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岳云中学高二M5U3 单元测试Class_ No_ Name _1、 重点单词(2*20)1 收养,采纳11 资源2 精确的12 准许,许可(n)3 使改变外观或性质13 使恐吓,使惊恐4 职业,行业14 意图,目的,企图5 多数,大多数15 结果,后果6 原来的,首创的16 美味的,可口的7 忧虑,焦虑17 农业8 总结,概括18 收入9 可信赖的,可依靠的19 确认,证实10 短暂的,简洁的20 合法的2、 重点短语(2*20)1. 努力推进某事11. 从个人的角度看来2. 玩弄12. 以很快的速度3. 效仿某人13. 用光,用尽4. 认真考虑14 大体上,一般而言5. 赞同,支持15 一方面,另一方面6. 对做出评论16 把努力集中在.上7. 而不是17 属于某人自己的8. 把限制在范围内18 满足某人的需求9. 因责备某人19 允许.10. (完全)赞同20 环顾四周,随便看看3 填空题(1*20)1. If mankind toys with nature in that way, we may be on our way to _(produce) a real-life Frankensteins monster. 2. He is a teacher_ (praise) by all students.3. The first English textbook _(write) came out in the 16th century4. _ (give)more attention,the trees could have grown better.5. Cloning human embryos _the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life. 6. The old picture will keep me_(remind)of the old days I spent together with her in that village. 7.Many people, _(include) some scientists, disagree to clone human beings.8.Human cloning is causing a lot of _.(anxious)9.If she _(have) the chance, she would clone her daughter, who died in a traffic accident. 10.Some people find it_(excite) that they may have robots cook dinner for them at home in the future.11.My sister sat silent for some time, _(lose) in thought.12.We all need pure water _.(drink)13.Because of my poor English Im afraid I cant make myself _(understand)14.When_(complete), the museum will be open to the public next year15.It was a pity that the great writer died with his work _(finish).16.They found the glass cup_.(break)18. America is a_(develop) country.19. Human beings are consuming natural resources _ a fast pace.20.Since GM crops _(plant) outside, they are part of the food chain-insects and other animals eat them or use their products, and these insects and animals will be eaten by yet other animals.


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