外研社 高一英语 必修二 module1 课件

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外研社 高一英语 必修二 module1 课件_第1页
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外研社 高一英语 必修二 module1 课件_第3页
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Module 1Our Body and Healthy Habits They are taking exercise.1.What are they doing?2. Do you often take exercise? Taking exerciseDoing sports Q:What are these sports?relay-race footballbasketball swimming vegetablesfruitsDo you like eating fruits or vegetables in everyday life? Q:Are these things healthy?apples chocolate vegetablescigarettes rice What would you like to eat, Chinese food or Western food? Chinese food Western food Q: 1)Do you think health is very important? 2)What shall we do to keep healthy? To form good and healthy habits. (e.g., healthy diet, enough exercise, good spirit) A test on your health condition:1. Do you sometimes get colds and flu?2. Do you eat at least three portions of fruit and vegetables a day?3. Do you eat fish once a week or more?4. Do you take at least two hours exercise a week?5. Do you eat much fat, for example, fatty meat?6. Do you eat a lot of sweet things, for example, chocolate?7. Do you rarely get toothache, but sometimes go to the dentist for examining?8. Are you quite fit? If yes, add 2 points to yourself, if no, add 1 point.Result: 11-14 pointshealthy; 8-10 points not healthy enough. A healthy life is better than a wealthy life. v Early to bed and early to riseStaying up and getting up late Do exercise regularlySmoking /drinking too much H ow to stay healthy? Fruits /vegetables /green foodHealthy habits Unhealthy habitsFried/salted/canned/fast food H ow to stay healthy?Healthy habits Unhealthy habitsFruits /vegetables /green food Fried/salted/canned/fast food. Early to bed and early to rise Staying up and getting up lateDo exercise regularly Smoking /drinking too muchA balanced mood A bad mood A balance between work and rest Over working without rest vYou are what you eat.vHealthy mind in a healthy body.vEarly to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.vAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.饮 食 决 定 你 的 健 康 /吃 啥 补 啥 。有 健 全 的 身 体 才 有 健 全 的 心 智 。早睡早起使 人 健 康 、 富 足 、 聪 明 。一 天 一 苹 果 , 医 生 远 离 我 。Read the English proverbs. 1) 病 从 口 入 。 A close mouth catches no flies. 2) 健 康 胜 于 财 富 。 Health is over wealth. Some Chinese proverbs on health 3) 饭 后 百 步 走 , 延 年 又 益 寿 。 After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile. 4) 冬 吃 萝 卜 夏 吃 姜 , 不 用 医 生 开 药 方 。 Carrots in winter and gingers in summer keep the doctor away. 5) 饮 食 决 定 人 生You are what you eat. Look at these words and answer the questionsanxious break (an arm) captain fever injure injury pain painful normal sweets 1.Which words are connected with food ?Sweets 2.which words are connected with the bodybreak an arm , fever, injure , injury , pain , painful 3.Which word means usual or ordinary ?normal 4. Which word means leader?captain5.Which word means worried about something may be happenanxious 1. connectwith 把与联系起来 e.g. People usually connect China with silk and food. 人们一提到中国便往往会联想到丝绸和美食。 be connected with 与有关系=have something to do with e.g. The young man is connected with the robbery.Language points 2.anxious A. be anxious about = be worried about 对感到担忧 e.g. Parents are always anxious about our safety. B. be anxious for = be eager for 渴望知道、得到 e.g. We are anxious for new knowledge. C. be anxious (for sb.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)作某事 e.g. He was anxious for her to return home. 3. Two more sentencesv数词+more +n. (pl.) =another +数词+n. (pl.)多几个,再有几个ve.g. three more chairs=another three chairs Revise the vocabulary we have learnt. Search the internet for more information aboutPreview the reading. how to keep healthy .


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