四年级上册英语课件-Module 4 Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper|外研社

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四年级 | 上册 Module 4 Unit 1Chinese people invented paper. China ChineseAmerica AmericanEngland EnglishRussia RussianNation Nationality国 家 国 籍Warm-up English peopleAmerican peopleG uess! Who are they? Russian people Chinese people What important things did Chinese people invent?Chinese people invented important things. Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing.Listen and answer paper newspaper报纸纸New words Who invented paper?蔡伦造纸Look and talk print印刷,打印 printedNew words Take out a piece of paper and your coin. Put the paper on the coin. Then draw on the paper with your pencil. Lets do printing 印刷术 dance-dancingswim-swimmingNew words Chinese people invented kiteflutechopsticks didnt invent Chinese people the bicycle. Chinese people the telephone.didnt invent Chinese people the airplane.didnt invent What have you learn today?Chinese people invented important things.Chinese people invented paper.Chinese people invented printing. Sum-up 1.听录音,读对话。2.记住本单元的新单词。3.查阅资料,看看我们中国还有那些伟大的发明,试着用英语说说。H omework


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