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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Everyday Use,for Your Grandmama,part 1-analysis of three major characters,Mama,Dee,Maggie,part 2-conclusion and evaluation,An Analysis on Mama,(Mrs Johnson),Mama is the,narrator of the story.She is a middle-aged or older African-American woman living with her younger daughter,Maggie.Although poor,she is strong and independent,and takes great pride in her way of life.,From the lesson,we also can find a,part from physical strength,mama,also shows mental toughness,she went to the people of her church and raised money to send her gifted daughter to a school in Augusta.And she can clearly distinguish between dream and reality.This contributes to the good-hearted down-to-earth,(实际的),image the reader gets of her.,But the way she presents herself to us shows that she is dissatisfied.She dreams of being“brought together”with Dee again,being given all the appreciation and thankfulness she has always been refused by her.,The other reason for her to be dissatisfied is that the arrival of Dee reminds her of her weaknesses.She says for example that she could never look“a strange white man in the eye”,that she has“talked to them always with one foot raised in flight,with my head turned in whichever way is farthest from them.”,The character of,Dee(Wangero),Dee is Mrs Johnsons older daughter.She is attractive,sophisticated,and well-educated,.She is also very selfish;she may even have caused the fire that disfigured,(损害),her sister.Mrs Johnson calls her Dee/Wangero.,Besides Dee is,dominant,lucky,aggressive and determined,.,She is bright confident and beautiful and likes to produce herself-”hesitation is not part of her nature”she cares much about the outer appearance.”At 16 she had a style of her own and knew what style was”.,Dee,is deeply influenced by the white peoples culture though from a black family.She is,in the core,as ambitious and aggressive as a white person.Several years of college education entitled her to look down upon her hometown from the standing point of city civilization.She hates almost all that she was born with:the poor old house,stout(矮胖的)mother,her lame(跛足的)sister,and a lot else,Dee,is not a single-sided person,However materialistic(唯物主义的)she is,she knows that she cannot change her color.Thus she sometimes tries to find her identity from what she thinks is still worth appreciation of the black culture,For example,the bench,the churn(搅乳器),the dasher(搅乳棒),and the two quilts(被褥).She deems those things aesthetic symbolic of the black culture,Dee wanted to hang these quilts on her wall,because they had been made en-vogue(时尚)by the Black Power Movement,demonstrating that she does not understand her culture and its core values of simplicity and practicality,Her change of name,Dee wanted to change her name to“Wangero”,thinking that“Dee”is a name from the white people.She doesnt know that she is named after her aunt and even further,her great-grandmother.The mother wanted her to remember the tradition and history of the family by the name,but she actually knows nothing about the origin of the name,The introduction of maggie,Maggie is“a kind of cinderella”,she is the younger one of the two daughters and in every aspect the absolute counterpart of Dee.,innocent,simple-minded,disfigured,timid(胆怯的),unconfident and kind-hearted,slow,Maggie is a,shy,different young woman made even more self-conscious by scars she got in a house fire years ago.She hasnt had much formal education but has learned traditional skills,such as quilting,from her family.,Her lack of self-confidence both shows in the way she walks and the way she admires her elder sister“with a mixture of envy and awe”.,Timid:”when her sister arrives at home,she attempt to make a dash for the house ”and when her sisters boyfriend greet her,her reflection.”He moves to hug maggie but she falls back,right up against the back of my chair.I feel her trembling there and when I look up I see the perspiration falling off her chin.”,She has a“thin body”.she“knows she is not bright”and bears severe scars on her arms and legs from a fire that burned the Johnsons earlier house to the ground,.,She seems to be quite uneducated although Mrs.Johnson tells us that“sometimes Maggie reads to her”,.,But in contrast to Dee,Maggie loves her family and knows about its history and traditions.Maggie wanted the quilt because she could remember her grandma better,who taught her to do needle work.While Dee want the quilt because she wanted to get some valuable heritages of the family,mainly out of her vanity(浮华).,conclusion and evaluation,Part 2,Dee 叛逆者,bright,confident,smart,beautiful,well-educated,likes to produce herself,Mother 捍卫者,physical strength,mental toughness,the good-hearted,down-to-earth,Maggie继承者,lack of self-confidence,shy,conservative,inheriting Africa American culture,Mother seems to range between them,both Maggies conservative,and quiet side and Dees independence,strong side.,mother,black,a working woman,big and strong,rece


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