外研版七年级上册 Module 10 Unit 3 课件 (共42张PPT)

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Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 3 Language in use 1. To recite the vocabulary in Module 10.2. To learn the grammar the continuous tense.3. Use “What is doing?” to write a passage.Teaching objectives Li Shan is from China, and 1_ (spring) Festival is the most important festival in her country. It 2_ (happen) in January or February. Li Shan 3_ (have) got some photos of it. In the first photo, its a few days before Spring Festival and her mother is cleaning the house and 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( s w e e p )weeping语法填空hashappens Spring bad luck. They 5_ (buy) a lot of 6_ (food) before the festival. They are 7 _(celebrate) Spring Festival with a traditional family dinner 8_ (介词) the evening before Spring Festival. In the second photo, Li Shan i s 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( e a t ) a kind of dumpling called jiaozi. buy food celebrating oneating After the dinner, they usually watch 10_ (冠 词 ) special programme on TV. In the last photo, they are visiting the uncles and aunts. Theyre wearing new sweaters 11_ (连 词 ) coats. Li S h a n a l w a y s g e t s a hongbao, which means 12_ ( l u c k ) money. aand lucky on the same dayhave a look atsweep awaybad luck good luck a kind of at midnight 在同一天看一看扫去坏运气好运气一种在午夜Read and recite so muchso manylucky moneygo shopping forgetreadybring sb. good luck这么多+不可数名词这么多+可数名词压岁钱去买把准备好带给某人好运 第一个做某事的人一个传统的家宴如此多的美味的食物看电视上一个特殊的节目购物买礼物the first one to do sth.a traditional family dinnerso much delicious foodwatch a special programme on TVgo shopping for presents 在圣诞节那天打开礼物把礼物放在圣诞树的傍边和家人和朋友说圣诞快乐扫除坏运气open the presents on Christmas Dayput the presents next to the Christmas tree say Merry Christmas to family and friends sweep away bad luck buystayvisitwalkstudylistentalkcalleatsleep havmaktakdancwritriddrivleavclospractis runswimsitgetstopshopbeginprefer lielyingA B C Ddyingring die 快速说出以下动词的现在分词 基本用法不同1. 一般现在时用来表示习惯性的动作或状态 She goes to school by bike every day. 2. 现在进行时表示现在正在发生或进行的动 作或用来表示现阶段正在进行或发的动作。 Look! She is reading under the tree.谓语动词的形式不同1. 一般现在时的动词 (1)be动词用is/am /are (2)实义动词用动词原形或单三s/es形式现在进行时与一般现在时 2. 现在进行时的动词 be + v - ing时间状不同 1. 一般现在时常与often, sometimes, always, usually等频度副词连用还与every morning /day/week on Wednesday, in the morning /afternoon/evening 等时间状语连用 2. 现在进行时与 now, at the moment, these days, these weeks 等时间状语连用,句首 有Look!/Listen! 提示语时,用现在进行时。 1. 表示现在的状态: Hes twelve. Shes at work.2. 表经常或习惯性的动作: I get up at 6:30 every day. He reads English every morning. 3. 表主语具备的性格和能力等: She likes noodles.They speak French.什么情况下用一般现在时 4. 普遍真理、自然规律和客观事实: Two plus four is six. The moon goes around the earth. Birds fly.5. 谈论籍贯、国籍等: Where do you come from? I come from China. She comes from Henan. 6. 谈论时间表、旅程表等: What time does the film begin? The football match starts at 8 oclock. Tomorrow is Thursday.7. 询问或者引用速记、通知或新近接 到的信笺内容: What does that notice say? What does Ann say in her letter? She says she lives in Beijing. 1. 表示说话时正在发生或者进行的动作。 We are getting ready for Spring Festival. I am writing a letter. We are enjoying our trip.2. 表示现在相对较长一段时间正在进行 的动作,但说话那一刻不一定在做。 He is building his own house. David is teaching English and learning Chinese in Beijing.什么情况下用现在进行时 1. Listen! What is he _ (sing)?2. We always _(clean) at Festivals.3. The boys _ (talk) about the football match at the moment.4. She _ (live) in Beijing.singingcleanare talking用所给词的适当形式填空 lives 5. -Where is the dog? -It _(lie) on the floor.6. He sometimes _(have) dinner at home.7. _(be) your father _ (put) on his clothes?8. He usually _ (get) up at 17:00.is lying hasIs putting gets 9. She _ (go) to school every day. Its ten oclock in the morning. They are _ (have) supper. 10. They are _ (dig) a hole (洞).11. My father _ (mend) his model(模型) plane these days. goes having digging is mending 12. Listen! The girls _(talk) to you.13. Who _ (sing)? Theres too much noise. 14. Mike, go and see what they _ (play) on the playground.15. My mother likes _ (read).16. He can _ (dance) and _ (sing).are talkingis singing are playingreadingdance sing 17. In a shop, people are _ (shop).18. Look! Bob _ (run) there.19. Lucy often _ (do) her work after dinner.20. -What _ your brother _ (do)? -Hes _ (write).21. -Where is your mum? -She _(cook) in the room.is runningdoesdoes doa writer/writingis cooking shopping 1. Is Tony learning a dragon dance? (作否定回答) _, _ . 2. Are they having dinner? (作肯定回答) _, _ . 3. The man is taking photos. (画线提问) _ the young man_ ?No he isntYes they areWhats doing句型转换 4. Linglings mother cleans the house every day.