【南方新课堂 备战2014】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 unit1 a land of diversity课件 新人教版选修8

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【南方新课堂 备战2014】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 unit1 a land of diversity课件 新人教版选修8_第1页
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【南方新课堂 备战2014】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 unit1 a land of diversity课件 新人教版选修8_第2页
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【南方新课堂 备战2014】高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 unit1 a land of diversity课件 新人教版选修8_第3页
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选 修 八Unit 1 A land of diversity 1means n 手 段 ; 方 法by means of 用办法;借助by no means 绝不;一点也不 运 用 完成句子(1)他绝对不穷;事实上,他很富有。He is _ poor; in fact, hes rich.(2)科学家们正在为发明一种能储存这种能量的方法而工作。Scientists are working to devise a _ of storing thistype of power.(3)我们借助言语来表达思想。We express our thoughts _ words.by no means meansby means of 2majority n 大 多 数 ; 大 半major adj.主要的be in the/a majority 构成大部分/大多数a majority over sb.超过某人的票数运 用 完 成 句 子(1)大多数委员会成员赞同这个改变。Among the members of the committee those who favourthe proposed change are _.(2)在最后选举中他们的票数大大超过其他党派。They had _ the other parties atthe last election. in the majoritya large majority over 3occur vi.发 生 ; 出 现occur to.(主意等)浮现于脑海中;被想起It occurs to sb.that-clause 某人突然想起运 用 完 成 句 子(1)事故是什么时候发生的?When _ the accident _?(2)他突然想起来那天晚上他见过汤姆。_ he had seen Tom that night.did occurIt occurred to him that 4indicate vt.指 出 ; 标 示 ; 表 明 ; 暗 示indicate sth.(to sb.) (向某人)指示/指出/暗示某物indicate that-clause 表示;示意运 用 完 成 句 子(1)标志上的箭头指示的是应走的路。The arrow on the sign _ to go.(2)闪烁的红灯表示这段路正在维修。A flashing red light _ that a stretch of road wasundergoing repairs. indicates the wayindicated 5insert vt.插 入 ; 嵌 入insert.into 把插入运 用 完 成 句 子我想在这篇文章里加入一些新词汇。I wish to _ some new words _ this passage.insert into 用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子1这场雪表明冬天来临了。The snow _ the coming of winter.2移民到这个国家有严格的限制。There are strict controls on _ into this country.3多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。The _ of people seem to prefer TV to radio.indicates immigrationmajority 4普通人家雇不起仆人。No ordinary families can afford to _ servants.5因为工资低,几乎没有人申请这份工作。As the wages were low, there were few _ for the job.6电子邮件不是一种安全的通讯方式。E-mail is not _ communication.7空难在起飞几分钟后就发生了。That plane crash _ only minutes after take-off.8她把书签插入书中。She _ a book mark _ a book.hireapplicantsa secure means ofoccurredinserted into 1live on 继 续 存 在 ; 继 续 生 存live on sth.以某物为食;靠某种经济来源生活live through sth.经历某事而幸存live together在一起生活;同居live up to sth.依照某事物行事;符合某事物的标准live with sth.接受或容忍某事物live a.life 过着的生活 运 用 用 live 相关短语的适当形式填空(1)The lonely old man _ charity.(2)Mozart is dead but his music _.(3)My grandfather _ both world wars.(4)We should work hard and try to _ ourparents expectations.(5)The brave girl is learning to _ her disabi-lity.lives on lives onlived through live up tolive with 2make a life 习 惯 新 的 生 活 方 式 、 工 作 等 ; 创 造 生 活make a bargain 达成协议;成交make a promise 做出承诺make a choice 做出选择make a living 谋生make a profit 获得收益make a decision 决定下来;作出决定;下决心make a deal with 与做生意;和妥协 运 用 完成句子(1)不管怎样,在我作出决定前我会让你知道的。Anyway, Ill let you know before I _.(2)独立创造生活至关重要。It is very important to _ on your own.(3)不要轻易许诺。Dont _ easily. make a decisionmake a lifemake a promise 3team up with 与合 作 或 一 起 工 作team up 合作cooperate with 与合作运 用 完 成 句 子(1)这两家公司一起合作研发这种微波炉。The two companies have _ to develop thiskind of microwave.(2)约翰情愿独自经商,不愿与人合伙。John preferred to go into business alone rather than_ anyone else.teamed upcooperate with/team up with 用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子1他很快适应了这个陌生城市的生活。He _ soon in this strange city.2没有人喜欢与懒惰的人合作。Nobody likes to _ lazy persons.3他用油漆标记了篮球场。He _ the basketball court with paint.made a life team up withmarked out 4我上学时只能靠水和面包过活。I had to _ bread and water when I was a student.5他从那本文法书中引用了许多例子。He has extracted _ examples from thegrammar book.6联合王国包括英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰。The United Kingdom _ England, Wales, Scotlandand Northern Ireland.live on a great/good manytakes in 原 句 1 Although Chinese immigrants began to arrivedu-ring the Gold Rush Period, it was the building of the railnetwork from the west to the east coast that brought evenlarger numbers to California in the 1860s.虽然中国移民在淘金热时期就开始来到(美国),但是更大批量的移民却是在19 世纪 60 年代为了修建贯穿美国东西海岸的铁路而来的。结构:让步状语从句,强调句 精 练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子虽然他妹妹和他没有血缘关系,但是洪战辉他自己却坚持背她上大学,这件事感动了整个中国。