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Warming-upReading AListeningSpeaking4123 Writing6 Project7 Vocabulary and Structure8 Reading B59 Warming-upTask 1 The following are popular IT products. Match each of them with its corresponding picture.A. desktop B. notebook C. server D. mainboard E. digital entertainment products F. peripheralsB D C E A F Warming-upTask 2 Tormarch is an IT company. It has several departments. Match each department with its main responsibility.1. Research keep in ones mindReading A Please bear in mind what I have told you in class. Bear this in mind, never turn to me for pocket money. n. introduction of new things innovation They look innovation as the key to their companys rapid development. The meeting of the two presidents made a breakthrough in the relations between the two countries. It demonstrates a major technological breakthrough.breakthrough n. an important new discovery contribute to to be one of the causes or features of somethingReading AAir pollution contributes to respiratory diseases.They contributed weather to the delay of their arrival. to be in a particular positionbe located inThe baker located his bakery in the new shopping center.His house is located in the suburbs of the city.The kitchen is equipped with many modern facilities.Are the sports facilities in your university advanced?facility n. usu. facilities rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose in addition to besides Reading AIn addition to apples you have asked for, I bought you some oranges.In addition to the money that my mother gave me, I have some savings myself to buy the book. n. correctness, exactness accuracy The calculation is with great accuracy.Is accuracy more important than fluency when one speaks a certain language?c.f. accurate adj. You must be more accurate with your work next time. trustworthiness n. dependabilityReading ATrustworthiness is a moral value considered to be a virtue.c.f. trustworthy: adj. To many of his colleagues, he is a trustworthy man. With so many details, this is a trustworthy report. Reading ATask 2 Read the passage and match each paragraph with the corresponding aspect of the company. LenovoParagraph 1 A. Important breakthroughs Paragraph 2 B. FoundationParagraph 3 C. Company values Paragraph 4 D. Main businesses Paragraph 5 E. Expansion Reading ATask 3 Reading the passage again and answer the following questions. 1. What is the original name for Lenovo?2. What are some of its technical breakthroughs? 3. Why did Lenovo change its name from Legend to its present one?New Technology Developer Inc.The invention of Legend Chinese character card, the creation of “one-touch-to-the-net” computers, and the development of the collaborative application technology.To prepare for its expansion into the overseas market. 4. What are Lenovos main businesses?5. What are Lenovos company values? And which do you think is the most important for a company?Reading ALenovos main businesses include developing, manufacturing and marketing high-quality PC products and value-added services.Lenovos values are customer satisfaction, innovative spirit, accuracy and trustworthiness. Reading ATask 4 Match the following terms with their Chinese meanings. 1. founder A. 创始人2. technical breakthrough B. 汉卡3. operating system C. 一键式上网4. Chinese character card D. 家用台式机5. one-touch-to-the-net E. 操作系统6. enterprise desktop F. 商用台式机7. consumer desktop G. 服务器8. server H. 外部设备 9. peripheral I. 数码娱乐产品10. digital entertainment product J. 技术突破 ListeningTask 1 Susan is answering a call from Paul. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.1. The conversation probably takes place between a(n) _ and a(n) _.2. Paul Lee, the _ manager from Tormarch Company, calls to learn about the _ _ of Lenovo Company.3. Paul Lee is arranged to meet the _ manager of Lenovo Company tomorrow morning, for the manager is _ at the moment.secretary clientpurchasing enterpriselaptops salesoccupied Script W: Good morning. Lenovo Company. This is Susan Pacher speaking. What can I do for you? M: Good morning. This is Paul Lee, purchasing manager from Tormarch Company. Id like to talk with your sales manager to learn about your enterprise laptops targeted at small-to-medium businesses. W: Im sorry, our sales manager is occupied at the moment. Would you like to make an appointment?M: Yes, thatll be great. W: How about 10 oclock tomorrow morning?M: OK, lets make it at 10. Listening ListeningTask 2 Susan is receiving a visitor. Listen to the conversation and complete the following notepad. Visitors name: _Purpose of the visit: _Time and place for the appointment:_Drink preference(s):_Paul Leeto meet with the sales manager, Eric Zhangat 10, Room 305, Eric Zhangs officecoffee, with milk and sugar ListeningScriptW: Good morning. May I help you, Sir?M: Good morning. Im Paul Lee, purchasing manager from Tormarch Company. Im here to meet with your sales manager, Eric Zhang at 10. W: Oh, nice to meet you, Mr. Lee. Im Susan Pacher, secretary of Mr. Zhang. We talked on the phone yesterday. M: Yes. Nice to meet you, too, Ms. Pacher. W: Mr. Zhang will see you in a minute. Please take a seat first. Mr. Lee, would you like something to drink?M: Yes, thank you.W: Tea or coffee?M: Coffee, please, with milk and sugar. W: OK. Itll be ready in a moment.