Unit Four.Meeting and Greeting Etiquette,Focal Points,The rules for business greeting and introduction,How to greet in business settings,How to make business introduction professional,Greetingis an act ofcommunicationin which human beingsintentionallymake their presence known to each other,to show attention to,and to suggest a type of relationship orsocial status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.,Greetings can be expressed both audibly and physically,and often involve a combination of the two.,Greetings are often,but not always,used just prior to a conversation.,Lead-in,Greeting,What is Greeting?,Meeting and Greeting Etiquette,It refers to the nonverbal and verbal behaviors help to define your social skills by using effective handshakes,good eye contact,and making the proper introductions,to show proper etiquette when you are meeting people,in business settings.,Lead-in,Contents:,Business Greeting and Introduction,Business Greeting,The Art of Business Introduction,Lead-in,Business Greeting,Business Greeting and Introduction,A business greeting is your first opportunity to make a positive impression on business contacts.,An effective business greeting is one way to display your poise,grace and professionalism.,Business Greeting and Introduction,Business Introduction,Types of introduction:,Self-introduction,Introduction to others,Group introduction,Orders of introduction:,Introduce the one in lower status,to high status,;,Introduce the youth to the old,;,Introduce male to female,;,Introduce the host to guests,;,Introduce,unmarried,to married,Introduce the late one to the early arrival one,Business Greeting,Greeting Standard,Chose the concrete content carefully.,Care about the precedence order carefully.,When two sides meet,the one who is in lower status should greet to the higher status.if you also need to greet a lot of people,you should greet from the respect one or the one who is near you,and it will follow by the line.When others greet to you first,you should response at once.,Care the attitude.You must greet others with passion.There are three points as follow:,1smile,2generosity,3clear voice,Business Greeting,Different means of Greeting,Handshaking,Embracing,Bowing,Kissing,The Art of Business Introduction,Proper introductions help to establish rapport when meeting people.,Dont turn your backs on either side,and you should,simile and have a very formal manner;,Language should be clarity,and it can make others know the information clearly;,Take care of the title,such as managers;,The introduced one should stand up;After introduction,the two sides can shake hands and exchange cards;,After introduction,the introducer should guide the two sides.,The Art of Business Introduction,When you are making the introduction.,Look first at the person to whom you are making the introduction,then turn to the other person as you complete the introduction.,Speak clearly,State your introductions courteously.,Introduce people by names and titles they prefer.,When you share last name,introduce your spouse and offspring to adults by first names only,Introduce other family members by their full names unless they request otherwise.,Dont repeat names unnecessarily.,When introducing someone to a group,name the group members first.,Start some conversation,The Art of Business Introduction,When you are being introduced,Listen carefully,be attentive and focus on names.,Respond graciously.,Use the names by which people are introduced.,Correct any mistake as soon as graciously as possible.,Listen for conversational cues.,Wait until all introductions are complete before conversing.,The Art of Business Introduction,Examples:,“Mr.Cogwell,I want my daughter,Cynthia,to meet you.Cynthia,this is Mr.Cogwell,the president of this company.(Young to Old),“Jane,Id like to introduce Harry Newman,my nephew.Harry,this is Dr.Jane Arrowsmith,head of our hospital.(Junior to Senior),Exercises,.,Role-play activity,Divide the class into groups;,Greet and introduce each member of the group to one another.,Exercises,II.Decide the following cases are,True or false,and state your reasons.,1.Your boss,Ms.Alpha,enters the room when youre meeting with an important client,Mr.Beta.You stand up and say“Ms.Alpha,Id like you to meet Mr.Beta,our client from San Diego.,2.In a business greeting,if someone forgets to introduce you,it is appropriate to move on with the conversation without saying anything.,Exercises,III.,What will you say to introduce the following people to know each other?Please write down the exact expressions and sentences you will use to introduce them,making it like in the real situation.,Cynthia Green,your assistant;George,Cogwell,president of the company you are visiting.,Brown Smith,a peer from Canada;Li,Jiang,your new sales assistant.,Harry Newman,your cousin;Jane,Arrowsmith,head of your department.,