Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,第八章,古文翻译,第三部分 翻译专题,Contents,不可望文生义,2,常用字,/,词及句法,1,古文英译实例,3,道德经,1.,熟悉一些常用字,/,词及句法,文言文的理解,除了存在着与现代汉的理解相同的困难以外,还有古汉语用词及语法方面的特殊困难。例如,大家所熟知的“之、乎、者、也”,古文中很常见,该如何译?在彻底理解之后,翻译时最好是书面或在心里将文言文译为现代汉语,最转换为英语。,复旦大学外文学院,2007,年举办第二届“优萌杯”翻译竞赛,有两篇短文汉译英,第一篇是文言文,其第一段文字如下:,人一其视而不一其明,故目有时盲;人一其听而不一其聪,故耳有时聋。盖目之盲,由物乱其睛;耳之聋,由声惑其聪。,你能理解确切吗?请先试译成现代汉语,再译成现代英语。,One sometimes fails to see things clearly because of too many confused things for him to see;one sometimes fails to hear sounds articulately because of too much noise for him to hear.So,it can be said that one becomes partly blind because his eyes are distracted by objects and that one turns partly deaf to sounds because his ears are confused by noises.,此类翻译的诀窍:,先理解,后译意,。,1.,今之乐犹古之乐也。,之,:意为“,的”,相当于英语的,of,。全句意为:“今天的音乐与古代的音乐颇多相似之处”。,The music today is like that of the old days.,2.,子曰:“不患人之不已知,患不知人也。”,之,:连接主谓结构,没有实在意义,翻译时可不译。全句意为:不必担心别人不知道自已,要设法了解别人。,The Master said,“Dont worry about,yourselfs,being not known by others but try to understand them.”,3.,东家之子,增之一分则太长,减之一分则短。,之:代词。,The girl next door would be too tall if an inch were added to her height,and too short if an inch were taken away.,4.,鱼,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也。,也:语助词,无意,可不译。,I like fish and I like bears paw too.,5.,三人行,必有我师焉。,焉:代词,表示“其中”的意思。,Even when walking in a party of no more than three I can always be certain of learning from those I am with.,6.,塞翁失马,焉知非福。,焉:疑问副词。,When the old man on the frontier lost his mare,who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise?,7.,有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?,乎:语气助词,无义,翻译时可不译。,Isnt it a pleasure that a friend of yours is coming from far away?,8.,北山愚公者,年且九十,面山而居。,者,:,代词,意为“,的人”,有时可不译,有时定冠词来译,如富者可译为,the rich,。,Old Fool Yu of the North Mountain was about ninety years old and he lived in a house facing the mountain.,9.,师者,所以传道、受业、解感也。,此句中“,者,也”是一种古汉语陈述句型。,The teacher is a person who explains the truth,gives knowledge and solves,problems.,End,古汉语毕竟与现代汉语是不同。同样一个汉字在古汉语中其意义与现代汉语是不一样的。译者切不可以现代汉语之意义去理解古汉语。那样的话,一定会在翻译中出错。,2.,不可望文生义,1.,玉换不琢,不成器,;,人不学,不知道。,If a jade is not cut,it will not form a vessel for use;and if a man does not learn,he will get no knowledge.,“不知道”译为“,get no knowledge”,显然是错误的。“道”在古代是一个哲学概念,在这里,相当于“行为准则”或“为人之道”的意思。故此例“人不学,不知道”可译为:,If a man does not learn,he will not know the principles of behavior.,2.,古人秉烛夜游,良有以也。,When the people in ancient times made night travel with their hands holding candles,they surely had their reasons.,此例把“秉烛夜游”译为,made night travel with their hands holding candles,也属理解错误。此处“夜游”的“游”不是现在意义的旅行、旅游之义,而是游玩的意思。此例可译为:,When the people in ancient times played at night with their hands holding candles,surely they had their reasons.,3.,富润屋,德润身,心广体胖。,The rich adorn their houses while the virtuous adorn their conducts.If you care nothing,your body will be getting fat.,“心广体胖”译为,If you care nothing,your body will be getting fat.,也属误解。此处的“心广体胖”,意为,:“,如果你不斤斤计较于琐事,目标远大,你就会活得自在舒服”。“体胖”不是指身体长胖,而是指身体安泰、舒适。故这里“心广体胖”可译为,:,The mind is expanded,and the body will be at ease.,End,师 说,古之,学者,必有师。师,者,所以传,道,、受,业,、,解,惑,也。人非生而知之,者,孰能无惑?惑而不,从师,其为惑也,终不,解矣。,学者,:,求学的人。,道,:,指儒家的道,即孔子、孟子所讲的以礼义治国之道。,业,:,指儒家经典。,惑,:,兼指道和业的疑难问题。,生乎吾前,其,闻道,也固,先乎吾,吾从而,师之,;生,乎吾后,其闻道也亦先,乎吾,吾从而师之。吾,师,道,也,夫,庸知,其年之先后,生于吾乎?是故,无,贵贱,,无长无少,道之所存,师,之所存也。,闻道,:懂得道理。,师之,:以之为师。,师道,:学习道。师:学习。,庸知,:岂知。庸:岂,难道。,无,:无论,不管。,On the Teacher,Since ancient times to learn all men must have teachers,who pass on the truth and dispel ignorance.As men are not born wise,who can be free from ignorance?But if ignorant men do not find teachers,they remain ignorant for ever.Some teachers may be born before me and have learned the truth before me;I should therefore learn from them.Some may have been born after me,but learned the truth before me;I should also learn from them.As I seek the truth,I need not worry whether my teacher is my senior or junior.Whether he is noble or common,elder or younger,whoever knows the truth can be a teacher.,嗟乎!,师道,之不传也久矣!,欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣,人,其,出人,也远矣,犹且从,师而问焉。今之众人,其,下,圣人,也亦远矣,而耻学于,师。,是故,圣益圣,愚益愚;圣人,之所以为圣,愚人之所以为,愚,,其,皆出于此乎?,师道,:从师学道的风尚。,出人,:超出于一般人。出:超过。,下圣人,:低于圣人。,是故,:因此。益:更加。,其,:表揣测语气的副词,“大概”的,意思。,Alas,since men have ceased learning from teachers it is hard not to be ignorant.The old sages were far superior to common men,yet they sought the truth from teachers.Most men of today are far below those sages,yet they think it shameful to learn.That is why sages become more sage,while fools become more foolish.No doubt this is what makes some sages and others fools.,爱其子,择师而教之。于,其,身,也,则耻师焉,惑,矣!彼童子之师,授之书,而习其句读者也,非吾所,谓传其道解其惑者也。,句,读,之不知,惑之不解,或,师焉,或,不,焉,,小学,而大,遗,吾未见其明也。,注 释,身,:自己。,句读,:指文字诵读。一句话完了,古人叫做“句”;句中停顿的地方,古人叫做“读”,通作“逗”。,不,:同“否”。,小学,:指习句读。大遗:指传道、解惑等大事被遗弃。遗:丢失。,A man who loves his son chooses a teacher for him but is ashamed to find one for himself.This is entirely wrong.All a childs teacher can do is to give him a book and tell him how to read it sentence by sentence.This is not the teacher I have in mind who can pass on the truth and dispe