(Five minutes later, the telephone rings. Susan answers the phone and turns to Mr. Lee.)W: Mr. Lee, Mr. Zhang is expecting you in his office.M: Good. Would you please tell me his room number?W: Sure, its Room 305. Let me show you there.M: Thank you. ListeningTask 3 Susan is calling Tormarch Company. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. 1. Why does Susan call? _ _ _2. What are the requirements that Mr. Lee talked about last time? _3. What are the other requirements that Lisa mentioned this time? _ _Because the sales manager, Mr. Zhang wants to know more about Tormarch Companys specific needs in choosing Lenovos enterprise notebooks so as to make proper recommendations. Quality and security. Easy access to networks, nice looks in design and affordable price. ScriptW1: Good afternoon. Purchasing Department of Tormarch Company. This is Lisa Gardner speaking. W2: Good afternoon. Im Susan Pacher from Lenovo Company. Our sales manager, Mr. Zhang would like to know more about your specific needs in choosing our enterprise notebooks, so we can make proper recommendations. W1: Oh, yes. Mr. Lee is not in at the moment. But he told me to give you our needs if you call. I know last time he talked with Mr. Zhang about quality and security; these are our basic requirements. He also hopes that the laptops have easy access to networks and nice looks in design. W2: Let me write them down, easy access to networks and nice looks.W1: Exactly. In addition, affordability is a major concern as well. Mr. Lee hopes the price for those laptops wont be too high.W2: OK, Ill tell Mr. Zhang about all your considerations.Listening ListeningTask 4 Mr. Zhang is having a talk with Susan. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. Susan hasnt called the Tormarch Company yet.2. Mr. Zhang is going to Hainan for a sales meeting tomorrow.3. Mr. Zhang asks Susan to inform the sales representatives that the sales meeting has to be changed to 5 oclock this afternoon.4. Mr. Zhang hopes that the sales representatives will bring the local sales analysis report with them when they attend the meeting.5. Mr. Zhang will not be back from Hainan until Thursday.TFFFT ScriptM: Susan, have you phoned the Tormarch Company about their specific requirements of our laptops?W: Yes. Here is a list of their requirements.M: Good. Thank you. By the way, I must go to Hainan for a promotional campaign tomorrow. So please inform our sales representatives that the meeting scheduled tomorrow has to be changed to 3 oclock this afternoon. W: I see. At the same place?M: Yes. Please also remind them to bring the local sales analysis report with them.W: Sure. I will call them now. Do you also need me to book the ticket for your trip tomorrow? M: Yes, please. W: What time are you going to leave?M: Around 8:00 to 9:00 oclock tomorrow morning. W: When are you coming back? Shall I book a return ticket for you?M: Yes, that will be good. Ill be back on Thursday.W: Do you need me to prepare anything before you leave tomorrow?M: Not this time, Susan, thank you anyway. Listening ListeningTask 5 Listen to a passage about the general responsibilities of secretaries and tick those responsibilities mentioned.p type letters and emailsp proofread lettersp receive and distribute mailsp answer phone calls and puts them through to the right peoplep prepare payrolls p make copies and sends faxesp greet customers and visitorsp complete bank transactionsp set up meetings and appointmentsp purchase office suppliesp Maintenance and check-ups on office equipment Script The G eneral Responsibilities of Secretaries In a company, secretaries have many responsibilities in the office. They type and send letters, emails and other correspondence, receive and distribute the incoming mails. They answer phone calls and put them through to the appropriate people. They may greet customers and visitors and set up meetings and appointments for various people in the company. In charge of purchasing office supplies, they may also schedule and organize maintenance and check-ups on all of the office equipment. What mentioned above are the general responsibilities of secretaries. But remember, if youre employed as a secretary, it would be a good idea to check with the company to see if there are any specific duties. Listening SpeakingTask 1 Work in pairs. Practice making short conversations with the words provided according to the example below.Example: Susan / Mr. Zhang / hold a sales meeting at nine / meet Mr. Lee at 10A: Good morning, Susan. Whats my schedule for today?B: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. You are supposed to hold a sales meeting at 9 oclock this morning.A: I see. What else? / Anything else?B: You will meet Mr. Lee, the purchasing manager of Tormarch Company at 10 in your office. 