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仁爱版英语八上 topic 3 the students used li ve models, didn t they word 教案 4 篇Section A 教学案例The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a 和 2a。 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:railway, remain, pull, pull down, worn out, government2. Learn tag questions:(1) Its a nice day, isn t it?Yes, it is.(2)Let s go and have a look, shall we?(3) There are still many old city walls in Beijing, arent there?No, there arent.(4)You know a lot about them, dont you?3. Talk about cultural relics:(1)These are old city walls. They are more than 700 years old.(2)There used to be lots of old city walls in Beijing.(3)Most old city walls were pulled down in the 1960s.(4)The government is trying to protect and rebuild the old city walls. . Teaching aids 教具录音机 /幻灯机或多媒体 /小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1Review 第一步复习 (时刻 :7 分钟 )1. (通过师生对话导入新课。 )T: Hi, S1. Do you like travelling? S1: Yes, I like it very much.T: Where have you been?S1: Mount Tai. (学生讲什么地点都能够。 )T: Would you like to travel to Beijing?S1:Yes, I d love to.T: Why would you like to travel to Beijing?S1:Because there are many places of interest in Beijing.T: Could you say some places of interest in Beijing?S1:Yes, the Great wall, the Summer Palace( 学生尽可能多 ,其他学生也可 充。学生 的同 ,教 用多媒体 件出示 的 片,以启 学生 的 好。)2. (教 用多媒体或 片展 北京的古城 , 其中有些古城 差不多破 不堪。引出生 及反意疑咨 句。 )T: Look, what are these?Ss:They are old city walls.T: They are very beautiful, arent they?(板 并 明。)They are very beautiful, aren tthey?Ss: Yes, they are. (关心学生回答,并注意反意疑咨 句的答 。 ) T: Right, but only a few of them remain now, because some of them are worn out, some of them were pulled down.(板 )worn out, remain, pull down来T: Class, do you want to know more about the old city walls? Now lets listen to the conversation between Kangkang and Michael.( 入 1a。)Step 2Presentation 第二步出 ( 刻 :8 分 )1. ( 置 的听力任 ,听 1a 音,感知 的内容。 )T: Now lets listen to 1a and find out the answers to the questions(1) Where did Kangkang and Michael go to see some old city walls?(2) How many years are the old city walls? (核 答案。 )2. (再听 1a 录音,回答下列咨询题。进一步感知对话内容,把握反意疑咨询句。 )T: Now listen to 1a again, then answer the following questions.(1) It s a nice day, isnt it?来(2) There are still many old city walls in Beijing, aren t there?(3) Kangkang knows a lot about the old city walls, doesnt he? (核对答案。 )Step 3Consolidation 第三步巩固 (时刻 :15 分钟 )1. (在 1a 中找出反意疑咨询句。教师找几名同学将找到的句子写在黑板上,教师给予总结。完成 1b。)(板书 )1. It s a nice day, isntit?2. Lets go and have a look, shall we?3. There are still many old city walls in Beijing, arentthere?4. You know a lot about them, don tyou?2. (跟读 1a,注意语音语调。 )T: Listen to the tape and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. (按照黑板上的句子表演对话。 )T: Act out the dialog according to the tag questions on the blackboard.4. (完成 1c。巩固反意疑咨询句。 )T: Now, class, please do 1c by yourselves. Then lets check theanswers.(师生共同核对答案。 )Step 4Practice 第四步练习 (时刻 :10 分钟 )1. (通过师生对话,引入 2a。)T: Were there many old city walls in Beijing before? S1: Yes, there were.T:Are there many old city w alls in Beijing now?S1:No, there arent.T: What happened to them? Do you want to know? Now, lets see s ome pictures.2. (教师利用幻灯片出示下列图片, 明白得生词 rebuild,让学生利用图下面的词语,给每幅图写一个句子。 )T: Make sentences according to the words under the pictures.r)(used(try to, protect, rebuild)to be)(be pulled down)(appea(学生活动期间,教师在教室里来回走动,及时关心有困难的学生,然后找四个学生到黑板上写出自己的句子。 )(检查学生的书写情形并讲评,适当贯穿德育教育。)T: This is the change in the old city walls.