四年级上册英语课件-Module 7Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike外研版(三起) (共32张PPT)

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四年级上册英语课件-Module 7Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike外研版(三起) (共32张PPT)_第1页
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四年级上册英语课件-Module 7Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike外研版(三起) (共32张PPT)_第2页
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四年级上册英语课件-Module 7Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike外研版(三起) (共32张PPT)_第3页
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外研版小学英语四年级上册 马蔬菜爬羊脸horseclimb vegetablefacesheep摘苹果Lets play There is an apple tree. Watch and answer Whats in the picture?There is a boy in the picture. There are three boys in the picture.There are twelve boys in the picture. Listen, point and sayThere is a boy on the bike.There are three boys on the bike.There are twelve boys on the bike. Lets countI can seeWhat animals can you see?two cows two sheep one dogone horse three ducks two pigs Lets learn. The pig is eating fruit.fruitpig水果猪 Lets learn. There are three chickens in the photo.chickenthere are有,存在鸡 Lets learn. There are four bears in the photo.bear熊 Missing game考考你的记忆力pigfruit chickenbear按单词消失的先后顺序读单词。pigfruitchicken bearLets play. What animals can you see?panda chickensbear pigsWatch and say Listen and sayThere are three chickens in the photo. Theyre eating rice.There is a panda in the photo. Its eating fruit. Listen and sayThere is a bear in the photo. Its eating sweets.There are eleven pigs in the photo. Theyre eating fruit and vegetables. No! There are twelve. Ask and answer1. Can you see one panda and one bear? _2. How many pigs are there ? _3. How many chickens are there in the picture? _There are twelve.There are three.Yes, we can. There be 句型表示“存在”, “有”,指某处存在,有某物。There be(is/ are) +主语+其他。There be句型有特点,主语跟在be后面。单数主语用is,复数主语are出现。文本解读概念结构用法 Fill in the balnks1. In the picture, the panda is _.2. The chickens are _.3. The bear is _.4. The pigs are _.eating riceeating fruit根据短文内容填空。eating sweetseating fruit and vegetables. Role play以小组为单位练习对话,并表演。 Read the dialogue. 合作朗读。2. Role play the dialogue.(含有表情、语气、动作表演对话。) Lets sing Point and sayThere are two cats. They are climbing a tree.There are _. They are _. Look, remember and say.Look at the picture. Whats in it? What are they doing? Look, remember and say.There are two girls. Theyre rowing a boat. No, theyre playing chess.A同学将图片放在身后,B同学凭记忆描述,A做判断并纠正。 Do and say.将你喜欢的图片剪下来。There is a lion in the photo. Its running fast.跟同学们描述一下图片的内容吧! Fill and say. _ _in the picture.They _.There are two boysare playing basketball Fill and say. _ _in the picture.They _.There are four pigsare dancing Fill and say. _ _in the picture.They _.There are three chickensare singing Lets paly两人一组进行“画画说说”的游戏:每人画一幅游乐园的图画,然后讲给同桌听。There are two men in the picture. They are talking. 一、用is, are填空。 There _ a horse in the picture. There _ three boys on the bike. There _ some sheep on the farm. There _ a cat in the photo.1. There _ ten chickens in the photo.is are is are are 1. 动物园里有三只熊。_2. 这三只猪在吃蔬菜。_二、翻译句子There are three bears in the zoo.The three pigs are eating vegetables. 三、选择题1. There _ ten pens in the pencil box.A. is B. are C. be2. There is _ pig on the farm. A. two B. a C. some3. They are _ fast. A. runing B. running C. runA BB Summary词汇 fruit pig chicken bear there are 2. 句型 There are +数词+复数名词+其他。 Homework1. Read and write the new words.2. Listen and imitate “Unit 2”. Module 7 Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike词汇 fruit pig chicken bear there are 2. 句型 There are +数词+复数名词+其他。


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