1. Lily / Mr. Brown / make a speech at the meeting this afternoon / fly to Kunming for a promotional campaign of the newly-designed notebooks2. Anne / Ms. Black / prepare for a file about local sales analysis / make a business trip to Dalian for the development of the local market3. Toni / Ms. Green / attend “New Technology Fair” at the Conference Hall in the morning / have lunch with Mr. Ma from Microsoft Company SpeakingTask 2 Work in pairs. Susan, the secretary of Lenovo Company, is meeting the purchasing manager of Tormarch Company. Role-play it according to the instructions below.Manager of Tormarch CompanyGreet.Say something nice ofLenovo Company. Express thanks.Express thanks andenjoyment. Secretary of LenovoCompanyGreet and welcome.Invite the client to take aseat.Offer something to drink. SpeakingTask 3 Work in pairs. Susan is telling Mr. Zhang about Tormarch Companys requirements. Discuss and finish the conversation. You may refer to the expressions in the Language Focus Box. Language Focus BoxA. They said that the products should be reliable and secure.B. They hope that the laptops can have easy access to networks.C. They also asked about the possible discount we could offer.D. In their mind, a nice look of the computer is as important as its performance. Susan: Good afternoon, Mr. Zhang. I have phoned the Tormarch Company about their requirements of our products.Mr. Zhang: Great. What did they say? Susan: 1_.Mr. Zhang: Yes, of course. Susan: Besides, 2 _.Mr. Zhang: That makes sense. Easy connection to the Net can help them do business better. Anything else? Susan: 3 _.Mr. Zhang: How much are they willing to pay for each? Susan: 9,000 yuan at most.Mr. Zhang: I see. Is that all? Susan: No. They also mentioned the design. 4_.Mr. Zhang: Really? Thats interesting. they hope that the laptops can have easy access to networks They also asked about the possible discount we could offer In their mind, a nice look of the computer is as important as its performanceThey said that the products should be reliable, durable, and secure Speaking SpeakingTask 4 Work in groups. Susan is offering the staff members in the office some tips on how to use the printers. Practice making conversations with the tips given. Always turn the printer on and off by using the printers on/off switch.Keep the printer clean, for dirt, dust, and paper shreds can interfere with the printers normal functions.Use the proper type of paper for the printer and do not mix different types of paper in the same bin.When the printer indicates the cartridge is empty, remove the cartridge, tip it and reinsert it back. Then you can get a little more printing. Reading BDear Susan, After talking with your sales manager Mr. Zhang both in person and on the phone about our expectations of your enterprise laptops, we are basically satisfied with your recommendation of the ThinkPad SL series. As you know, we are a small company featuring in career training. Your cutting-edge technologies such as built-in high-speed mobile broadband connectivity, excellent multimedia capabilities, as well as a stylish design are just fit for our needs. Besides, the software and service packages that come with your computers seem to be developed with users like us in mind. With those packages, we can get timely help when we have trouble in things such as connecting to the Internet, managing passwords, data recovery and updating the computers. Reading B However, after examining your price list and carefully comparing it with that offered by other enterprise laptop vendors, we feel that your price for the ThinkPad SL series is a little bit high. So, I am writing to you about the possible discount you might give when we make a volume purchase. If we buy 100 notebooks at one time, could you give us 10 percent off? I am also writing to you to inquire of your LAN equipment, for we are going to build a LAN in our company pretty soon. Could you please send us some brochures of your products so that we can have a look first? Look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Paul Lee Reading B收件人:抄 送:主 题:关于商用笔记本的进一步咨询亲爱的苏珊: 在和贵公司销售经理张先生见面及打电话谈论购买意向后,我们对贵方所推荐的ThinkPad SL系列笔记本较感兴趣。 您知道,我们是以职业培训为特色的一家小公司。贵公司产品所具备的先进技术如内置高速移动宽带连接、完美的多媒体性能以及时尚设计恰恰能满足我们的需求。另外,产品所附带的软件和服务包似乎正是为我们这样的公司开发的。有了这些,我们能及时解决网络连接、密码管理、数据恢复以及电脑更新方面可能遇到的问题。但是,在看过贵方的报价单,并和其他商家所提供的报价单进行对比之后,我觉得贵方报价偏高。所以我想写信了解一下,如果我们大宗采购的话,贵方能否给予折扣。 假如我们一次购买一百台,贵方能否提供九折优惠? 另外,我还想询问贵方的局域网设备情况,因为我们公司很快将要组建一个局域网。贵方能否发给我们相关产品的宣传册以便我们先行了解? 希望尽快得到贵方答复。你诚挚的保罗李 1. built-in high-speed mobile _connectivity2. excellent _ capabilities3. a stylish _4. software and service _5. timely _when users are in troubleReading BmultimediaTask 1 The above email contains the features of ThinkPad SL series. Find out what is being described by filling in the blanks. broadbanddesign packageshelp Reading BTask 2 Read the email again and choose the best answer to each question. 