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*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Getting to Resorts World Sentosa,如何前往圣淘沙名胜世界,Resorts World Sentosa is a mere 10 minutes from Singapores Central Business District,Cable Car,.,A cable car ride offers the most relaxing way to arrive in Sentosa,offering dramatic views of HarbourFront vicinity,Keppel Harbour and Mount Faber park on mainland Singapore.,圣淘沙名胜世界距离中央商业区仅十分钟车程,地理位置优越、交通四通八达。乘坐花柏山顶(,Mount Faber,)的空中缆车从空中入岛,可饱览花柏山、吉宝港及港湾一带的迷人风景和海港风光。,1.1500,人民币,(CNY)=316.5,新币,(SGD), are advised to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.You may wish to bring along a spare set of clothes,as certain attractions may get you wet.,3.No pets or animals are allowed within our premises,with the exception of service animals for the visually impaired.,Trave Tips,Universal Studios Singapore Day Pass,Purchase your day passes to Universal Studios Singapore online and save time queuing when you arrive at the park.Its quick and easy!,Tickets,Ticket Type,Adult(Ages 13 to 59),Child(Ages 4 to 12),Senior(Ages 60 and above),One Day Pass$74$54$36,Two Day Pass(Two consecutive days)$118$88$58,门票入门票类别,成人,(13,至,59,岁,),儿童,(4,至,12,岁,),年长者,(60,岁及以上,),一日票,$74$54$36,两日票,$118$88$58,Universal Studios Singapore,新加坡环球影城,Go beyond the screen and Ride The Movies,at Universal Studios Singapore.Only here can you experience cutting-edge rides,shows,and attractions based on your favourite blockbuster films and television series,including TRANSFORMERS The Ride:The Ultimate 3D Battle,Shrek 4-D Adventure,Madagascar:A Crate Adventure,Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure,and more,!,到访新加坡环球影城,身历其境,体验电影!新加坡环球影城拥有多项顶尖独特的游乐设施与景点,融汇电影主题的崭新项目及表演,其中包括:变形金刚3D对决 之终极战斗、史瑞克4-D 影院、马达加斯加:木箱漂流记、侏罗纪河流探险等,First ZoneHollywood(,好莱坞,),步入好莱坞,跃入眼帘的是百老汇风格的好莱坞剧院(以著名好莱坞,Pantages,剧院为设计蓝图)以及鳞次栉比的餐饮与购物场所。电影,美国风情画,里的经典汉堡屋梅尔斯快餐将重现于此,让游客体验上世纪美国餐厅的点滴复古情怀!熠熠生辉的“星光大道”两旁是好莱坞电影中的经典建筑,排列的棕榈树更是让游客仿佛置身于闻名遐迩的好莱坞,期待能与巨星邂逅。,Step onto Hollywood Boulevard framed by dynamic architecture,palm trees and the famousWalk of Fame,you will feel as if you have landed in the center of the entertainment universe.,Daddy Os,Hang Ten Hipsters with the harmonizing boys from the beach!extravaganza!,阳光男子组合为您带来充满海滩风情的和声演唱。,Mels Dinettes,美国风情歌舞秀,Join the Mels Drive-in waitresses as they Shake,Rattle&Roll.,梅尔斯餐室的活力侍应们邀您一起摇摆热舞。,。,SHOPPING,SuperStar,Candies,A wide variety of sweets and treats with star appeal.,Second Zone-New York,Feel the spirit and energy of Americas biggest and grandest city as you stroll along the sidewalks and enjoy all the classic landmarks.Soak in the impressive city skylines,neon lights,and facades that set the scenes for big city fun and real-time movie production.,纽约最经典的城市标签,起伏的天际线、炫丽的霓虹灯、著名的建筑物,交织出大都会的活色生香,亦是现成的电影制片厂。