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Department:工程部Number:HP004 PROPERTY PRELIMINAR PUNCH LISTSection:Subject:FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PUNCH LISTDate Issued:October 1999Property/物业:Date/日期:FIRE ALARM SYSTEM/消消防防系系统统Before any Testing is done,the following persons must be properly inform:Hotel General Manager,Engineering Manager,Fire Department Authorities.All testing must be done in accordance to Local Regulations 在在所所有有测测试试完完成成前前,有有关关责责任任人人必必须须及及时时通通知知:酒酒店店总总经经理理,工工程程总总监监,消消防防部部门门人人士士。所所有有测测试试必必须须与与当当地地的的标标准准相相一一致致。ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost项项目目缺缺陷陷描描述述和和对对营营运运的的影影响响整整改改建建议议和和费费用用估估算算1 Fire Control Room/消消防防控控制制中中心心2 Room Ceiling/房房间间天天花花3Rm Emergency Lighting Available?/房房间间内内足足够够的的紧紧急急照照明明?4 Room Entry door/房房间间入入口口门门5 Room Entry door lock/房房间间入入口口门门锁锁6 Room Floor drain/房房间间地地面面排排水水7 Room Floor Pitch/房房间间地地面面坡坡度度8 Room Floor surface/房房间间地地面面表表面面9 Room House Phone/房房间间内内线线电电话话10 Room Lighting/房房间间照照明明11 Room Smoke Detectors/房房间间烟烟雾雾探探测测器器12 System Integrity/系系统统集集成成13 Control Unit Indicators/控控制制单单元元指指示示器器第 1 页,共 21 页14Test (by activating the signal)/测测试试(活活动动信信号号)15 and Record the event/测测试试记记录录16Carbon Dioxide System/二氧化碳气体灭火系统17Damper Control/Indicator/灭火器控制/指示器18 Dry Chemical System/干粉灭火系统19Emergency Water Supply tank/紧急供水池20 Fan Control/Indicator/风扇控制/指示器21 Fire alarm Stations/消防告警部分22 Fire Pumps/消防泵23 Flow Alarm Device/流量告警装置24 General alarm Bells/常用告警钟25 Halon System/惰性气体灭火系统26 Manual Alarm stations/消防部分手册27 Tamper Switches/操作开关28 Devices/设设备备29 Test (One device per floor or30zone by activating the signal)/测测试试(每每层层一一个个或或区区域域活活动动型型号号)31 and Record the event/测测试试记记录录32Flame detectors/Floor or Zone/火焰探测器/楼层或区域33 Emergency Exit sign/紧急逃生标示34Emergency Exit sign/Floor or Zone/楼层或区域35Emergency Exit sign/Floor or Zone/楼层或区域ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 2 页,共 21 页36Emergency Exit sign/Floor or Zone/楼层或区域37Emergency Exit sign/Floor or Zone/楼层或区域38Fire Department Phone Jack/消防电话插座39 Fire Department telephone/消防电话40Flame detectors/Floor or Zone/火焰探测器/楼层或区域41Flame detectors/Floor or Zone/火焰探测器/楼层或区域42Heat detectors/Floor or Zone/温度探测器/楼层或区域43Heat detectors/Floor orZone/温度探测器/楼层或区域44Heat detectors/Floor orZone/温度探测器/楼层或区域45Heat detectors/Floor orZone/温度探测器/楼层或区域46 Prealarm Bells/告警钟47 Remote Annunciator/远程指示器48Sprinkler flow Indicator/喷淋系统流量指示器49 Sprinkler Heads/喷淋头50System/Emergency Broadcast/紧紧急急广广播播系系统统51Inspect,Test and Record/检检查查、检检测测和和记记录录52 Elevators loudspeakers/电梯广播53 Lobby loudspeakers/大堂广播54 Restaurant Loudspeaker/餐厅广播ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 3 页,共 21 页55 Restaurant Loudspeaker/餐厅广播56 Restaurant Loudspeaker/餐厅广播57 Retail Shop Loudspeakers/零售店广播58 Retail Shop Loudspeakers/零售店广播59 Retail Shop Loudspeakers/零售店广播60Rooms corridor Loudspeakers/客房走廊广播61 Rooms Loudspeakers/客房广播62 Fire Suppression Systems/灭灭火火系系统统63 Inspect,and Record/检检查查和和记记录录64 Carbon Dioxide/二二氧氧化化碳碳65 Location/Floor/位位置置/楼楼层层66 Electrical Room/电梯房67 Computer Room/电脑房68 Alarm/告警69 Dischard Nozzles Direction/电喷嘴方向70 Fusible Link/熔丝连接71 Grease Seals in position/位置油脂密封72 Shutdown Devices/关闭设备73Storage Container Pressure/压力储存容器,压力74 