1. According to the email, what is NOT true about Mr. Zhang and Paul Lee? A. They have met each other face to face. B. They have talked with each other on the phone. C. They have discussed about ThinkPad SL notebooks. D. They have signed a contract for the sale of ThinkPad SL series.2. What is Paul Lees attitude toward Lenovo ThinkPad SL series? A. Extremely satisfied. B. A little bit satisfied. C. Generally satisfied. D. Not satisfied at all.3. According to the email, what is NOT true about the ThinkPad SL series? A. They have mobile broadband connectivity. B. They are fashionable. C. They have powerful multimedia capabilities. D. They are rather cheap.4. What is Paul Lees purpose in writing this email? A. To ask about a possible discount for a large purchase and LAN equipment. B. To tell Mr. Zhang his satisfaction with their ThinkPad SL series. C. To inform Mr. Zhang that their company is going to build a LAN. D. To tell Mr. Zhang that they cannot afford its ThinkPad SL series. Reading BTask 3 Match the following terms with their Chinese meanings.1. enterprise laptop2. cutting-edge technology3. career training4. built-in mobile broadband connectivity5. multimedia capability6. stylish design7. software and service package 8. password9. data recovery10. volume purchase A. 前沿技术B. 数据恢复C. 商用笔记本D. 职业培训E. 内置移动宽带连接F. 软件和服务包G. 密码H. 多媒体功能I. 大宗采购J. 时尚设计 WritingTask Fill in the missing words in the email that Susan wrote to Paul Lee responding to his inquiry of Lenovo products in Reading B.Dear Mr. Lee, Thank you for your 1_ (兴趣) in and fine words for our ThinkPad SL 2_(系列). You really have an eye in 3_ (选择) these products for your company. The laptops have excellent multimedia capabilities which can help you most when you give presentations in your 4_ (职业培训) courses. They also have other wonderful features which can facilitate your companys growth. interest series choosing career training Writing As for your request of 10 percent off for your purchase of 100 notebooks at one time, our 5 _(销售经理), Mr. Zhang, has 6 _(同意) to give that 7_ (折扣) after he talked with his supervisor. And he asked me to inquire of the possible time at which we can sign a purchasing 8 _(合同). Enclosed are the companys 9_(小册子) of LAN 10 _(设备). We are looking forward to hearing from you about your inquiries of the equipment. Thank you again for your choice of our products. Yours sincerely, Susan Pachersales manager agreed discount contract brochures equipment ProjectThis project aims to help you promotethe image of an IT company. The overall tasks are divided into three steps. Step One emphasizes the importance of coming up with different ways of promotion. Step Two focuses on the necessity of inviting different opinions on your project. Step Three rests on the feasibility of your promotional project. Please follow the Task Description to complete the project.Project Guidelines ProjectStep One Organize a small group with 4-6 people in your class; Log on the Net to search for an IT company to be promoted by your group; Come up with different ways (ads, flyers, brochures, videos and websites, etc.) to promote the image of this company; Discuss and finally choose one way, e.g. brochures, as your plan.Step Two Design the brochures; Present the brochures to the whole class; Invite the teacher and all the classmates to evaluate the effect of your groups promotion.Task Description ProjectStep Three Reflect on the evaluation of your groups performance and improve your ways of promotion; Send your promotional products to the company involved to see if your project is workable.Task Description Vocabulary and Structurev_ power of looking aheadi_ introduction of new thingsb_ an important new discoveryc_ the most important or central part of somethinga_ more than what was expectedc_ someone who buys and uses products or servicesf _ rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose s_ to make a great effort to achieve somethingc_ _to be one of the causes or features of somethingb _ _ _ to remember; to keep in ones mindTask 1 Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from Reading A that match the meanings in the column on the right. The first letters are already given.ision nnovation reakthroughore dditional onsumer acilities trive ontribute to ear in mind Vocabulary and Structure1. To the disappointment of his manager, it took him a(n) (add)_ week to finish the task.2. With good financial policies, the company soon (expansion)_ into a large-sized enterprise.3. The fierce (competitor) _in the global market reduced their profit to a large degree.4. They spent one year abroad simply (broad) _their mind.5. She is a very careful worker. Whatever she does is with great (accurate)_ .6. You can rely on him to do that, for he is quite (trustworthiness)_ . 7. Their ability to (innovation)_ has allowed them to compete in world markets.8. Alcohol may not be (consumer) _in the bu


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