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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Safety Engineering,NASAs illustration showing high impact risk areas for the International Space Station,Safety engineering is an,engineering discipline,which assures that engineered systems provide,acceptable levels of safety.,It is strongly related to industrial engineering/systems engineering,and the subset system safety engineering.Safety engineering assures that a life-critical system behaves as needed,even when components fail.,常用术语,危险:,hazard,安全:,safe,事故:,accident,风险:,risk,灾害:,disaster,系统:,system,可靠性:reliability,安全分析:safety analysis,安全评价:safety evaluation,Accident causation models 事故致因理论,Safety management 安全管理,Physical conditions 物质条件,Loss prevention 损失预防,Top management高层管理人员,Human errors人因失误,Hazard control 危险控制,Corporate culture 企业文化,Risking taking 冒险行为,Safety officer 安全官员,Safety committee 安全委员会,Unionized company 集团公司,Safety principle 安全规则,Status review 状态审查,Supervisory level 监督层,Implement plan 执行计划,Hazard identification 危险辨识,Safety performance 安全性能,Systems engineering is an,interdisciplinary field,of engineering and,engineering management,that focuses on how to design and manage complex systems over their life cycles.At its core systems engineering utilizes systems thinking principles to organize this body of knowledge.Issues such as requirements engineering,reliability,logistics,coordination of different teams,testing and evaluation,maintainability and many other disciplines necessary for successful system development,design,implementation,and ultimate decommission become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects.,System Engineering,Systems engineering deals with work-processes,optimization methods,and risk management tools in such projects.It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as industrial engineering,mechanical engineering,manufacturing engineering,control engineering,software engineering,electrical engineering,cybernetics,organizational studies and project management.Systems engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered,and integrated into a whole.,The systems engineering process is a discovery process that is quite unlike a manufacturing process.A manufacturing process is focused on repetitive activities that achieve high quality outputs with minimum cost and time.The systems engineering process must begin by discovering the real problems that need to be resolved,and identify the most probable or highest impact failures that can occur systems engineering involves finding elegant solutions to these problems.,System characteristics,:,Unity,整体性,Relativity,相关性,Objective,Goal&Function,目的性和功能性,Adaptability to the Environment,环境适应性,Dynamic,动态性,System has its own order,有序性,C,lassification,of s,ystem,Natural and Human,-,Made System,自然系统和人工系统,Physical and Conceptual System,实体系统和抽象系统,Static and Dynamic System,静态系统和动态系统,Control and Behavior System,控制系统和行为系统,Open and Closed System,开放系统和封闭系统,System engineering method,Engineering logic,Engineering analysis,Statistical theory and probability theory,Operations research,System engineering principle,系统原理,整分合原理,反馈原理,弹性原理,封闭原理,能级原理,动力原理,激励原理,System principle,Principle of integral,-d,ivision,Feedback principle,Elasticity principle,Closure principle,Energy level principle,Dynamic principle,Incentive principle,Safety System Engineering,1.F,eatures,of safety system,系统性,开放性,确定性与非确定性,有序与无序的统一体,突变性或畸变性,Systematicness,Openness,Certainty and uncertainty,U,nity of order and disorder,Sudden or abnormal degeneration,2,.,Safety System Engineering Definition,安全系统工程是运用系统工程方法,识别、分析、评价系统寿命周期中的危险性,根据其结果调整工艺、设备、操作、管理、生产周期和投资等因素,控制可能发生的事故,使系统处于最佳安全状态。,D,efinition,Safety system engineering is a method of using system engineering to identify,analyze and evaluate the hazards in the life cycle of a system.,According to the results,i,t adjusts the process,equipment,operation,management,production cycle,investment and other factors to control the possible accidents,so that the system is in the optimal security state.,Three subsystems,:,Human subsystems,Machine subsystems,Environment subsystem,3.,Research object of safety system engineering,These three interrelated,mutually constrained,interactive subsystems constitute an organic whole of a human-machine-environment system.Analysis,evaluation,control human-machine-environment system security,can really solve the system,safety,issues.,4.,Research contents of safety system engineering,The basic task of safety systems engineering is to predict,evaluate and control hazards.The analysis process can be summarized as follows:,System,safety,analysis(identification and forecasting hazards);,Risk(safety)evaluation(including human,machine,material,craft,environment,organization,etc);,Comparison;,Comprehensive evaluation;,Optimize the decision of the plan.,The main technical means can be summarized as system,safety,ana


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