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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,Chapter 2 Logistics strategy and planning,Focused on planning and the decision making that leads to good logistics plans that contribute to the financial goals of the firm.,Objectives of the firm,Visioning process,Definitive plans,Corporate strategy,Functional strategy,Four components of strategy,Customers,Suppliers,Competitors,Company,Corporate strategy,The corporate strategy drives the functional strategies since they are contained within the former,as shown in Figure 2-1.,Corporate strategy,Box 2.1 example,Xeror:to be No.1 in field service,Star Kist Food:supply-side strategy,marketing and logistics responded with their plan to control the potential excess inventories.,Logistics strategy,Three objectives:,cost reduction,warehouse location,transport modes,capital reduction,shipping directly,public warehouse,service improvement,Logistics strategy,Box 2.2 example,Office machine company:Traditionally,technicians were assigned from a service center to the customer repair site.,Improve,when a machine broke down;a replacement machine would be sent to the customer and the broken machine sent to the service center for repair.,See figure 2-2,flow of logistics planning.,Logistics strategy,Flow of Logistics Planning,各種物流管理策略,基本策略,環境因應策略,減少物流時間為基礎之策略,提高資產生產力之物流策略,物流基本策略,最小總成本策略,最高顧客服務策略,最大利潤策略,最大競爭策略,環境因應策略,1,配銷策略,目標,成本,服務,環境變數,顧客變數,特性,服務水準,數量,訂貨型態,通路變數,結構,議價能力,績效,功能,產品變數,物徵,物流變數,運輸,存貨,設備,資訊,環境因應策略,2,供給策略,目標,連續性,協調性,成本,環境變數,物料-產品,價格,風險,市場:供給,需求變動,供應商,可靠度,容量,品質,運送,整合性,物流變數,運輸,存貨,訂貨處理,協調,環境因應策略,3,國際物流策略,國際分工,物流效率生策略,關稅優勢&物流效率,比較利益,政府影響,財務因素,財務風險,貨幣匯率,公司環境,減少物流時間之策略,及時化系統(Just-in-Time,JIT)與快速回應系統(Quick-Response System,QR),條碼之應用,先進科技之應用,EDI,VAN,直接送貨月台(Cross-Docking),提高資產生產力之物流策略,直接由工廠送貨,第三者物流服務(Third Party Logistics),Logistics planning,1.Level of planning,Strategic planning:,usually more than one year.,Tactical planning:,usually less than one year.,Operational planning:,is short-range decision making.,See table 2-1,examples of strategic,tactical and operational decision making.,Table 2-1,Examples of strategic,tactical and operational decision making.,Logistics planning,2.Major planning areas,Four major problem areas:,a.,customer service levels,b.,facility location,c.,inventory decisions,d.,transportation decisions,See Figure 2-3,the triangle of logistics decision making.,3.Conceptualizing the logistics planning problem,Links:,the links of the network represent the movement of goods between various inventory storage points.,Nodes:,the storage points retail stores,warehouse,factories or vendors.,Logistics system:,include product flow and information flow.,Order cycle time,inventory levels customer service.,affect,affect,4,when to plan,a.,logistics system not exist.,b.,to modify the existing system.,(1),Demand,(2),Customer service:,includes inventory availability,speed of delivery,and order-filling speed and accuracy.,(3),Product characteristics,Ex:product weight,volume(cube),value and risk.,(4),logistics costs,a.total cost.,b.to improve the logistics system.,(5),Pricing policy,Ex f.o.b factory price vs.delivered price.,Guidelines for strategy formulation,1.Total cost concept,2.Differentiated distribution,3.Mixed strategy,4.Postponement,5.Consolidation,6.Standardization,Total cost concept,Trade-off analysis:is the recognition that cost patterns of various activities of the firm frequently display characteristics that put them in conflict with one another.,Transportation service characteristics:Transportation cost vs.Inventory cost.,The best economic choice occurs at the point where the sum of both costs is lowest.(dashed line),(a)setting the customer service level,improved customer service level will reduce lost sales cost.,improved service usually means that more must be paid for transportation,order processing and inventories.,(b)Determining the number of warehouses,in a logistics system.,When the number of stocking points is increased,(1),transportation costs decline.,(2),inventory costs rise.,(c),Setting safety stock levels,When safety stock is increased:,(1),customer service,(2),inventory carrying cost,(3),lost sales cost,(4),transportation costs remain relatively unaffected.,(d)Setting the sequence of production runs for multiple products,As the production sequence is changed.,1.inventory carrying cost,(mass production),2.production costs,(setup times,changeover cost,),Box 2.4 Application,Marine products manufacturer constructing a warehouse in St.Louis,Consider transportation costs minimize,Consider inventory costs minimize,Constructing warehouse in Chicago.,Final,the partially constructed warehouse and move the inventory to Chicago,Differentiated distribution,Not all products should be provided the same level of customer service.,Different customer service requirement,different product characteristics,and different sales levels.,Inventory location.,T


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