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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 6,Business Rules,Content,Warm-up activities,I.Pair works,Talk with your partner about the definition of business rules.,II.Group work,Business rules tell an organization,what,it can do in detail,while strategy tells it,how,to focus the business at a macro level to optimize results.Put differently,a strategy provides high-level direction about what an organization should do.Business rules provide detailed guidance about how a strategy can be translated to action.,Work in small groups,discussing the relationship between business rules and business strategies.,III,.Think about and then make a list of the different business rules you know in the world today.,BUSINESS RULES-INSIGHTS-,A business manages its own behavior through carefully selected,and communicated rules,A business introduces change by changing its business rules,the most significant changes in the way a business operates come,from rethinking business rules rather than from re-engineered,workflows,Matthew effect:,Refers to the strong and the weak,the better the more weak phenomenon.,Background Information,Use of Matthew,the winner is you,Take a look around us,you can find many examples of Matthews.Friends and more people will get more friends with the frequent exchanges;Lack of friends who will always go alone.Money,particularly with regardEven if the rate of return on investment is the same,Invest 10 times more than others,income is also 10 times more.This is a winner-take-all society.,Business development,Matthew tells us:To maintain our competitive edge in a field,Must be bigger in this area quickly,When you become a leader in the field,Even if,the rate of return on investment is the same,You can also more easily get greater benefits,than the weak peers.,Origin,MurphysLawis usually thought to be named after Captain Edward Murphy,a development engineer with the United States Air Force.In the 1940s and 1950s,he was working with acceleration and deceleration experiments at Edwards Air Force Base.MurphysLawmost likely originated during his projects with Dr.John Paul Stapp.,If there are two or more ways to do something,and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe,then someone will do it.,(,如果有两种或两种以上的选择,而其中一种将导致灾难,则必定有人会作出这种选择。),Text analysis,1.Does the phone always ring when youre just dashing out of the door?,当你匆忙出门之际,家里的电话铃声是否常常正好响起,?,dash,1.V-I If you dash somewhere,you run or go there quickly and suddenly.,猛冲,例:,Suddenly she dashed down to the cellar.,她猛地朝地窖冲过去。,2.N-SING Dash is also a noun.,猛冲,例:,.a 160-mile dash to the hospital.,飞奔,160,英里赶向医院。,dash out v.rush off,fly out,冲出,跑开;删去,勾掉,Text analysis,3.If anything can go wrong,it will.However,as with many successful business theories,the original law has been extended over time to cover specialist areas.,如果事情有可能变坏的话,它就一定会变坏。然而,正如许多成功的商业理论一样,在长期的流传扩散中,这条原始定律的覆盖面已经扩大到许多专业领域。,theory,1.N-VAR A theory is a formal idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something.,理论,例:,Marx produced a new theory about historical change based upon conflict between competing groups.,马克思提出了一个新理论,认为历史变革是由于对立集团的冲突而产生的。,2.N-COUNT If you have a theory about something,you have your own opinion about it which you cannot prove but which you think is true.,观点,Text analysis,original,1.ADJ You use original when referring to something that existed at the beginning of a process or activity,or the characteristics that something had when it began or was made.,起初的,det ADJ,例:,The original plan was to go by bus.,起初的计划是乘公交车去。,2.ADJ If you describe someone or their work as original,you mean that they are very imaginative and have new ideas.,原创的,;,创新的,表赞许,例:,It is one of the most original works of imagination in the language.,这是用这种语言创作的最具想像力的原创作品之一。,original design,原设计;初始设计,original data,原始资料;源数据,original intention,初衷;原始意图,original text,原文,original meaning,本义;原意,Text analysis,4.Furthermore,as Murphy and his team were breaking new ground,they were unable to rely on the kind of tried-and-tested procedures used effectively elsewhere in the military to ensure zero defects.,另外,墨菲和他的团队当时正在进行新的突破,他们不能依赖那种普遍应用的测试与验证流程,即那种能被有效运用从而保证零缺陷的流程。,rely on v.be dependent on,as for support or maintenance,依靠;仰仗;信任,依赖:,procedure n.,1.a particular course of action intended to achieve a result,程序,手续,2.a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work,步骤,Exercise:,I.Answer the following questions according to the text:,1.What is a major factor in feeling stressed?,2.What can help you get back in control?,3.How does the author define the Murphys Law?,4.Which kind of specialist area that Murphys Law covers are given?,5.How does the Murphys Law apply in Risk Assessment?,1.Now,we often emphasize that feeling out of control is a major factor in feeling stressed.,2.A theory exists that predicts these kinds of events,and when they occur.Its called Murphys Law.,3.In its simplest form,Murphys Law states:If anything can go wrong,it will.,4.They are


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