asdf,Unit 3,Jewish Culture and the,Old Testament,U3_main,Get Started,Text Study,Supplementary Resources,Unit 3,Jewish Culture and the,Old Testament,Get Started_ main,Get Started,Get Started,1.A General Introduction,2.Focus In,The State of,Israe,1.The location of Israel,2.The development of Israel,草必枯干,花必凋残,惟有我们神的话,必永远立定,-,先知以赛亚,我今日呼天唤地向你们作见证:你们必在过约旦河得为业的地上,速速灭尽!你们不能在那地上长久,必尽行除灭。耶和华必使你们分散在万民中,在他所领你们到的万国里,你们剩下的人数稀少。,耶和华必使你败在仇敌面前,你从一条路去攻击他们,必从七条路逃跑。你必在天下万国中抛来抛去。”,“你在耶和华领你到的各国中,要令人惊骇、笑谈、讥诮。”“耶和华必使你们分散在万民中,从地这边到地那边,你必在那里事奉你和你列祖素不认识木头石头的神。在那些国中,你必不得安逸,也不得落脚之地;耶和华却使你在那里心中跳动,眼目失明,精神消耗。你的性命必悬悬无定,你昼夜恐惧,自料性命难保。你因心里所恐惧的,眼中所看见的,早晨必说,巴不得到晚上才好;晚上必说,巴不得到早晨才好。”(申命记,4,:,26-27,;,28,:,25,,,37,,,64-67,),Get Started_1.1,Get Started,Jewish culture,with a history of about 5,000 years,belongs to one of the oldest civilizations in the world.According to some historical legends,Jews descended from the ancient Israelites or Hebrews in the land of Israel.The Israelite monarchy came into being under the three kings,namely Saul,David and Solomon.After Solomons death,the country was divided into two parts.After five decades of Babylonian captivity,Israel was non-existent as an independent country until May 14,1948 when the United Nations declared the founding of the Jewish nation of Israel.The Jewish people weathered the storms of all kinds of ethnic difficulties and disasters over the long period of being exiled from one country,Get Started_1.2,Get Started,to another in Europe and elsewhere in the world.However,with approximately five millennia of historical development,the Jewish people and their culture have embodied both an extraordinary temperament of firmness,adaptability to hardship as with a strong sense of religious belief and spiritual support which pervaded all stages of their history and which has continued generations upon generations.In encountering other great cultures,the Jews have actively assimilated the beneficial elements and integrated them into their own,as an unbroken part of cultural tradition.During the long persistence of Diaspora in their history,they collected and preserved the,scattered pieces of material and stories of their national and religious histories before composing or writing them into some,Get Started_1.3,Get Started,formal documents as classics,such as the,Ol,d,Testament,the,Torah,the,Mishna,and,Talmud,etc.Therefore,Jewish culture could be well preserved and widely disseminated all over the world.Meanwhile,through its historical development,the Jewish culture has significantly influenced other cultures,from the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian down to Western Christendom and modern European society.,Get Started_2.1,Get Started,To get a brief view of the history and development of the,Jewish Civilization,To understand the process of the formation of Judaism and,the main features of Judaism,To be familiar with Jewish philosophy,literature and arts,To know the specific parts and contents of the,Old,Testament,.,Text Study,_main,Text Study,Text Study,I.A Brief Account of the Jewish History,II.Jewish Art and Literature,III.Judaism and Jewish Festivals,IV.An Introduction to the,Old Testament,Text Study,_I_1.1,Text Study,Main Ideas,Main Ideas,The Formation,Division and Fall of Israel,Formation,before 16th century BC,belonged to Semitic race,and descended from Abraham,16th century BC,settled in north Egypt.,12th century BC,entered Canaan,1040 BC,1012 BC,Saul became the first,king of Israel,Text Study,_I_1.2,Text Study,Main Ideas,Formation,David,king of Israel,declared the founding of a unified Israel country and made Jerusalem the capital.,1012 BC,972 BC,972 BC,932 BC,Solomon,became the king of,Israel,and built imperial palaces and celestial temples.,Main Ideas,Text Study,_I_1.3,Text Study,Main Ideas,Division,Israel divided into two kingdoms:Judah and Israel.,932 BC,914 BC,722 BC,The Assyrian King sacked Jerusalem(Assyrian Captivity),and Israel was ruined.,Fall,586 BC,Babylonia King attacked Judah,and then Judah and Israel were non-existent as independent countries.,Main Ideas,Text Study,_I_1.4,Text Study,Main Ideas,Later on,Alexander the Great of Macedonia with his powerful army,took place of the Persian reign,which led to a temporary period of freedom for the Jews.But it was not too long before the Romans arrived.The Jews could not bear the Romans cruelty and subsequently revolted against Romans as a protest about the cruelty of the latter,which cost a great loss of Jewish lives.Consequently they had to leave their homeland and went once and for all on a,centuries-long,Diaspora.Subsequently,Jews footprints spread over almost every corner,The Suffering and Departure of the Jews,Main Ideas,Text Study,_I_1.5,Text Study,Main Ideas,of Europe,yet found no settlement in one country after another although they demonstrated their great capabilities and diligence in whatever they were engaged in or happened to do during the endless exiles around the Mediterranean,from continent to continent,country to country,suffer