Storage Container Weight/储存容器重量75 Halon System/惰惰性性气气体体灭灭火火系系统统76 Location/Floor/位置/楼层77 Electrical Room/电梯房78 Computer Room/电脑房79 Alarm/告警80 Dischard Nozzles Direction/电喷嘴方向81 Fusible Link/熔丝连接82 Grease Seals in position/位置油脂密封83 Shutdown Devices/关闭设备ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 4 页,共 21 页84Storage Container Pressure/压力储存容器,压力85 Storage Container Weight/储存容器重量86 Dry Chemical/干粉灭火系统87 Location/Floor/位置/楼层88 Electrical Room/电梯房89 Computer Room/电脑房90 Alarm/告警91 Dischard Nozzles Direction/电喷嘴方向92 Fusible Link/熔丝连接93 Grease Seals in position/位置油脂密封94 Shutdown Devices/关闭设备95Storage Container Pressure/压力储存容器,压力96 Storage Container Weight/储存容器重量97 Life Safety Lighting/消消防防照照明明98Inspect,Test and Record/检检查查、检检测测和和记记录录99Emergency Lighting(fixed)/紧紧急急照照明明(固固定定)100 Adequate Illumination?/照明足够?101 Fire Escapes/逃生通道102 Fire Stair Wells/消防楼道井103 Public Areas/公共区域104 Restaurants/餐厅105 Room Corridors/客房走廊106 Fire Exit signs/消消防防疏疏散散标标示示107 Fire Escapes/逃生通道108 Fire Stair Wells/消防楼道井109 Public Areas/公共区域110 Restaurants/餐厅ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 5 页,共 21 页111 Room Corridors/客房走廊112Fire Exit Strobe Lights/消消防防疏疏散散通通道道照照明明113 Fire Escapes/逃生通道114 Fire Stair Wells/消防楼道井115 Public Areas/公共区域116 Restaurants/餐厅117 Room Corridors/客房走廊118 Portable Extinguishers/移移动动式式灭灭火火装装置置119Inspect Verified and Record that the/检查,验证和记录120correct unit have been selected/选择好的单元121and that the unit is fully charge/且单元灭火剂充足122 Water/Floor or Zone/水/楼层或区域123 Water/Floor or Zone/水/楼层或区域124 Water/Floor or Zone/水/楼层或区域125 Water/Floor or Zone/水/楼层或区域126Carbon dioxide/Floor orZone/二氧化碳/楼层或区域127Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone/二氧化碳/楼层或区域128Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone/二氧化碳/楼层或区域129Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone/二氧化碳/楼层或区域130Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone/二氧化碳/楼层或区域ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 6 页,共 21 页131Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor orZone/干粉A,B,C./楼层或区域132Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor orZone/干粉A,B,C./楼层或区域133Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor orZone/干粉A,B,C./楼层或区域134Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor orZone/干粉A,B,C./楼层或区域135Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor orZone/干粉A,B,C./楼层或区域136Stairs Pressurization System/楼楼道道正正压压系系统统137Test (by activating the signal)/测测试试(活活动动信信号号)138 and Record the event/测测试试记记录录139Closing Smoke detector Doors/封闭烟雾探测器门140 Closing of Dampers/灭火器封闭141 Stair Pressurization Fan/正压送风风扇142 Audible alarm/音响告警143 Visual alarm/视觉告警144Floors Pressurization System/楼楼层层正正压压系系统统145Test (by activating the signal)/测测试试(活活动动信信号号)146 and Record the event/测测试试记记录录147Closing Smoke detector Doors/封闭烟雾探测器门148 Closing of Dampers/灭火器封闭149 Stair Pressurization Fan/正压送风风扇150 Audible alarm/音响告警ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 7 页,共 21 页151 Visual alarm/视觉告警152 Elevators/电电梯梯153Elevator Car Smoke Detector/电梯桥箱烟雾探测器154 Elevator Car/s Recall/电梯桥箱复位155 Elevator Emergency Phone/电梯紧急电话156Elevator Lobby Smoke Detector/电梯厅烟雾探测器157Smoke Control/Smoke