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LookSmellSoundTasteFeel视觉Eye 嗅觉Nose 听觉Ear 味觉Mouth 触觉Hand look smellsoundWe use our eyes / noses / hands / mouths / ears to taste feel Read these sentences.It tastes good.You look very pretty.It doesnt smell fresh.I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. It doesnt smell fresh. It feels soft. pizzaIt looks lovely, it smells delicious, it tastes good. cheeseIt doesnt smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. chocolate cookiesThey taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. She looks very pretty. He looks strong. She feels sad when she gets bad marks at school. She feels quite shy when she is with strangers. She feels nervous when she speaks Chinese. She feels sorry when she does not know how to do things in the right way. She feels afraid when she travels by plane. 1. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. e.g. The cakes taste delicious. 1. The bananas _. 2. The students _. 3. The flowers _. 4. The juice _. 5. The chair _. 6. The music _. taste delicious look happy smell nice tastes sour feels soft sounds beautiful 2. Write sentences about yourself. Use the words in the box to help you. feel look smell sound taste e.g. I like this dress very much. It feels comfortable. I like pandas. They look funny and friendly. 3. Put the words into the correct columns.What does he / she look like? What is he / she like?beautiful friendlybeautiful, dark, fair, friendly, nice old, pretty, proud, quiet, short, shy, strict, tall, young dark fair old pretty short tall young nice proud quiet shy strict look like/like的用法与区别look like着重问人物长相,look是看上去,即看上去是个什么样。be like着重人的内在性格、人品,是个什么样的人。like在此是介词。e.g. What does he look like? 他长什么样? What is he like? 他是个什么样的人? 4. Use the table in Activity 3 to ask and answer questions about the people.your mumA: What does your mum look like?B: Shes tall and beautiful.A: What is your mum like?B: Shes friendly. 1. your dad2. your maths / Chinese / music teacher3. your uncle4. your best friende.g. What does he look like? He is big and strong. What is he like? He is nice. 5. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box. You need to use some of the words more than once.be look taste Jane: Hi, Alex! How are you today?Alex: Great!Jane: You (1) _ very happy!look Alex: Oh, yes. My mum made a cake for me. Here, have some. It really (2) _ delicious!Jane: Thanks. It (3) _ very pretty too. Mm, youre right. Its nice.Alex: And another good things is, my friend Ben is coming to stay.tasteslooks Jane: Oh, really? What (4) _ he like? Alex: Hes really friendly and kind.Jane: What does he (5) _ like?Alex: Well, hes tall and thin. Hes good at sport. Would you like to meet him?Jane: Yes, Id like to. islook 6. Complete the passage with the words in the box.close, friendly, look, meet, noisy, with Americans usually shake hands with each other when they first (1) _. When two Americans are talking, they do not stand too (2) _ to each other. meetclose If they meet some friends at a party while they are talking (3) _ someone else, they usually bring their friends into the conversation. Americans (4) _ each other in the eye when they talk. They may be a bit (5) _ sometimes, but they are quite (6) _.with looknoisyfriendly 7. Write about how things feel, look, smell, sound or taste. Use the words in the box to help you.beautiful, comfortable, delicious, fresh great, hot, nervous, nice, noisy, quiet, round, strong, sweet e.g. Flowers look beautiful. They smell nice. 8. Describe a thing in the box to your partner. Your partner should guess what it is. Use the words in the box in Activity 7 to help you.a basketball, a bird, a cat, a flower, a hamburger, a lantern, a plane, grass, the sun, A: It looks beautiful.B: Is it a flower?A: No, it isnt. Its round and hot.B: Is it a lantern? A: No, it isnt. Its much hotter and bigger than a lantern.B: Is it the sun?A: Yes, youre right. 9. Listen and complete the notes. What is the speaker complaining about?The music The room The food The drink The people terrible, too loud, sounds like noise, not musictoo hot for dancinghas too much salttoo coldnot very friendly Read the passage and fill in the blanks. In the West, people are quite open about their feelings. Many people hug each other when they meet. People are friendly and informal. They usually use given names, even at work. It is polite for people to say “thank you” very often, even to their family members. 1. People in the West are quite _ about their feelings. 2. Many people _ each other when they meet. 3. People in the West are _ and _. 4. It is _ for people to say “thank you” to others. openhug friendly informalpolite Writing a description of a classmate.Think about one of your classmates:age, hair, hobbies, face, height, sizeWrite a description of him / her. Share your description with your classmates.e.g. My friend is fourteen years old. He is tall and looks strong. He plays football well


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