_ his young sister has no blood relationship withhim, _ Hong Zhanhui himself _ insists on carryingher on his back to college, which moves the whole China.Althoughit is that/who 原 句 2 It is believed that before long the mix ofnationalities will be so great that there will be no distinctmajor racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of manyraces and cultures.人们认为,要不了多久,多民族的融合就会非常深入,以至于不可能存在一种主要的种族或文化群体,而只是多种族、多文化的混合体。结构:It isv.-edthat-clauseso.that. 精 练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子据报道 2008 奥运福娃的英文名已经由 Friendlies 改为fuwa,它易发音,易记忆,因而很受人们的欢迎。_ the English name of the five mascots ofthe 2008 Olympics has changed from “Friendlies” to “Fuwa” ,which is _ it is popularwith all the people.It is reported thatso easy to pronounce and remember that 运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之Like a good many parents expecting their daughters orsons with (1)_(有前途的;有希望的) future,Liu Xuans parents sent her, still a high school student, tostudy in Britain.Liu Xuan, who well understood her parentsgood (2)_(目的;意图), tried to (3)_(适应新的生活) there in spite of disadvantages such as, beingpromisingintention make a life homesick, (4)_(语言障碍) and cultural shock.She was (5)_(接收;吸收)by a host family, whichmade her learn a lot about everyday life and improved greatlyher English as well.A semester later, not only had Liu Xuan(6)_(适应;习惯)everything there but managedto (7)_( 申请) a scholarship to study in University ofEdinburgh.When asked the feelings about studying abroad, LiuXuan said proudly it was (8)_(坚持和毅力) that made her (9)_(度过;完成) that hard time.language obstaclestaken inbeen accustomed toapply for persistence and perseveranceget through 概 括 说 明 文 的 要 点【 概 括 方 法 】如果所给出的材料是一篇说明一种社会现象的文章,考生应该先找出文章说明了一种什么现象,分析产生这种现象的原因,结果如何,或者针对这种现象提出解决措施或建议。即:现象原因结果(措施或建议)。 阅读下面短文,然后分别以约 30 词概括这两篇说明文的主要内容。(1)While income worry is a rather common problem of theaged, loneliness is another problem they may face.Of all thereasons that explain their loneliness, a large geographicaldistance between parents and their children is the majorone.This phenomenon is commonly known as “Empty NestSyndrome (综合症)” In order to seek better chances outside their countries,many young people have gone abroad, leaving their parentsbehind with no clear idea of when they will return home.Theirparents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care ofthemselves, in the hope that some day their children will comeback to stay with them.The fact that most of these youngpeople have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societiesmakes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value ofduty as they would have if they had not left theircountries.Whatever the case, it has been noted that the values they hold do not necessarily match what they actually do.Thisgeographical and cultural distance also prevents the grown-upchildren from providing response in time for their agedparents living by themselves.The situation in which grown-up children live far awayfrom their aged parents has been described as “distantpa-rent phenomenon”, which is common both in developedcountries and in developing countries.Our society has not yetbeen well prepared for “Empty Nest Syndrome” (现象)Nowadays many aged parents live alone inloneliness(原因)because young people leave home to seektheir future far away in a more developed place ,(结 果)which causing a new social problem around the world.(2)Years ago it was very difficult to travel from one place toanother.The journeys were often long, tiring and dangerous.Butnow people travel frequently and easily.Science has improvedtransportation and communication facilities a great deal.Travelinghas become safer, more enjoyable and above all, more economical. Travelingwhether within ones country or abroadbrings many invaluable benefits.People travel for pleasure,business or for education and knowledge.In the world ofyesterday most people were only able to read about strangeand fascinating places across the mountains and seas.Later,with the coming of the cinema and television, mans curiosityabout faraway places with strange sounding names wasfurther stirred up.Today mans curiosity can be satisfied inluxurious comfort.There are first-class ships and airplanes totake him where his dreams lie. We travel to increase our knowledge of the world inwhich we live.Knowledge obtained from books alone is notenough.New knowledge of different lands and people enrichesour mind and soul.Books generally do not give us a very truepicture of lands beyond our shores.Some of them are evenmisleading.(原因) With the development of science, (现象)transportation makes people travel a lot with comfort, (结果)which brings lots of benefits like satisfying mans curiosityand increasing mans knowledge of the world.


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