(板书 )a change in the old city walls3. (听 2a 录音,注意语音语调。板书并关心学生把握生词government。)T: Here is a passage about the change in the old city walls. Lets listen together and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.4. (按照 2a 图片及下面的提示词复述北京古城墙的变化。 )5. (通过小组对话,完成 2b。教师先做示范。 )T:Hi, S1. Do you agree to pull down the old city walls or protect the old city walls?S1: I agree to protect the old city walls.T:Why do you think so?S2: Because they make the city more beautiful. We can learn a lot from them about history and people.T:What about the others ideas? Please talk about it with your classmates.(讨论 2 分钟后完成 2b。)6. (小组活动。把全班同学分成四组,使用should, shouldn t, must,must not 讨论我们应该做些什么来爱护文化古迹。讨论之后,每组选一名代表在班级做汇报。完成3。)T: Discuss in groups. Talk about what should we do to protect ou r cultural relics. Then report it to the other classmates.Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动 (时刻 :5 分钟 )1. 方案一 :(学生小组讨论下列咨询题,然后给当地的政府机构写一封建议信。 ) T: Discuss the questions in groups, then write a letter to the local government to talk about how to protect the places of interest.(1) Are there any places of interest in your hometown?(2) What is happening to them?(3) What should we do to protect them?方案二 :(可按照 3 的讨论结果,制作一张海报,提醒市民爱护自己的家园。)T: There is a park in your city. The park is very beautiful. It attr acts (吸引 ) many people to visit, so please make a poster to protect theenvironment in the park. You can do it like this:NOTICE(1) You shouldn tspit in the public place.(2) You mustntpick flowers.(3) 2. Homework:编一个对话,谈论当地的名胜古迹或熟悉的自然风光,适当地运用反意疑咨询句。(将下列各句 成反意疑咨 句。)(1)Let s go home,?(2)There are many people in the park,?(3)My mother was watching TV this time yesterday,?(4)Jim runs more quickly than I,?板书设计 :The builders used live models, didntthey?Section Aworn outGrammar: Tag questions:pull down There are many old city walls in Beijing, arentthere? No, there arent.Lets go and see them, shall we?八上仁爱版英 Unit 4 Topic 3 The builders used live models, didnttheySection B 教学案例The main activities are 1a, 3a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a, 3a 和 4。 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:wonder, live, treasure, underground, palace, the Summer Palace, west, queen, university2. Go on learning tag questions:(1) You visited Emperor Qins Terracotta Warriors last week, didntyou?(2) The builders used live models, didnt they?(3) There are many treasures in Qin Shihuangs Underground Palace, arent there?3. Talk about symbolic buildings:(1) I think they are one of the greatest wonders of the world.(3) It is in France. It was built for the International Exhibition of Pa ris in 1889.(4) It stands in New York. It was a gift from France.4. Talk about measurement:(1) The Xi an City Wall is about 13.7 kilometers long.(2) It is 12 meters high(3) It s 15-18 meters wide. . Teaching aids 教具录音机 /多媒体 /小黑板 /图片 /卷尺 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1Review 第一步复习 (时刻 :10 分钟 )1. (以对话的形式复习 Section A 中的目标语言,导入新知识。 ) T: Its a lovely day, isnt it?Ss: Yes, it is.T: So I think it s a nice day for travelling. Do you like travelling?T: Would you like to visit some places of interest? Ss: Yes, wed like to.T: Last week we visited the old city walls in Beijing with Kangka ng and Michael. Today we are travelling to another famous place to seesome places of interest. Guess, where shall we go?Ss:(学生可能讲出许多都市名, 当学生讲出西安时, 老师能够讲以下内容: )T: Yes, this class well travel to Xi an. In Xi an, which places would you like to visit?(当学生讲到秦始皇兵马俑时,教师用多媒体或图片出示秦始皇兵马俑。 )T: Do you want to visit them? Ss:Yes, we do.T: They are Emperor Qins Terracotta Warriors. They are in Qin Shihuangs Underground Palace. The Underground Palace is also called Emperor Qins tomb.(板书 )Emperor Qin s Terracotta Warriorsunder+ground = undergroundpalaceT: Emperor Qin s tomb is one of the greatest wonders of the world. The builders used live models to make the warriors, and many people believe there are lots of treasures there.(板书 )wonderbuilderlive modeltreasureT: Who else went to Xi an? Lets listen to the conversation together.(导入 1a。)Step 2Presentation 第二步出现 (时刻 :10 分钟 )1. (设置听力任务,听 1a 录音。 )T: Now listen to 1a and answer the followingquestions:(用小黑板出示咨询题。 )(1) Who visited Emperor Qin s Terracotta Warriors last week?(2) Who made the warriors?(3) Did the builders use live models?(4) Are there many treasures in Qin Shihuang s Underground Palace?(核对答案。 )2. (让学生自己朗读 1a,找出反意疑咨询句并板书在黑板上, 教师适当讲解。 )T: Now read 1a and find out the sentences with tag questions.(出示小黑板,练习反意疑咨询句。)(1) Jane never does her best to study, _ _?(2) There are few treasures in the tomb, _ _ _?(3) They didn tgo swimming yesterday, _ _?(4) Li Lei isn ta w orker, is he? _, h e is a student.(5) Lucy doesn tcome from London, does she? No, _ _.Step 3Consolidation 第三步巩固 (时刻 :10 分钟 )1. (学生跟读 1a,注意语音和语调,并找出关键词。)T: Listen to the tape and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciationand intonation. Write down the key words.visited, wonders, made, ordered, used, treasures, palace2. (教师让学生按照关键词, 两人一组练习对话。 然后找几组学生表演对话。完成 1a。)3. (师生对话,完成 1b。)T: Jim visited Emperor Qin s Terracotta Warriors last week, didnthe?S1:Yes, he did.T: Emperor Qin s Terracotta Warriors are one of the greatest wonder s of the world, arent they?S1:Yes, they are.T: The first Emperor, Qin Shihuang, ordered his men to make them, didnt he?S1:Yes, he did.T: The builders used live models, didnt they? S1:Yes, they did.T: There arent many treasures in Qin Shihuangs Underground Pal ace, are there?S1:Yes, there are. / No, there arent.(教师示范后,让学生分组练习。 3 分钟后,挑几组学生表演。 ) 4. (听 2 录音,完成 2。)(1) (让学生先默读 2 中的句子。 )(2) (学生听两遍录音,写出答案。 )T: Now, look at 2. First, please read sentences silently. Then listen to the conversation twice and mark True (T) or False (F).(3) (核对答案。 )Step 4Practice 第四步练习 (时刻 :10 分钟 )1. (小组活动。将全班学生分成几个小组,先小组内预备,然后每个小组抽一位学生代表本组发言,让这些被选出来的学生轮番讲一个国家的名字,后面的学生不能重复前面讲过的国名。哪个组讲得多,哪个组获胜。) T: Lets play a game. Please say the names of countries you knowin turn. The group which names the most countries will be the best grou p. Group 1, begin.(板书 )G1 : England, Japan, USA, BrazilG2 : China, Cuba, Australia (教师总结,夸奖优胜组。)T: Do you want to travel to these countries? Ss: Yes, we do.2. (教师用多媒体出现北京天坛的图片,引出生词,导入 3a。) T: (手指着图片咨询。 ) Which place is it?Ss: It s the temple of Heaven. It s in Beijing, China. (引导学生回答。 )(教师依次出现大本钟、自由女神像和艾菲尔铁塔的图片。关心学生讲讲这些建筑的名字和所属国家。 )3. (把 3a 中的图片和描述连线,完成 3a。)T: OK, please match the descriptions with the pictures in 3a. (核对答案,完成 3a。)4. (师生对话导入 3b。) (教师出现西湖图片。 )T: Look at the picture. What is it? S1: It s the West Lake.T: Where is it?S1: It s in Hangzhou.T: Why is it famous?S1:It is famous for “Xi Hu Shijing ”.(教 出示北京大学等多幅 名地点 片, 学生用上面的 行描述。 )5. ( 生利用 片 行 ,完成 4。) (教 出示紫禁城的 片。 )T: Do you want to know more information about it? Ss: Yes.T: Its 960 meters long and 750 meters wide. Now, look and listen. (教 拿出卷尺 一位学生量身高。 )T: S1 is 1.65 meters tall. (教 另一位学生量 桌的 度。 )S2:The desk is 1.00 meter long.(教 找两位同学去量教室的 、 ,并 果。)S3 S4:The classroom is 10 meters long and 7 meters wide.( 学生用卷尺 量自己周 物体的 、 或高,并用英 量的 果。然后教 和学生共同 那个句型。