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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 First Aid,Language points,1.aid,n.&vt,.,帮助,;,援助,;,资助,;,first aid,急救,拓展,:,dogiveoffer first aid,进行急救,aid,sb.to,do/in doing,sth,.,帮助某人做某事,;,aid,sb,with,sth,在某方面帮助某人,with the aid of,sb,=with,sbs,aid,在某人的帮助下,eg,:,在英语老师的帮助之下,我们提前完成了任务,.,With the aid of the English,teacher,we,finished the task ahead of time.,我们在金钱上帮助穷人。,We aided the poor with money.,我们将帮助他学习英语。,We will aid him to learn English.,We will aid him in learning English.,2.temporary adj.,暂时的;临时的,.n.,临时工;,eg,:He,demanded,that she,should go,to the temporary office at once.,他,强烈要求,她马上去临时办公室。,拓展:,temporar,ily,adv.,暂时地;临时地;,temporar,iness,n.,临时;暂时;,3.fall ill,生病,eg,:The students fall ill when the flu,breaks out,.,流感,爆发,时同学们都生病了。,fall ill,区别,be ill,(1)His wife suddenly,last week.,(2)She has,for a week.,fall ill:,生病,表示动作,不和一段时间段连用,be ill:,生病,表示状态,常和一段时间段连用,拓展:,fall asleep,入睡;,fall off,掉下;跌落;,fall behind,落后,fall down,摔倒,fall in love,爱上,fell ill,been ill,2.sense(n.&v.),five senses,sense of smell,sense of hearing,the sixth sense!,sense of touch,sense of sight,sense of taste,4.sense(n.&v.),the sense of,homour:,_,the sense of duty:_,the sense of direction:_,the sense of values:_,make sense,有意义,讲得通,make sense of,理解,弄懂,common sense,常识,幽默感,责任感,方向感,价值观,5.get+,动词过去分词 表示被动或状态,(1)My bike is getting repaired now.,(2)He,by the hour.(pay),(3)Peter and Mary,last year.(marry),get drunk get infected,get burned/burnt get changed,get injured get,dressd,gets paid,got married,6.variety(n.),变化,多样性,various(adj.),多种多样的,vary(v.),使多样化,变,a variety of=varieties of=(all)kinds of=(,all)sorts,of=types of=various,eg,:,Prices,with seasons.,Supermarkets provides us,things.,a variety of,vary,7.in place,在适当的位置;适当;,out of place,不在适当的位置;,不适当;,in place of,代替;交换;,in the first place,首先;第一;,take place,发生;产生;进行;举行;,take the place of,代替;,take ones place,就座;就位;,1.She always puts everything_.,2.He found everything in the room is _.,3.The boss asked him to _tom.,4.The 2016 Olympic Games will_ _in Rio de Janeiro.,in place,out of place,take the place of,take place,单项选择,1.I havent seen Tom recently.Whats wrong with him?,-Oh,Im sorry to tell you he has,for three days.,A.fallen ill B.become ill,C.got sick D.been ill,2.Construction workers usually get,by the day.,A.pay B.paying C.paid D.to pay,3.(2007,上海卷),Joe Jackson,the headmaster of the school passed away with White Smith _ him.,A.taking place of B.in place of,C.taking the place D.in place,4.What did you think of my computer,programme,?,With everything _,it ran very well.,A.in the place of B.in places,C.in place of D.in place,5.Be sure your dog does not approach people _.,A.if they invited B.when inviting,C.unless invited D.while inviting,1.,Adam Alexander walked _ a walking stick,for he was wounded in the battle.,A.with the aid of B.in the aid of,C.in aid of D.with aid of,2.The girl _asleep,while she _the newspaper in the afternoon.,A was falling;read,B fell;was reading,C was falling;was reading,D fell;read,改错:,Lets give first aid to those who suddenly fall ill or get injuring.,Your skin prevents your body from lose too much water.,You can get burned by variety of things.,He will be in the place of our manager,句子翻译:,1.,把你的东西放好。,2.,我仍然坚持我的观点。,3.300,人在地震中死去。,4.,王老师很幽默所以我们都很喜欢她。,3.electric shock,触电;电休克;,electric adj.,电的;电动的,;,修饰电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身也带电,electrical adj.,电的,与电有关的,被修饰的物体本身不能带电,electronic adj.,电子的;,1.He connected the two _ wires.,2.He is doing _ work.,3.The little boy likes _ toys.,electrify,vt,.,通电;电气化;,electrician n.,电工;,electricity n.,电;电流;,electric,electric,al,electric,8.poison n.,毒害;毒药;,vt,.,毒害;中毒;,1.It is a deadly _.,2.Someone _ his food.,3.Dishonesty _ their friend.,拓展:,hate sb.like poison,对某人恨之入骨;,poisonous adj.,有毒,(,害,),的,这种植物是有毒的。,This kind of plant is poisonous.,poison,poisons,poisoned,Proverb:,One mans meat is anothers poison,一个人的佳肴是另一个人的毒药。,人各有好恶。,萝卜青菜各有所爱。,9,.,over and over again,反复;多次;,=over and over=again and again,eg,:,老师要求学生应反复读课文。,The teacher demands that the students should read the passage over and over again.,10.unbearable adj.,难以忍受的,;,不能容忍的;,eg,:He doesnt want to learn English,which is very unbearable.,他不想学英语,这一点不能容忍,.,拓展:,bearable adj.,可以忍受的;可以容忍的;,bear v.,负担;容忍;忍受;生育;,n.,熊;,bearin mind,=keep in mind,=learn by heart,记住;背会;,kettle treat,pour,;,bravery,wrist,apply,damp ambulance,sleeve pressure,blouse,tight,Tightly,firm,firmly,throat,ceremony,1.pour,vt,./vi.,倒,灌,注,涌,倾注,源源输送,诉说,eg:1)pour sugar out of a bag into a pot,2)pour sb.a cup of tea,为某人倒一杯茶,3)After every match the stadium pours thousands of,people into the surrounding streets.,每场比赛后,成千上万的人从体育场涌入周围街道。,4)pour a large sum of money into a project,把大笔资金投入一项工程,5)pour oneself out,倾诉自己的想法或感情等,6)Sweat poured down from his face.,汗珠不断从他脸上流下。,7)Reports of new successes keep pouring in.,捷报频传。,8)The rain poured down.,大雨如注。,2.a number of+,可数名词,,谓语用复数,意为“许多,大量的,.”,,,the number of+,可数名词,谓语用单数,意为“,.,的数量,eg:1)A number of problems have arisen.,已经出现了很多问题。,2)The number of colleges has increased in the past,10 years.,在过去的十年里,大学的数量有所增加。,-,其他表示“许多,大量


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