Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Creating a Culture of Execution,JFK Speech to Congress,“,I believe that this nation should commit itselfto achievingthe goal,beforethis decadeis out,of landinga manon the moonand returning himsafely to the earth.”,JFK ATRICEUNIVERSITY,“,We choose togo tothe moon.We choose togo tothe moon inthisdecadeand do theotherthings,not becausethey are easy,butbecause they arehard,because thatgoalwill serve to organize and measure the best of our energiesand skills,because thatchallenge is onethat we arewilling to accept,one we areunwilling topostpone,and onewhichwe intend to win,I realize that this is,in some measure,an actof faith andvision,forwe donot know what benefitsawaitus.,But ifI were to say,myfellow citizens,that we shall sendto the moon,240,000 miles away from thecontrol station inHouston,agiantrocketmorethan 300 feet tall,thelengthof this footballfield,madeof newmetalalloys,some of which have not yetbeen invented,capable of standing heat and stresses severaltimesmorethan have ever been experienced,fitted togetherwitha precisionbetterthanthat of thefinestwatch,carrying all theequipment neededfor propulsion,guidance,control,communications,food andsurvival,onan untriedmission,toan unknown celestial body,andthenreturned itsafelyto earth,re-entering atmosphere atspeeds of over 25,000 miles per hour,causing heat about half that of the temperature ofthe sun anddo allthis,and do it right,and doit first before this decade is out,then,we must be bold,.”,-PresidentJohn F.Kennedy,“,Up isnot aneasydirection.”,The Challenge:Ability to Execute,“,Leadership withoutthe discipline ofexecution is incompleteand ineffective.Without theability to execute,allotherattributes of leadershipbecome hollow”,Larry Bossidy Chairman,HoneywellInternational,THE POWER OFFOCUS,0,12,23,GoalsAchieved With Excellence,1120,410,23,Numberof Goals,A leader whosays,“,“Ivegot ten priorities,”,”doesnt know what he is talking about.He doesnt know himself what the mostimportant thingsare.Youvegot tohavethesefew,clearlyrealistic goals and priorities,Larry Bossidy&RamCharan,Execution:The Discipline ofGettingThingsDone,New York:Crown Business,2002,OurPartner,WILDLY IMPORTANT,important,adj.,1:,meaninga greatdeal;havingsignificance,value,wildly important,adj.,1:,of visionaryandstrategic import;carryingseriouseconomicconsequence;potentialforunbelievablesatisfaction ofkeystakeholders;causing intense excitement and enthusiasm,Wildly ImportantGoals=,The,BIG,WIGS,WhyWIGS?,Harris,Interactive,SM,McKinsey&Company,RamCharan,Synergy,Focus,8,Standards ofExecution,Clarity,Commitment,Translation,Discipline,Enabling,Collaboration,Trust,Accountability,Synergy,Focus,Do people know whatto do?,8,Standards ofExecution,LackofClarity,Clarity,Commitment,Translation,Discipline,Enabling,Collaboration,Trust,Accountability,Synergy,Focus,8,Standards ofExecution,Do people know whatto do?,2.,Do theywanttodo it?,3.,Do theyknowhowtodo it?,4.,Do theysustainthecourse?,5.,Do theyworktogether?,Clarity,52,Commitment,52,Translation,43,Discipline,65,Enabling,32,Collaboration,49,Trust,59,Accountability,57,Synergy,49,Focus,53,X,Q,51,(,NationalAverages,),2,xQ Results:Individualsin Typical Organizations,I clearly understand my organizations most important goals,Can name their organizations most important goals,Percent of time spent on organizations most important goals,The goals of my work group are translated into my individual work goals,My individual work goals are translated into daily tasks and/or performance standards,44%,15%,49%,25%,32%,xQ:Teams inTypicalOrganizations,My organizations most importantgoals are translated tothegoals of mywork group,Individual tasks arereviewed at least monthly with my manager,We workin anatmosphere oftrust where people can express differencesof opinion freely,We holdeach other accountable fordoing what wecommitto do,27%,12%,56%,46%,xQ:Typical Organizations,My organization has decided what its most important goals are,My organization has clearly communicated its most important goals,People get recognized and rewarded for doing things that support key goals,My organization consistently achieves its most important goals,52%,43%,33%,21%,Four Disciplines of Execution,Focus on the“wildlyimportant”notthe merely important.,Build measuresthat motivate.,Translate 30,000 footgoalsinto new frontline behaviors.,Win asa team.,My manager.,Ranking,Is a hard worker,1,Prioritizes work so our time is spent on the most important issues,74,Sets clear expectations when assigning tasks,75,Plans ahead to reduce having to work in a crisis mode,76,Provides feedback on our groups performance,77,MANAGERS WORKHARD BUTFAIL TOPROVIDE FOCUSAND DIRECTION,More than 2.5millionworkers wereasked to ranktheir managerson a scale of77 pre-determined characteristicsin