英语人教版八年级下册Unit 5 Period One

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,人教版八年级英语下册,Unit5,What were you doing when the,r,ainstorm came,?,Section A,1a-2d,学,习目标,1.,能认读,P33-34,新单词和短语;,2.,能,正,确使用,when,和,while,;,3.,能初步了解过去进行时。,r,e,nst,:,m,n.,暴风雨,l,:,m,n.,闹钟,(闹钟)发出响声,b,g,n,v.,开始,h,e,v,l,i,adv.,大量地,s,d,nl,i,adv.,突然;忽然,接电话,str,e,nd,adj.,奇特的;奇怪的,Task1,小组根据音标,齐,读,单词,2,遍,,3,分钟后展示。,rainstorm,alarm,go off,begin,heavily,suddenly,p,ick up,s,trange,暴风雨,闹钟,(闹钟)发出响声,开始,大量地,突然;忽然,接电话,奇特的;奇怪的,Test 1,游,戏:开火车。请根据中文意思,快速说出英文单词。,rainstorm,alarm,go off,begin,heavily,suddenly,p,ick up,s,trange,Test 2 Game:Quick response,如,果你知道图片所代表的英文单词,站起来抢答。,strange,alarm,begin,rainstorm,suddenly,(rain)heavily,What,were,people,doing,at,the time of,the rainstorm?,They,were,walk,ing,.,He,was,rid,ing,a bike,.,at the time of:在.的时候,Task 2 Look and Say,看图填空,What was he,doing,at the time of the rainstorm?,He,_ _ his,homework,.,w,as doing,Congratulations!,5 points,What,was she,doing,at,the time of the rainstorm?,She,_ _,to work,.,w,as running,Congratulations!,6,points,What,_ he,_,at,the time,of,the rainstorm?,He,_.,w,as doing,w,as playing basketball,Oh!My God!,0 point,Where,was he,when the rainstorm,came,?,He,was,_.,in the library,Come on!,1 point!,Where,was he,when the rainstorm,came,?,He,was,_.,on the street,Come on!,1 point!,Where were,they,when the rainstorm,came,?,They,w,ere,_.,in,the,house,Come on!,1 point!,Where,was he _,the rainstorm,_?,I was,_.,at the bus stop,在公交车站,when,came,Good Luck!,10,point!,I was walking home from supermarket./,I was waiting for a bus./,I was,Guessing Game,I have four friends,I called them last night.What were they doing when I called?,What,was,Jerry,doing,when I,call,ed,?,He was sweeping the floor.,What,was,James,doing,when I,call,ed,?,He was folding the clothes.,What,was,Tim,doing,when I,call,e,d,?,He was brushing his teeth.,What,was,he,doing,?,Maybe he was taking a,hot,shower,in the bathroom.,Where was Andy when I,call,ed,?,语,法放大镜,2d:How many times did Mary call Linda?,Mary:What were you doing last night,Linda?I called at seven and you didnt,pick up,.,Linda:Oh,I was in the kitchen helping my mom.,Mary:I see.I called again at eight and,you didnt answer then,either,.,Linda:What was I doing at eight?Oh,I know.When you called,I was taking a shower.,Mary:But then I called again at nine.,Linda:Oh,I was sleeping at that time.,Mary:So early?Thats strange.,Linda:Yeah,I was tired.Why did you call so many times?,Mary:I needed help with my homework.So,while,you were sleeping,I called Jenny and she helped me.,接(电话);捡(东西);搭载(某人),.and you didnt answer then either,.而,且那时你也没有接(电话)。,either:副词:也(用于否定,句句,末);,代词:(两者中的)任一个,与近义词 too,also的区别:,too:也(用于肯定,句句,末),also:也(用于肯,定,句,句,中),Eg.,1.I was caught in the rainstorm _.,2.She didnt catch the first bus _.,3.I _ caught the first bus.,too,either,also,语,法放大镜,2d,Mary:What were you doing last night,Linda?I called at seven and you didnt,pick up,.,Linda:Oh,I was in the kitchen helping my mom.,Mary:I see.I called again at eight and,you didnt answer then,either,.,Linda:What was I doing at eight?Oh,I know.,When,you called,I was taking a shower.,Mary:But then I called again at nine.,Linda:Oh,I was sleeping at that time.,Mary:So early?Thats,strange,.,Linda:Yeah,I was tired.Why did you call so many times?,Mary:I needed help with my homework.So,while,you were sleeping,I called Jenny and she helped me.,接(电话);捡(东西);搭载(某人),而,且那时你也没接电话。,当你打电话来时,我正在洗澡。,strange adj.,奇怪的,stranger n.,陌生人,The,stranger,said something,strange,and then left.,当你在睡觉的时候,我打电话给了,Jenny,她帮助了我。,When&While,when “当.时候”,后面跟的,动词可用,延续性动词也可用瞬间性动词,多用于,一,般过去时,When,the rainstorm came,I was taking a shower.,2.while “当.时候”,后面跟的,动词一般用,延续性动词,多用于,过,去进行,时,While,I was taking a shower,the rainstorm came.,while,&,when,1._the telephone rang,Dave was sleeping.,2.I was walking _ the bus came.,3._ she was shopping,it began to rain.,4.We were at home _ Bill was shouting.,5.Jim was playing basketball _ Jack,studied in the library.,When,while,While,when,when,用,所给词的适当形式填空,1.I _(help)my mother with housework,at ten oclock last Sunday,.,2,.The girl _(have)a piano lesson,at this time yesterday.,当,堂检测:过,去进行时的用法,was helping,was having,3.They _(talk)about the film,when the teacher came in.,4,.,While,he _(wait)for the bus,he read a newspaper.,were talking,was waiting,单词短语练习,Its snowing _ outside.Youd better not go out.,A.heavily B.hardly C.nearly D.heavy.,2.-Whats wrong with your alarm clock?,-It cant _ now.,A.go off B.go by C.go over D.go back,3.Mike,what were your parents doing at 8:00 last night?,-My mother was reading _ my father was playing,computer games.,A.while B.when C.unless D.as long as,4.Look!Whats on the ground?,-Oh,its my sweater.Please _.,A.pick it up B.put it on C.give it out D.take it off,5.Her brother is outgoing,but its _ that he is very quiet today.,A.stranger B.strange,A,A,A,A,B,抄,写,今天所学的单词,每词,4,遍,宝,典,P63-64,第一、二、三大题,Homework,


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