detectors/烟烟雾雾控控制制/烟烟雾雾探探测测器器158 Outside Air Intakes/室外空气引入159AHU return Path(horizontal return)/空调循环路径(水平循环)160AHU return Path(Vertical return)/空调循环路径(垂直循环)161 Fire/Smoke Dampers/消防/烟雾抑制器162 Stairwell doors/楼楼道道井井门门163 Elevator Smoke Doors/电梯烟道门164Automatic Shutdown of Ventilation/通风自动关闭165 Stand Pipes/Combination/竖竖管管/管管线线图图166 Sprinkler Control Zone/喷喷淋淋控控制制区区域域167 Actual System Pressure/实际系统压力168 Check Valve/检查阀169 Drain Riser/排水竖板170 Drain Valve/排水阀171 Flow Alarm/流量告警172 Inspector Drain Valve/检查排水阀173 Inspector sight Glass/检查观察窗174 Inspector Test Valve/检查测试阀ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 8 页,共 21 页175 Pressure Gauge/压力计量176Sprinkler Pressure Reducing Valve/喷淋减压阀177 Sprinkler Shut off Valve/喷淋停止阀178 Tamper Switch/动作开关179 Test Drain Pipe/测试排水管180Fire Hose Inlet Connection/消消防防水水管管接接口口连连接接181 Actual System Pressure/实际系统压力182 Check Valve/检查阀183 Drain Riser/排水竖板184 Drain Valve/排水阀185 Flow Alarm/流量告警186 Inspector Drain Valve/检查排水阀187 Inspector sight Glass/检查观察窗188 Inspector Test Valve/检查测试阀189 Pressure Gauge/压力计量190Sprinkler Pressure Reducing Valve/喷淋减压阀191 Sprinkler Shut off Valve/喷淋停止阀192 Tamper Switch/动作开关193 Test Drain Pipe/测试排水管194 Fire Safety/消消防防安安全全195 Building Characteristics/建建筑筑性性质质196Walls,full extension to Rated Ceiling/墙,完整延伸到天花197Walls,Holes on Fire-Rate walls/墙与墙有中断198 Non-Fire Rated Panels on:/无消防区域199 Chutes/斜斜道道200 Electrical chases/电电气气路路径径ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 9 页,共 21 页201 Plumbing Chases/管管道道路路径径202 Fire Stops on:/消消防防终终止止到到203Plumbing chases(basement to roof)/管道路径(地下室到楼顶)204Electrical Chases(basement to roof)/电气路径(地下室到楼顶)205 Separation of/分分离离206Elevator Lobby to Corridors/电梯厅到走廊207Elevator Lobby to Fire Stairwells/电梯厅到消防楼梯井208 Fusible Links on/熔熔丝丝连连接接209 Corridor Doors/走廊门210 Fire Exit Doors/消防通道门211 Self Closing Devices/自自关关闭闭机机构构212 Corridor Doors/走廊门213 Fire Exit Doors/消防通道门214 Ventilation/通通风风215Corridor makeup use for Rm AC/走廊采用客房空调216Smoke detectors on HVAC ducts/烟雾探测器在空调管道上217Fire Dampers in Ducts/消消防防抑抑制制器器在在管管道道内内218 penetrating walls/感应墙219Smokeproof Enclosures with/防烟机构及附件220 adequate Ventilation/风量221Fire Department Accessibility/消消防防部部门门进进入入权权限限ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 10 页,共 21 页222Access to reach Room Windows/控控制制延延伸伸到到客客房房窗窗223 Building Fire Lane/建建筑筑消消防防通通道道224Emergency Equipment Access/紧急设备控制225Fire Fighting Equipment Access/消防设备控制226 Heliport/直直升升机机场场227 Main entrance Accessibility/主入口控制228 Building Exiting/建建筑筑出出口口229Fire Exit Doors obstructions/消防出口门限制器230 Exits Exterior Lighting/通通道道外外部部照照明明231Clear Path to Safe Zone/安全区域清洁路径232 Fire Drill Procedures/消消防防钻钻孔孔程程序序233Last Fire Drill Event?/Date/上次消防钻孔事件/时间234Procedure Reviewed by fire Dept.?/消防部门检查程序235 Staff Training?/员工培训236Written Standard procedure?/编制标准程序237 Evacuation Procedure/疏疏散散程程序序238Last Evacuation Event?/Date/上次撤离事件/时间242Procedure Reviewed by fire Dept.?/消防部门检查程序243Staff Training?/员工培训ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 11 页,共 21 页244Written Standard procedure?/编制标准程序Note/注注:Any major deficiency or deficiency that is present over and over in different areas,must be accurate recorded as follows:所有主要和显著的问题以及其存在区域,必须正确记录以下内容:1.