由电影大师史蒂芬,斯皮尔伯格主持的“电影特效片场”,向游客揭露惊心动魄电影场景的幕后制作;在此,游客可在,KT,经典西餐厅享用纽约传统烧烤美食,或在路易纽约披萨厅品尝地道的纽约披萨。,Lights,Camera,Action Hosted by Steven Spielberg,斯匹堡大导演主持的电影特效片场,Be blown away as an empty sound stage becomes the setting for a major hurricane about to hit New York City-right before your very eyes.,一场,特效盛宴:看制片人如何在瞬息间将一个空荡荡的音像影棚变成即将遭受五级飓风横扫的纽约市。,close look,Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase,芝麻街现场表演,芝麻街的艾摩及朋友们为您现场载歌载舞,呈献爆笑演出。来听他们述说各自的远大梦想,谁要成为消防员,谁又要当警察、歌手、甚至是古生物学家?快到纽约街头会一会这群童年好朋友,随着他们的活力舞曲,如,Our,Favourite,Things,及,Dance with Bert and Ernie,等,又唱又跳!,Third zone-Sci-Fi City(,科幻城市,),The city of the future has arrived.Through the impressive portals of Sci-Fi City you will experience the ultimate intergalactic battle of Good vs.Evil and visit a vibrant metropolis with all the ultimate modern conveniences.,未来世界,即在眼前!这个由奇思妙想打造而成的未来大都会,充满了各式令人难以置信的尖端科技,同时也夹杂着古老生物与古文化遗迹。这里除了有世界各地的游客,也引来无数未知世界的生命,是未来世界的缩影。整座科幻城市坐落在一个巨大的地下发电厂,发电厂持续不断地汲取风力、阳光、水力等自然能量,以供应源源动力。游客一旦登上世界最高的双轨过山车“太空堡垒”更是能参与人类与机械人之战,翻转于环境与未来科技完美结合的精细机制。,Four ZoneAncient Egypt,(,古埃及,),Ancient pyramids and obelisks stand fast against the sands of time as you are transported to 1930s Egypt,the Golden Age of Egyptian Exploration.Travel to an era when entire Pharaohs tombs were discovered-and their terrible curses unleashed.,无视时间流逝而高挺屹立的古老神殿,把游客带回上世纪三十年代的埃及,重现古埃及黄金时代的探险辉煌。那是法老陵墓被发掘、恐怖魔咒遭释放的年代。游客追随着英勇善战、胆大心细的考古学家的步迹,在浩瀚沙漠中凭借冷静与智慧破解神殿之谜。无论是在地中海风味馆解渴充饥,到卡特宝库寻找古埃及文物仿制品,或是亲身经历木乃伊复仇记室内过山车的惊险刺激,都是一段难忘的勇者之旅。,Meet the Army of Anubis,与阿努比斯守护者会面,Encounter Egyptian royalty and the Army of Anubis as you experience the Golden Age of Ancient Egypt,回到古埃及的辉煌年代,看阿努比斯大军如何誓死效忠神圣的法老。,Five zone,The Lost World,(,失落的世界,),Divided into two themed areas:Jurassic Park and Water World,this zone is for fans of the two blockbuster movies,as they can experience a dense tropical forest where dinosaurs lurk,then watch death defying stunts filled with thrills and spills!,分别有“侏罗纪公园”和“未来水世界”两大深受环球影城迷热爱的主题亮点。以史蒂芬,斯皮尔伯格的经典同名电影系列为设计蓝本的“侏罗纪公园”,本身便是一个让人流连忘返的主题公园。重新设计后的侏罗纪河流探险,惊险纷呈,游客将逆转时空,身临其境地闯入远古时代的恐龙世界,穿梭在茂密的原始热带雨林,与恐龙为伍。根据“未来水世界”电影而搬演的爆炸性演出,让游客观赏到唯有环球影城才敢于呈献的高超特技。熊熊火焰和冲天水柱在相互烘托下的爆炸演出,必定让游客拍案叫绝。,Discovery Food Court,探索新之味,Featuring Singapores“must try”,favourite,local dishes,desserts and drinks in a Jurassic setting.,在侏罗纪公园的远古荒漠中,享用新加坡“必尝”的地道小吃、甜点和饮料!,Amber Rock Climb(,琥珀攀岩墙,),Scal


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