完成 4。)Step 5Project 第五步 合探究活 ( 刻 :5 分 )1. (出示 和园的 片, 学生 并 它 行描述,然后回答咨 。 )(1)What is it?(2)Where is it? (3)Why is it famous?(4)Do you know more about it?2. ( 学生用 4 的句型描述一件物品。 )3. Homework:写一段 描述你当地的名 古迹。板 :The builders used live models, didn tthey?Section BEmperor Qin s Terracotta WarriorsTag questions: You visited Emperor Qin s Terracotta Warriors, didn tyou? Yes, I did.Underground Palace Peking UniversityAbout measurement:The Xi an City Wall is about 13.7 kilometers long.It is 12 meters high.It is 15-18 meters wide.八上仁 版英 Unit 4 Topic 3 The builders used live models, didnt they Section C 教学案例The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本 重点活 是1a 和 2a。 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目 1. Learn some useful words and expressions:king, ancient, be made up of, weigh, ton, from then on, regard, rega rd as2.Go on learning about measurement:(1) Each side is 230.4 meters long.(2) It s 138 meters high.(3) It is about 4,000 miles long.3.Talk about symbolic buildings:(1) The pyramids in Egypt are world-famous.(2) It is one of the“Seven Wonders”of the ancient world.(3) Until the 19th century, it was the tallest building on earth.(4) It took about 100,000 people over 20 years to build it.(5) Many people believe the Great Pyramid is the oldest and greatest building in the world.(6) From then on, people regarded the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation. . Teaching aids 教具录音机 /多媒体 /图片 /小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1Review 第一步复习 (时刻 :8 分钟 )1. (通过对话复习 Section B 中的目标语言。 ) T: Would you like to travel to Xi an?S1: Yes, I do.T: Why do you want to travel there?S1: Because there are Emperor Qin s Terracotta Warriors there.S1: Of course. The first emperor, Qin Shihuang, ordered his men tomake them. The builders used live models. They are one of the greatest wonders of the world. So they are very valuable.T: Very good.(再让几名学生描述一下秦始皇兵马俑。)2. (由秦始皇兵马俑引出埃及金字塔。引出生词,导入新课。)T: As we know, Qin Shihuangs Underground Palace is the tomb of the first emperor. What other world-famous king s tombs do you know?(板书 )world-famous, king, tomb(引导学生讲讲埃及金字塔,然后教师出示金字塔图片并陈述。)T: Yes. The pyramids in Egypt are world-famous. It is one of the “Seven Wonders”of the ancient world. The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the largest of them. It is made up of two million stones and each stone weighs more than two tons.(板书 )pyramid, Egypt, ancient, be made up of, million, weigh, tonStep 2Presentation 第二步出现 (时刻 :10 分钟 )1. (让学生快速阅读1a,并完成表格。 )T: We know the Great Pyramid is one of the greatest wonders of the world. Do you want to know more about it? Please read 1a and fillinthe table below.(板书 )A Brief Introduction of The Great PyramidWhoWhenWhereWhyHow longLongHigh(核对答案。 )2. (小组活动。按照表格内容进行咨询答。教学数词的读法。 ) T: Ask and answer some questions according to the table. Example:S1:Who built the Great Pyramid?S2:Its Khufu.S1:When did he order his men to build it?S2:In about 2560 B. C.S1:Where is it?S2:Its in Egypt.S1:Why did he build it?S2:As his tomb.S1:How long did it take to build it?S2:Over 20 years.S1:How long is each side?S2:Its 230.4 meters long.S1:How high is it?S2:Its 138 meters high.T: Now we know some information about the Great Pyramid. It is 2 30.4 meters long and 138meters high. It took about 100,000 people over 20 years to build it. 3. (让学生画出文中显现的数词并朗读,完成 1b。)T: Read 1a again and circle the numbers in 1a and read them. (学生归纳数词的读法规则,然后教师补充。 )4. (练习数词读法。 )T: Can you say the following numbers:(出示小黑板。 )16.51382, 5604, 000300, 000365, 204, 708(核对读法。 )Step 3Consolidation 第三步巩固 (时刻 :10 分钟 )1. (按照 1a 回答咨询题,完成 1c。)(1) (两人一组进行对话练习。 ) Example:S1: Where are the pyramids?S2: They re in Egypt.S1: Which is the largest of the pyramids?S2: The Great Pyramid of Khufu.S1: (2) (挑几 学生在全班学生面前表演 。 ) 2. (再 1a,完成 1d。 )T: Read 1a and finish 1d.(核 答案。 )3. (听 1a 音, 学生跟 1a,仿照 音 ,并画出关 。 )T: Listen to the tape and follow. Write down the key words.The Great Pyramidin Egyptas tombthe greatestone of the Seven Wonders100, 000 people over20 years, two million230.4 meters long,stones138 meters high2560 B. C.4. (学生自己朗 1a 文,画出重点和 以明白得的 句。然后教 解答疑 咨 。 )T: Read 1a and find out the key sentences and difficult points.(板 )(1) It takes sb. some time to do sth.=sb. spends some time (in ) doing sth.It took me half an hour to finish my homework yesterday.I spent half an hour finishing my homework.(2) be made up ofThis band is made up of two boys and two girls.5. (小 活 。 学生按照关 句复述 1a 文,先在小 内复述,然后挑几名学生到前面复述。 )Step 4Practice 第四步练习 ( 刻 :12 分 )1. (做猜 游 , 入 2a。)T: Do you like playing games? Now, lets play a guessing game.Guess “What is it?”.(游戏规则:教师每讲一句,学生能够抢答,直至讲出答案。)(1)It is a place.(2)It is world-famous.(3)It is in China.(4)Many foreign friends want to visit it.(5)It is the symbol of China.(6)There is a saying“He who doesnt reach the Great Wall isnt a true man.”2. (学生讲了答案之后,教师出示长城的图片。关心学生学习短语。)T: Yes, it s the Great Wall. Who first joined the Great Wall? Ss: Qin Shihuang.T: Right. Qin Shihuang joined the old walls togeth(板书 )join togetherThis railway joins Beijing and Jiulong together.T: What do you think of the Great Wall?Ss:Its great / wonderful / a symbol of China.T: Very good. Now people regard it as a symbol of the Chinese nation.(板书 )regard as I regard you as my friend.3. 阅读短文,完成 2b。T: Do you want to visit the Great Wall?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Lets go. Please read 2a as fast as you can and fill in the fol lowing table.(出示小黑板。 )A Brief Introduction of the Great WallLongWhenWhoWhy(核对答案。 )4. (按照表格进行咨询答练习,谈论长城。 )T: Ask and answer the questions in pairs according to the dialog.5. (让学生听 2a 录音,跟读,仿照语音语调,并画出关键词。 )(板书 )the Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders, around 600 B.C., joined together, regarded as , find great pleasure, are w orn out, protect and rebuild6. (按照关键词复述课文。完成 2a。) (2 分钟后,挑几名学生进行复述。 )Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动 (时刻 :5 分钟 )1. 方案 A:(假设你在参观世界奇迹,请描述你的所见所闻及你的感受。)(小组竞赛。将全班学生分成四组。开展竞赛,学生先在组内试讲。然后每组各举荐一名选手代表本组演讲。由支持各小组的学生人数来判定每个小组的名次。 )T: Suppose you are visiting one of the greatest wonders of the world. Now please say something about what you see and get to know on your trip, such as the history, the features and your feelings about it.(板书 )GroupOneTwoThreeFourNumber方案 B:(假设你是 Jim,给你的朋友 Mike 写封信,讨论一些名胜古迹。完成3。 )2. Homework: 后从网上或各 中 找有关埃及金字塔和中国 城的信息,然后在班内 告。板 :The builders used live models, didn tthey?be made up of from then on regard as Section CGo on learning about measurement:1.Each side is 230. 4 meters long.2.It s 138 meters high.3.It s about 4,000 miles long.八上仁 版英 Unit 4 Topic 3 The builders used live models, didnt they Section D 教学案例The main activities are 2 and 5. 本 重点活 是2 和 5。 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目 1.Reviewsome useful expressions:pull down,be worn out,join together, regard as2.Reviewthe usage ofmeasurement learned in this topic:(1) The Xi an City Wall is about 13.7 kilometers long.(2) It took


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