-Individual report/单独报告 2.-Giving specific details of the deficiency/提交特别问题的详细描述 3.-Include Pictures depicting the deficiency/包括问题照片和描述 4.-Correction Priority/优先整改 5.-Recommendations for corrections(specific description)/建议整改(特别描述)6.-Estimated cost of the correction/整改的估算费用 7.-Budget Impact/对营业收入预算的影响 8.-Item Life Span Impact/影响生命安全的项目 9.-Impact to:operations,guest comfort,guests&staff safety./影响到:营运、客人舒适度、客人和员工安全的项目 10.-If the deficiency has cause collateral damage,include the description of the damage,and the cost of repairs or replacement./如果问题是其他原因造成的,应包括损伤的描述和维修或更换的费用。11.-11.-Include Pictures depicting the collateral damage/包括其他损伤的照片描述 12.-Include Deficient Item manufacturer documentation/包括问题项目的制造商文件 In general,you must paid great attention to all details,for any deficiency that is not reported,will for certain become a:/一般情况下,应将注意力集中在问题的所有细节,如不解决问题,势必会:1.-Burden to the property operational Budget/加重物业管理预算负担 2.-Negative Impact to the property guests and occupants/对酒店客人和客房率造成负面影响 3.-Burden for Maintenance&Engineering/加重工程维护的负担 4.-Burden for the related department Operations/影响到各营运部门间的关系ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 12 页,共 21 页HOWARD JOHNSON INTERNATIONAL,CHINAC5,20th Floor,JiangSu Mansion,528 Laoshan East Road Pudong,Shanghai PRCDepartment:工程部Number:HP004 PROPERTY PRELIMINAR PUNCH LISTSection:Subject:FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PUNCH LISTDate Issued:October 1999Property:Date:FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Before any Testing is done,the following persons must be properly inform:Hotel General Manager,Engineering Manager,Fire Department Authorities.All testing must be done in accordance to Local Regulations ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost1 Fire Control Room2 Room Ceiling3 Rm Emergency Lighting Available?4 Room Entry door5 Room Entry door lock6 Room Floor drain7 Room Floor Pitch8 Room Floor surface9 Room House Phone10 Room Lighting11 Room Smoke Detectors12 System Integrity13 Control Unit Indicators14 Test (by activating the signal)15 and Record the event16 Carbon Dioxide System17 Damper Control/Indicator18 Dry Chemical System第 13 页,共 21 页19 Emergency Water Supply tank20 Fan Control/Indicator21 Fire alarm Stations22 Fire Pumps23 Flow Alarm Device24 General alarm Bells25 Halon System26 Manual Alarm stations27 Tamper Switches28 Devices29 Test (One device per floor or 30 zone by activating the signal)31 and Record the event32 Flame detectors/Floor or Zone33 Emergency Exit sign34 Emergency Exit sign/Floor or Zone35 Emergency Exit sign/Floor or Zone36 Emergency Exit sign/Floor or Zone37 Emergency Exit sign/Floor or Zone38 Fire Department Phone Jack39 Fire Department telephone40 Flame detectors/Floor or Zone41 Flame detectors/Floor or Zone42 Heat detectors/Floor or Zone43 Heat detectors/Floor or Zone44 Heat detectors/Floor or Zone45 Heat detectors/Floor or Zone46 Prealarm Bells47 Remote Annunciator48 Sprinkler flow Indicator49 Sprinkler HeadsItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 14 页,共 21 页50 System/Emergency Broadcast51 Inspect,Test and Record 52 Elevators loudspeakers53 Lobby loudspeakers54 