(改为一般疑问句) _ Linglings mother _ the house every day?5. The girls are making a snowman. (划线提问) _ _ the girls _?6. My father is getting ready for Christmas Eve. (同上) _ _ _ father _? Does cleanWhat are makingWhat is your doing 7. He is closing the door. (改为否定句) He _ _ the door. 8. She is eating some fish. (变一般疑问句) _ she _ _ fish? 9. The boy draws a picture. (用now改写) The boy _ _ a picture now.isnt closingIs eating anyis drawing 1. He makes a lantern every afternoon. He _ _ a lantern now.2. They often learn the dragon dance. They _ _ the dance now.3. They watch TV every evening. Look! They _ _ TV in the room.4. Boys read English every morning. Boys _ _ English at the moment. are watchingare reading are learningis making改写句子 5. Daming gets music from the Internet. (never) Daming never gets music from the Internet.6. Tony meets me on Saturday morning. (often) Tony often meets me on Saturday morning.7. They do their homework on Sunday. (always) They always do their homework on Sunday. 8. Li visits her at the weekend. (often) Li often visits her at the weekend.9. Betty watches TV in the morning. (never) Betty never watches TV in the morning.0. I get up at 6. (usually) I usually get up at 6. 1.他正在为节日做准备吗?2.发生什么事了?3.我们现在相当的忙。Is he getting ready for the Festival?Whats happening ?We are quite busy now.汉译英 4.我正在制作大红灯笼5.她正在打扫房间并且收拾东西。6.我们能加入他们中来吗?Im making big red lanterns.Shes cleaning the house and putting things away.Can I join them? 7.玲玲的妈妈正在做饭吗?8.我的妈妈正在打扫房间并且扫除 坏运气。9.它意味着压岁钱。Is Linglings mother cooking the meal?My mothers cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck.It means lucky money. 1. 爸爸没在家。他在工作。 Father isnt at home. He is_ .2. -Tom在做灯笼吗? -是的。 - _ Tom _ ? - Yes, he _ .3. - 你们会舞龙吗? -不会。 - _ you _? - No, we _.Is making lanterns isCan play a dragon dance cant at work完成句子 4. - 他经常扫地吗? - 不是。 - _ he _? - No, he _. 5. 孩子们在干什么? _the children _?6. 现在我们正在上英语课。 We are _ _ _ _ now.Does often sweep the floor doesntWhat are doinghaving an English lesson 7. 看 ! 男孩们正在操场上踢足球。 Look ! The boys _ _ _ on the playground.8. 听 ! 玛利正在隔壁唱歌。 Listen ! Mary _ _ in the next room.9. -你妈妈正在做饭吗?-是的,她在做。 - _ your mother_ now? - _, She is. are playing footballis singingIs cookingYes 10. -你在干什么?你在做作业吗? -不,我正和妈妈一起购物,在 为春节作准备。 -What_? _ you_? -No, I _. Im _ with my mother. We are _ the Spring Festival.are you doingAre doing your homeworkam notgetting ready for shopping Christmas and Father Christmas Christmas is the most important festival in most Western countries. Children usually like Christmas a lot because of Father Christmas, Santa Claus. Around the world最重要的因为圣诞老人 He is a fat man with a long white beard and he wears a red suit. He visits people on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and gives presents to children So they love him very much.留着白色长胡子 The four children are from different countries, but they all like Chinese festivals.阅读 Im Danny, 12. I am from Russia. My favorite Chinese festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. At this festival I can see different dragon boats. I can eat zongzi. It is very delicious. I am Jenny, 12. I am from the US. My favorite Chinese festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival. My parents like this festival too. At this festival my mother makes delicious yuebing with beans and sugar. My father sings about the moon. He sings very well. I am Tom, 13. I am from Australia. Spring Festival is my favorite Chinese festival.At this festival we have a special family dinner. And we eat jiaozi with meat and carrots. I am Simon, 14. I am from England. The Lantern Festival is my favourite Chinese festival. It is after Spring Festival. I eat yuanxiao, make lanterns and learn dragon dances. 1. How old is Danny? A. 11. B. 12. C. 13. D. 14. 2. Where does Jenny come from? A. England. B. America. C. Australia. D. Russia. 3. Who likes Spring Festival best? A. Danny. B. Jenny. C. Tom. D. Simon. 4. What does Simon eat at his favorite Chinese festival? A. Yuebing. B. Zongzi. C. Jiaozi. D. Yuanxiao.B B CD 5. Which of the following statements is true? A. Danny likes eating zongzi. B. Jennys mother sings very well. C. Simon sometimes teaches dragon dances. D. Toms parents like the Mid-Autumn Festival. A 1. She _ meals for us everyday. A. cook B. cooks C. cooking2. She often _ her sister with English. A. help B. helps C. helping3. Tom is getting ready _ the party. A. for B. at C. of4. Look! A fire _ in that village. A. happen B. is happening C. happening5. _ he sweeping the floor? A. Is B. Does C. Can6. -_they do their homework ? -Yes, they do. A. Do B. Are C. Can


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