了。7、Whats your full name?A: Whats your full name?你的全名是什么?B: My full name is Hans Miller. 我的全名是汉斯.米勒。A: Could you please fill out this form here?请填一下这个表格好吗?B: OK, can I use your pen?好的,我可以用一下你的笔吗?A: Sure. Here you are.当然,给。B: Sorry, please give me another form.不好意思,请重新给我一张表格8、Whats your friends name?A: Whats your friends name?你的朋友叫什么名字?B: His name is John Smith.他叫约翰. 斯密斯。A: What does he do?他是干什么的?B: Hes an English teacher.他是英语老师。A: His English is perfect.他的英语很棒。B: Yes, and he has a lot of students. 是的,他有很多学生呢9、May I have your last name,please?A: May I have your last name,please?请问您姓什么?B: My last name is Jones.我姓琼斯。A: How do you spell your last name?你的姓怎么拼法?B: Jones. J-O-N-E-S.琼斯,J-O-N-E-S。A: Thank you. you may go in now.谢谢。你可以进去了。B: Thank you.谢谢。10、Whats your family name?A: Whats your family name?你姓什么?B: My family name is Smith我姓史密斯。A: Oh,you must be Lindas uncle,arent you?你一定是琳达的叔叔吧?B: No,Im her elder brother.不,我是她的哥哥。A: Oh, really? Ive heard so much about you. Youre really a great man.哦,真的?真是久仰大名。你真是个了不起的人。B: Thank you for saying so. 谢谢你这么说。11、How do you spell your last name?A: How do you spell your last name?你的姓怎么拼?B: S-m-i-t-h, Smith. S-m-i-t-h,史密斯。A: Would you please say it again? I didnt get you.请再说一遍可以吗?我没有听清楚B: OK,S-m-i-t-h,Smith. Why do you have to know that so well anyway.好的,S-m-i-t-h,Smith。你为什么要知道这么详细?A: Im writing your name on the list. Were going to have a party.我在填一个名单,我们要举办一个晚会。B: Cool! I like parties. Ill sure be there.太好了,我喜欢晚会。我一定会去的。12、may I have your age?A: may I have your age?方便说一下你的年龄吗?B: Sure. I am forty years old. 当然可以,我四十岁了。A: kidding? You dont look it at all.真的?你看上去一点不像。B: Thank you. Thats so sweet.谢谢,你真会说话。A: Do you often work out?你经常锻炼吗?B: Sure, I like playing basketball and I often go jogging in the morning.是的,我喜欢打篮球,而且我经常在走上慢跑。13、How old is your father? A: How old is your father?你的爸爸多大岁数了?B: He is sixty-eight.他六十八岁了。A: He doesnt look it at all.他看上去一点都不像。B: Yeah, he likes sports and he often goes swimming in the afternoon.是的,他喜欢运动,而且他经常在下午去游泳。A: Thats great. I think we need to do some sports, too.太棒了!我想我们也得做一些运动了。B: Yeah, sports can make us strong and healthy.是的,体育运动能使我们身强体健。14、How old is your mother?A: How old is your mather?你的妈妈多大岁数了?B: She is sixty-five years old.她六十五岁了。A: Oh, really? I thought she was just about fifty.哦,真的?我还以为她只有五十岁左右呢。B: yeah, she looks young.是的,她看上去显得很年轻。A: Whats her secret?她的秘诀是什么呢?B: Shes always happy like a child. She doesnt worry about anything.她总是像个孩子似的随时开开心心,她从不为什么事担心。15、When is your birthday?A: When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?B: My birthday is next Tuesday.我的生日是下一个星期二。A: How are you gonna celebrate your birthday?你准备怎么过生日?B: Im gonna have a birthday party. Can you come?我想开一个生日派对。你能来吗?A: Sure, Can I bring my boy friend.当然了。我可以带我男朋友来吗?B: Of course. I havent seen him for ages.当然了,我好就没有见到他了。Gonna=be going toWonna=want to16、What are your plans for your birthday?A: What are your plans for your birthday?