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人教版四年级下册Unit 3 Is this your skirt?Part B Lets talkTeaching Aims 咸安区南门小学 陈琼英Aims on the knowledge(1)掌握重要词汇:these those neighbour(2)重要句型:What are they? These are Those areAims on the abilities能够听说认读句型 These are Those are Aims on the emotion让孩子们热爱生活,学会文明着装。Key points of this lesson掌握本课时的主要句型:These are your baby pants. Those are my shoes.Difficult points of this lesson单复数形式表达方法上的区别,在会话中使用这些语言。Teaching materials: computer pictures tape objectsTeaching proceduresThe whole class is divided into seven steps.Step 1 Lead-in 1.Sing a color song together. ( 通过颜色歌曲的演唱复习颜色,巩固前面的知识。)2.Free talk.(复习上一节课的句型)Step 2 Presentation ( The most important part in this class.)1.播放课件,展示衣服的图片。T: Whats this?Ss: Its a skirt.T: What are they?Ss: Pants.T: These are pants.引导学生明白复数的概念,学会用these和those.给学生时间进行操练,并请同学表演。2. Teaching game教师从学生那儿取来一些东西,如鞋子,笔,练习对话。T: Are these your shoes?Ss: Yes, they are. These are my shoes.3.教师拿出一双婴儿鞋,请同学们猜是谁的。Whose baby shoes are these? Are those your shoes? 引出句型“Theyre so small.”播放幻灯片小孩相片,这是我儿子的婴儿鞋。T: What for?教师(出示钢笔):We can use the pen to write something. We can use the ruler to draw lines. We can wear coat to keep warm. But what for?(教师再次展示鞋子)Ss: Our neighbour has a new baby.播放幻灯片,解释neighbour.Step 3 Practice1.Play the tape, listen carefully.2.Play the second time and read the dialogue after the tape.3.Read it and act it out.Step 4 Extension播放幻灯片,出示潜山公园的图片。我将邀请同学一起去游玩。同学讨论What do you want to wear?Step 5 Homework请用我们学过的句型编写一个简单的对话。用上these are. Those are 板书Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Part B Lets talkWhats this? Its a What are they? These are Those areWhat for?neighbour 邻居


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