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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Networkof,Catchwords,网络流行语,Network popular words,As its name suggests,is popular on the network language,is netizens established express way,.,网络流行语顾名思义就是在网络上流行的语言,是网民们约定俗成的表达方式。,指网络上无脑消费的人。最早是来形容网络上人民币玩家(,RMBplay),被称为“土豪”,用于讽刺那些有钱又很喜欢炫耀的人,尤其是通过装穷来炫耀自己有钱的人。该意义衍生出“土豪,我们做朋友吧,等句子。,It used to satirize the rich and loved to show off,especially through the poor to show off his money.The meaning derived from The local tyrants,lets be friends,土豪,Local Tyrant,Source,:,from the event“,小月月”,which soon spread across the Internet.,All things are just like floating clouds.Or we can say everything,like floating clouds,is nothing.,Similar to nothing worth mentioning,神马都是浮云,Everything is nothing,This sentence is so popular that in a very short time,it spreads to every corner especially on the campus.We use it like this:,A student who learns French cannot afford to be hurt.,A student who learns Optic cannot afford to be hurt.,伤不起,Can not afford to be hurt,Described capital,swollen,with,arrogance,fear nothing,形容有资本、气焰嚣张、有恃无恐,Source,:,A night in HeBei University in central China,a car accident happened.One girl was injured and one was died.The driver,a 22-year-old boy,who was intoxicated,(醉酒的),tried to speed away,when the security guards intercepted,(拦截),him,,h,e warned them:My father is Li Gang!,我爸是李刚,My,father,is Li Gang,gelivable,/,ungelivable,给力,/不,给力,Similar to the,very good,it is exciting,cool,This sentence is usually used to describe that I have done something,you are dropped behind by me,dont try to catch up with me,I am only a legend.,Don,t be obsessed with me.,I am only a legend!,不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说,What I am smoking isn,t a cigarette,but loneliness,哥,抽的不是香烟,是寂寞,This sentence usually used to describe a attitude,towards life.When we are alone,we may feel lonely.,The loneliness may make us crazy,but we must restrain it.,Accept it as it is.This is the correct attitude,towards life.,Holy crap,我了个去,It is an interjection,expressing their,impatience,helplessness,no way,它是个叹词,表示无奈,,无可奈何,没办法。相当,于,“,我晕,”,“,不是吧,”,的意思,Microblog,微博,Meaning on the,micro-blogging updates,log,Because the,Micro-blogs short title is,Microblogging,so some,people jokingly called,scarf.The update,called woven scarf.,意思是在微型博客上更新日志等,因为,微型博客简称微博,所以有人戏称,“围脖”。把更新叫做“织围脖”。,元芳原名李元芳,是系列电视剧,神探狄仁杰,中狄仁杰的副手,因思维缜密、善于推理而备受器重。“较真”的网友截图总结出四部,神探狄仁杰,一脉相承的亮点:办案时,狄仁杰常以“元芳,你怎么看?”征询下属意见;对此,李元芳总是“公式化”地答道:“大人,此事必有蹊跷。”这一“经典”对白遭网友吐槽并跟风援引,,“,元芳体,”就此诞生。几日来,“元芳体”一直位居微博热门话题前列,且持蹿升势头,相关讨论帖达到数十万条,“元芳,你怎么看”的“贴吧”也已建立,围观者众多,元芳 你怎么看,?,Yuan Fang,How do you think about it?,When the hit question first came out,the man named Yuanfang faced the question over a million times per day on the Internet.,今天为何不发工资啊!元芳,你怎么看?,最近作业很多,元芳,你怎么看?,央视:元芳,你对幸福怎么看?,元芳:我姓李,Many things are not in accordance with our expectations in our daily life.For example,I thought I could pass the exam but the result turned to be disappointing.My life is like a tea table.,人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具(,悲剧,),Life is like a tea table,with bitter cups placed all over it.,This sentence usually used to describe a life style.Life is full of pain.To be happy is a hard thing for us.So we must get rid of unhappiness,speak it out,and do something to make others happy.,你有什么不开心的事?说出来让大家开心一下,What makes you unhappy?Tell us to make us happy,Summarize,All of them are quite familiar to you.They have been a part of our life.Some of them may disappear soon,some of them may be reserved for a long time.No matter what,we should not forget the laughter they brought to us and think about the meaning behind the funny and ironic.,Yuan fang,how do you think about my PPT?,Thank you!,


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