Unit4课件 (2)

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Unit 5 Why do you like the pandas?执教人:王进喜攸县新市镇钟佳桥中学 Section A Language goal: Describle animals; Express preferences. Main sentences: a. Let see the lions.b. Why do you want to see them?c. Because theyre interesting.d. Where are they from?e. Your dog is really cute.f. He can walk on two legs.g. Why dont you like the cat?h. Thats a good name for her. Difficulties How to describe an animal? Very cute, really scary, kind of interesting, a little boring, beautiful, lazy, fun, very smart. Hes my new pet. She sleeps all day I like tigers a lot. Where are they from? Lesson OneStep One: Discuss about the animals, which is your favourite animal, why do you like it.Animals: cat(猫), mouse (老鼠), dog (狗), monkey (猴), elephant (大象), bird(鸟), duck (鸭), cow(牛), pig (猪), bear (熊), panda (熊猫),rabbit (兔子), tortoise (乌龟) and so on. New words and expressions New animals: tiger, lion, giraffe, zebra, fox, koala. Cute , interesting, fun, smart, boring, lazy, beautiful, and scary, big , small. Really scary, very smart, kind of interesting /boring, all day. Zoo, pet, kind, leg, sleep, Austrilia, South Africa, America, China. Animals in the zoo Make conversations as follow Lets see the pandas first. They are my favorite animals. Why do you like them? / Why? Because theyre very cute Where are they from? They are from Austrilia. Training: listening practise 1b : listen and check the animals you hear in 1a. 2a : listen and write the animals you hear. Draw a line from the animals to the description words and the countries they are from. Class work: 2b listen again. Complete the conversations with the words in 2a.


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