你的生日计划是什么?B: My boss is throwing me a party. 我的老板要给我开一个派对。A:Kidding? I love your boss.真的?我爱死你的老板了。B: Yeah,hes really nice to me.是的,他对我真的很好。A:I wish I had a boss like him.我希望我有一个像他那样的老板。B: Come on, your boss is good enough to you!行了,你的老板对你够的了!17、How will you celebrate your birthday?A: How will you celebrate your birthday?你的生日怎么过?B: My colleagues are gonna celebrate it with me.我的同事们要跟我一起过。A: Are you gonna have your birthday party at your office? 你要你的办公室举办生日聚会吗?B: Yes, would you like to come?是的,你想来吗?A: Sure. What time.当然了。几点钟?B: Six oclock. You can come over a little earlier.六点钟。你可以早点过来。18、I Would like to invite you to my birthday party. Can you come?A: I Would like to invite you to may birthday party. Can you come?我想请你参加我的生日晚会。你能来吗?B: Ill definitely be there.我一定会来的。A: Is Jack coming with you? 杰克会跟你一起来吗?B: Im not sure. I hope he will be home early today.我不知道。我希望他今天会早点回家。A: Does he often work overtime?他经常加班吗?B: Not really. His work is pretty flexible.也不是,他的工作灵活性太大了。19、When are you coming back?A: When aer you coming back?你什么时候回来?B: I will come back tomorrow.我明天就回来。A: Can you come home today? Its my birthday today!你能今天回来吗?今天是我的生日啊!B: Oh, Im sorry. Baby.I cant come back today. But Ill bring you a nice present!哦,对不起,宝贝,我今天不能回来。但是我会给你买一个漂亮的礼物的!A: What gift? A talking pen?什么礼物?点读笔?B: OK, a talking pen. Ill buy it!好的,点读笔。我会买的!20、When were you born?A: When were you born?你什么时候出生的?我是一九九0年出生的。A: When is your birthday?你的生日是哪一天?B: My birthday is June 1st.我的生日是六月一日。A: Its easy to remember. Youll remember your birthday when you celebrateChildrens Day now!很好记,一到儿童节你就想起了你的生日。B: But I dont celebrate Childrens Day now!可是我现在不过儿童节了。21、When is your birthday?A: When is your birthday?你的生日是在什么时候?B: My birthday is on May 4th.我的生日是五月四日。A: Are you gonna give a birthday party. 你要举行生日聚会吗?B: Not really. I dont have many friends here.不一定,我这里没有很多朋友。A: I can celebrate your birthday with you.我可以跟你一起庆祝生日啊。B: Oh, yes Lets go mountain climbing on my birthday.哦,是啊!我生日的时候咱们去爬山吧。22、When is Sallys birthday?A: When is Sallys birthday?莎丽的生日是什么时候?B: Sallys birthday is on October first.莎丽的生日是十月一日。A: Its a pity. Ill be away on business at that time.真遗憾,那个时候我要出差了。B: you can just buy her a present.你可以给她买个礼物就行了。A: Really? What kind of gift does she like?真的?她喜欢什么礼物呢?B: Just buy her a doll. She likes dolls.23、What do you get for your birthday every year?A: What do you get for your birthday every year?你每年生日都得到什么东西?B: Every year I get a big birthday cake for my birthday.每年生日的时候,我都收到一个大生日蛋糕。A: Who buys you the birthday cake every year?每年生日谁给你买生日蛋糕?B: Of course my mother. My father always forgets about my birthday. Hes too busy.当然是我妈妈了。我爸爸老忘了我的生日,他太忙了。A: When is your birthday你的生日是什么时候?B: Oh, next Tuesday is my birthday. I gotta tell my father about it. Otherwise he will forget it again.哦,下个星期二是我的生日,我得告诉我爸爸,否则又会忘了。


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