单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The trumpet of a prophecy!O,wind,If winter comes,can spring be far behind?,-Shelly,1,Percy Bysshe Shelley,(1792-1822),2,Shelly,3,Introduction,Shelly,one of the leading Romantic poets,an intense and original lyrical poet in the English language.English romantic poet who rebelled against English politics and conservative values.,He was not only a Platonist,but also an idealist.His work reflected the radical ideas and revolutionary optimism of the era.,4,Outline,1,、,Life experience,2,、,Points of view,3,、,Features of his poetry,4,、,Major works,5,、,Position,6,、,Comments,7,、,Analysis of,Ode to the West Wind,5,Shelleys,Early,Life,Born wealthily(1792),Eton,(12years old),(Mad Shelly),Oxford,(18 years old),The Necessity of Atheism,Expelled from the university and disowned by his father,6,Shelleys,Marriage,First Wife(19 years old),Second wife(22 years old),Harriet,Westbrook,Hasty and unsuitable,Mary,Godwin,Happy,7,Marry Shelly,8,Shelleys,Later,Life,Four-year troubles,in Italy,Poor health,Financial problems,Restless moving,Drowned in,1822,buried,in Rome,9,Points of View,A lifelong aversion(厌恶)to cruelty,injustice,authority,condemning tyranny and exploitation and unjust war,glorified freedom,expressed his sympathy for the oppressed.,To him the emancipation(解放of mankind could only be won“by resolute perseverance and indefatigable(有耐性的 hope,and long suffering and long-believing courage,and the systematic efforts of generations of men of intellect and virtue.He did not understand the necessity of armed struggle for a better society.,10,Features of Shelleys Poetry,Rich in myth,symbols and classical allusions,short poems on nature and love.,Strong dramatic power as shown in the rapidity of his lines;,Style abounds in personification and metaphor and other figures of speech.,11,1)The Necessity of Atheism,?无神论的必然性?,written when in Oxford University,)Queen Mab,?仙后麦布?,written when in London.,)The Revolt of Islam?伊斯兰的反叛?,His Literary Works,12,His Literary Works,)Prometheus Unbound,?解放了的普罗米修斯?,written when in Italy.,)The Masque of Anarchy,?专制者的假面游行?,a political lyrics,written when in Italy.,13,His Literary Works,)“Ode to the West Wind,“西风颂 written when in Italy.,7)A Defence of Poetry,?诗辩?,written when in Italy.,14,Prometheus Unbound,Shelleys greatest achievement,A four-act,lyrical drama,Plot borrowed from the Greek mythology,Prometheus Bound,:,Prometheus,the champion of humanity,who has stolen the fire from Heaven,is punished by Zeus to be chained on Mount Caucasus&suffers the vultures feeding on his liver.Prometheus finally reconciles with the tyrant Zeus.,15,VS,16,17,18,Prometheus Unbound,Shelley gave a totally different interpretation,transforming the,compromise,into a,liberation,.With the strong support of Earth,his mother;Asia,his bride Prometheus is unbound.,The play is an exultant work in praise of humankinds potential,representing Shelleys faith in the ultimate victory for mans struggle against tyranny and oppression.,19,Prometheus Unbound,Zeus:a symbol of all reactionary institutions.,Prometheus:a symbol of noble qualities:mans shaping intellect,his heroic endurance,the defiance against tyranny,the love of mankind,20,Prometheus Unbound,人类不再有,君主,自由自在,无拘无束,但还是人,,人人平等,不分阶级、种族和国家,,摆脱了恐惧、崇拜、差异和头上的君主,,人类变得公正、温和、聪明,但还是人。,21,His Position in English History,One of the leading romantic poets,an intense and original lyrical poet in the English language.,As far as his lyric poems are concerned,he is regarded as one of the greatest of all English poets.,He was the first poet in Europe who sang for the working class.,22,Comments,Wordsworth said,“Shelly is one of the best artists of us all.,Byron,his best friend,called Shelly“the best and least selfish man I ever knew.,He and Byron are justifiably regarded as two great poets of revolutionary romanticism in England.,Engels wrote:Shelly,the genius,the prophet,Shelly and Byron,with his glowing sensuality and his bitter satire upon our existing society,find most of their readers in the proletariat(无产阶级.,23,Ode,to the West Wind,Written in the Autumn,1819,and published in the following year,this poem has become one of the most popular and best-known of Shelleys verses.In a note Shelley outlined the circumstances behind the poems making,This is best of all the well-known lyric pieces by Shelley.,Ode:,an elaborately formal lyric poem,often in the form of a lengthy ceremonious address to a person or abstract entity,always serious and elevated in tone.,24,25,Note,This poem was conceived and chiefly written in a wood that skirts the Arno,near Florence,on a day when that tempestuous wind,whose temperature is at once mild and animating,was collecting the vapors which pour down the autumnal rains.They begin,as I foresaw,at sunset,with a violent tempest of hail and rain,attended by that magnificent thunder and lightning peculiar to the Cisalpine regions.(Shelley 239),26,O,w,ild,W,est,W,ind,thou,breath of Autumns be