Restaurant Loudspeaker55 Restaurant Loudspeaker56 Restaurant Loudspeaker57 Retail Shop Loudspeakers58 Retail Shop Loudspeakers59 Retail Shop Loudspeakers60 Rooms corridor Loudspeakers61 Rooms Loudspeakers62 Fire Suppression Systems63 Inspect,and Record 64 Carbon Dioxide65 Location/Floor66 Electrical Room67 Computer Room68 Alarm69 Dischard Nozzles Direction70 Fusible Link71 Grease Seals in position72 Shutdown Devices73 Storage Container Pressure74 Storage Container Weight75 Halon System76 Location/Floor77 Electrical Room78 Computer Room79 Alarm80 Dischard Nozzles DirectionItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 15 页,共 21 页81 Fusible Link82 Grease Seals in position83 Shutdown Devices84 Storage Container Pressure85 Storage Container Weight86 Dry Chemical87 Location/Floor88 Electrical Room89 Computer Room90 Alarm91 Dischard Nozzles Direction92 Fusible Link93 Grease Seals in position94 Shutdown Devices95 Storage Container Pressure96 Storage Container Weight97 Life Safety Lighting98 Inspect,Test and Record 99 Emergency Lighting(fixed)100 Adequate Illumination?101 Fire Escapes102 Fire Stair Wells103 Public Areas104 Restaurants105 Room Corridors106 Fire Exit signs107 Fire Escapes108 Fire Stair Wells109 Public Areas110 Restaurants111 Room CorridorsItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 16 页,共 21 页112 Fire Exit Strobe Lights 113 Fire Escapes114 Fire Stair Wells115 Public Areas116 Restaurants117 Room Corridors118 Portable Extinguishers 119 Inspect Verified and Record that the 120 correct unit have been selected121 and that the unit is fully charge122 Water/Floor or Zone123 Water/Floor or Zone124 Water/Floor or Zone125 Water/Floor or Zone126 Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone127 Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone128 Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone129 Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone130 Carbon dioxide/Floor or Zone131 Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor or Zone132 Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor or Zone133 Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor or Zone134 Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor or Zone135 Dry Chemical A,B,C./Floor or Zone136 Stairs Pressurization System137 Test (by activating the signal)138 and Record the event139 Closing Smoke detector Doors140 Closing of Dampers141 Stair Pressurization Fan142 Audible alarmItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 17 页,共 21 页143 Visual alarm144 Floors Pressurization System145 Test (by activating the signal)146 and Record the event147 Closing Smoke detector Doors148 Closing of Dampers149 Stair Pressurization Fan150 Audible alarm151 Visual alarm152 Elevators153 Elevator Car Smoke Detector154 Elevator Car/s Recall155 Elevator Emergency Phone156 Elevator Lobby Smoke Detector157 Smoke Control/Smoke detectors158 Outside Air Intakes 159 AHU return Path(horizontal return)160 AHU return Path(Vertical return)161 Fire/Smoke Dampers162 Stairwell doors163 Elevator Smoke Doors164 Automatic Shutdown of Ventilation165 Stand Pipes/Combination166 Sprinkler Control Zone167 Actual