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五年级英语上册单词拼写综合训练译林版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据首字母提示填空。Welcome(欢迎) to our school. Let m_show you a_. There are many c_on the first floor. They are very bright(明亮的) and b_. We study in these classrooms. We are happy every day. There is a_art room on the f_floor. We have art l_in it. Theres a computer room, t_. There are many c_in it. On the t_floor, theres a l_. We can read books in it.2. 根据所给意思写出相应的单词。1This shirt is very pretty, but its too _ (短).2Its _ (冷) today.3There are _ (十三) cows.4I see five _ (兔子).5I want some _ (香蕉).3. 读一读,根据图片将单词补充完整。1go on a_ 2go_3_apples 4make a_4. 请从方框里选择字母组合写在横线上,完成单词。5. 看图写词。1. Theyre playing football on the_. 2. An old tiger lives in the_. 3. There_some_in the zoo. 4. This bed is too_. I cant sleep. 5. We put a_on our bed.6. 根据首字母提示填空。At weekends, Wang Bing o_plays table tennis. Sometimes he g_to the park with his friends. They fly k_and h_a picnic. Yang Ling often h_dancing lessons at weekends. Sometimes she goes to the c_with her parents. How a_Jia Yuhang and Jia Yushun? They often v_their grandparents. Thy like p_with cat Kitty very much.7. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Please_(open)thedoor.2.Doyouwant_(play)chess?3.Areyou_(feel)angrynow?4.Icant_(find)mywatch.Doyouseeit?5.They_(win)achessgameyesterday.8. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1h_dog(热狗)2Its midnight. Dad is_(仍,还) working.3I see_ducks in the water. They can swim.4I usually go shopping with my_nt.5I want to make a m_plane.9. 根据汉语提示写出单词。(1)A:_ _(多少) cows do you have?B:I have _(30只)(2)A:_(什么) are these?B:They are _(绵羊)(3)He has two _(奶牛) and three _(马)(4)A:Are these _ (西红柿)?B:Yes,_ _(它们是)10. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Isthatbag_(your)?2.WhoseTshirt_(be)this?3.Itisnthis.Itis_(my).4._(his)areontheline.5.Thatis_(her)mother.11. 按要求写单词。1.除夕_2.舞狮_3.红包_4.团圆饭_5.放鞭炮_12. 看图写单词。(1)_ (2)_(3)_ (4)_(5)_13. 将字母重新排列,组成合适的单词填空。1. Is there a_( r,p,k,a) in the forest?2. There are some_(o,l,e,f,w,r,s)in the park.3. Are there any_(a,l,e,k,s) in the city?4. Are there any_(a,n,p,d,a,s)in the mountains?5. There is a_(l,l,v,i,e,a,g)in the nature park.14. 根据汉语提示写单词。1. I want some_(面条).2. Do you want_(一些) pepper?3. The dog is_(开心的).4. She_(给)her dog some rice.5. Can I_(问) you some questions?15. 看图片根据提示写出相应的单词。 h_ m_ s_ c_4 / 4


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