四年级上册英语课件-Unit5 Dinner's ready|人教(PEP)(2018秋)(共103张PPT)

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hot dogpearmilkCo ehamburgerjuicpplbanana Id like some chicken beef noodlessoup vegetables riceId like some A: What would you like?B: Id like someand beefBeef is the meat of cattle. ( ) ( )waterbeef beef soup soup Id like some_soup.egg soup fish soup beef soupchicken soup chicken ( ) ( ) ( )egg and vegetable soupwateregg vegetable vegetables What can you see? soup vegetable beef green noodles white noodlesyellow noodles black noodlesnoodles noodles Matchfishbeefricesoupnoodlesvegetableschicken What time is it ?Its about 12.Im hungry!Lets go to QQ restaurant. juice eggbread cakemilkfishrice menubeef soupchicken noodlesvegetables What would you like?Id like some chicken, please.Id like some vegetables, please.Id like some noodles, please.Id like some rice and soup, please.Id like some beef and juice, please.Ok. Here you ar . Id like What would you like? Lets chantWhat would you like?What would you like?Id like some rice, beef and soup.What would you like?What would you like?Id like some noodles and vegetables. Pair-work:A: What would you like?B: Id like some . (rice, beef, chicken, soup, fish, noodles, vegetables, .)A: OK. Here you are. MENU A: What would you like?B: Id like some, please.A: OK. ,please. B: Here you are. 1 0 5 12 0 351 5 5 1 0 _ Id like some fish ,beef and rice, please.What would you like?3 1OK. ,please. A balanced diet can keep us healthy.合理饮食能使我们保持健康。 Unit 5 Dinners ready Part A- Lets spell chickenbeefsoup chicken beef noodlessoup vegetables A: What would you like?B: Id like someand Studying aims能感知并归纳字母-e在单词中的发音规则 tenpenleg red henpencillete -e- eggget beddesk Who is she? i_ is Sarah.She has _. She has a _. Shered pen She is my friend.long hair Who is he? hi_ is Mike.He has _.He is my friend. He has a _.Hered pencil short hair 我们来发现: he、 she在 意 义 上 的区 别 和 词 形 上 有 什 么相 同 点 ? he 他she 她 Look! This is me.Now, let me help you clean the classroom.We are friends.miwi me 我we 我们 -e /i:/ redpenpencilyellow-e- /e/ Find the same. 找一找共同点hewemeshe-e /i:/我发现:字母e都在单词末尾,读/i:/ 我发现:字母e都在单词中间,读/e/ sh_ _h ee m_ew_eTask 3 we red wet he pen me egg friendhen pet let helpshe ten leg pencil Task4:Lets read -e -e-red letmepencil penget she he Leewe bedsee be pen red she/i:/_/e/_ pet let we leg henhe pencil bedTask5:Quick response cake late 2. rose note3. nice five 4. cute use5. he she eiaiuju:当“e”和好朋友“a”、“o”、“i”、“u”在一起且躲在结尾时不发音,没有好朋友且躲在结尾时发字母本身的音i:。i: 读一读,在你听到的单词下面打对号。 -e- e redpenlegten元音字母组合cakericenote不发音-e i: heshemewe 选出每组中字母e的发音与其他两个不同的单词。( )1.A.egg B. leg C. me( )2.A.red B. he C. desk( )3.A.nose B. she C. cake( )4.A. she B. pen C. meCBBB dinner(中午或晚上吃的) 正餐 Its six oclock. Whats for dinner?beefchickennoodlessoupricevegetables A Lets talk name fish vegetables rice bread juice soup other MumWhats Mutton. No,theyre my friends. Dinners ready!Thanks! 给下列句子排序。A. Mum, Im hungry.B. Id like some chicken.C. What would you like?D. Whats for lunch?DA BC 连词成句。1. would, what, you, like(?)2. is, dinner, ready(!)3.am, I, hungry(.)What would you like?Dinner is ready!I am hungry. World hunger hits one billion (全球饥饿人数高达10亿 !)Cherishing the food is to have a passion for life .珍惜粮食就是热爱生命 Would you like some? Yes, please. bowl chopsticks spoon fork knife Heres some soup. I can use the spoon. beef chickennoodles rice soup vegetablesWhat would you like?Id like some 1. What would you like? Id like some _, _and _.2. What would you like?Id like some _and _. 3. Would you like some _? Yes, please. A: Hello! What would you like?B: Id like some rice and fish, please.A: O K. Your rice and fish. Here you are.B: Thank you.A: Anything else?B: Yes, some soup, please. How much?A: 20 yuan.B: Yes, thank you.A: Help yourself.


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