System Pressure168 Check Valve169 Drain Riser170 Drain Valve171 Flow Alarm172 Inspector Drain Valve173 Inspector sight GlassItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 18 页,共 21 页174 Inspector Test Valve175 Pressure Gauge176 Sprinkler Pressure Reducing Valve177 Sprinkler Shut off Valve178 Tamper Switch179 Test Drain Pipe180 Fire Hose Inlet Connection181 Actual System Pressure182 Check Valve183 Drain Riser184 Drain Valve185 Flow Alarm186 Inspector Drain Valve187 Inspector sight Glass188 Inspector Test Valve189 Pressure Gauge190 Sprinkler Pressure Reducing Valve191 Sprinkler Shut off Valve192 Tamper Switch193 Test Drain Pipe194 Fire Safety 195 Building Characteristics196 Walls,full extension to Rated Ceiling197 Walls,Holes on Fire-Rate walls198 Non-Fire Rated Panels on:199 Chutes200 Electrical chases201 Plumbing Chases202 Fire Stops on:203 Plumbing chases(basement to roof)204 Electrical Chases(basement to roof)ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 19 页,共 21 页205 Separation of 206 Elevator Lobby to Corridors207 Elevator Lobby to Fire Stairwells208 Fusible Links on 209 Corridor Doors210 Fire Exit Doors211 Self Closing Devices212 Corridor Doors213 Fire Exit Doors214 Ventilation215 Corridor makeup use for Rm AC216 Smoke detectors on HVAC ducts217 Fire Dampers in Ducts 218 penetrating walls219 Smokeproof Enclosures with220 adequate Ventilation221 Fire Department Accessibility222 Access to reach Room Windows223 Building Fire Lane224 Emergency Equipment Access225 Fire Fighting Equipment Access226 Heliport227 Main entrance Accessibility228 Building Exiting229 Fire Exit Doors obstructions230 Exits Exterior Lighting231 Clear Path to Safe Zone232 Fire Drill Procedures233 Last Fire Drill Event?/Date234 Procedure Reviewed by fire Dept.?235 Staff Training?ItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 20 页,共 21 页236 Written Standard procedure?237 Evacuation Procedure238 Last Evacuation Event?/Date242 Procedure Reviewed by fire Dept.?243Staff Training?244Written Standard procedure?Note:Any major deficiency or deficiency that is present over and over in different areas,must be accurate recorded as follows:1.-Individual report 2.-Giving specific details of the deficiency 3.-Include Pictures depicting the deficiency 4.-Correction Priority 5.-Recommendations for corrections(specific description)6.-Estimated cost of the correction 7.-Budget Impact 8.-Item Life Span Impact 9.-Impact to:operations,guest comfort,guests&staff safety.10.-If the deficiency has cause collateral damage,include the description of the damage,and the cost of repairs or replacement.11.-11.-Include Pictures depicting the collateral damage 12.-Include Deficient Item manufacturer documentation In general,you must paid great attention to all details,for any deficiency that is not reported,will for certain become a:1.-Burden to the property operational Budget 2.-Negative Impact to the property guests and occupants 3.-Burden for Maintenance&Engineering 4.-Burden for the related department OperationsItemDefect Description&Operations ImpactRecommendation/s&Approximate Cost第 21 页,共 21 页


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