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五年级英语上册单词拼写冀教版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,写短语。1. 2. 3. _speak_4. 5. _2. 看图写单词。 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._3. 单词拼写。 s_ c_ t_ s_4. 根据汉语提示写单词。1. I want some_(蔬菜).2. Here_(你) are.3. Do you_(想要)some soup?4. Yes,_(请).5. I want some_(更多的)food.5. 根据中文,补全下列单词。1. 地铁 s_ 2. 居住 l_ 3. 远的 f_4. 近的 n_ 5. 主意 i_ 6. 学校 s_7. 自行车 b_ 8. 有时 s_ 9. 小汽车 c_10. 太,也 t_6. 按要求写出各词。1say(过去式)_ 2wrong(反义词)_3measure(过去式)_ 4jump(现在分词)_5weight(动词)_7. 看图,填入所缺字母补全单词或短语。1Wed_sday 2ph_t_3br_dg_ 4r_d books5m_ntains8. 默写单词。1.赛跑_ 2.第一_3.第二_ 4.第三_5.喝_9. 按要求写单词。(1)fun(形容词)_ (2)tell(现在分词)_ (3)wear(现在分词)_ (4)watch(现在分词)_ (5)sing(现在分词)_ 10. 根据图片及首字母提示填写单词,完成下列句子。1Miss Wang is our maths teacher. She is very y_.2Do you often r_books in the park every day?3Tom often plays f_with his friend after school.4My favorite food is s_.5What day is it today? Its F_.11. 根据首字母提示填空。I have a neighbour. His n_is James. He is seven y_old. He has a b_head and looks very l_. He likes p_basketball very much. Today he is play skateboard w_his elder brother(哥哥). He is far b_. Just when his elder brother is near the final(最终的)place, he shouts suddenly(突然地).And he falls down to the ground(地面). His elder brother hurries(迅速) back to h_him. Oh, he p_his elder brother down, then he quickly(迅速地)arrives the final place. W_a cunning(狡猾的)boy!12. 选用括号内的单词填空。1.Sheoften_(do/does)herhomeworkontheweekend.2.Ican_(sing/sings)Englishsongs.3.Johnoften_(play/plays)ping-pongafterschool.4.Hecan_(do/does)somekungfu.13. 选词填空。(1)This is a _,it is _(快的).This is a _,it is _(慢的).(2)A bike is _(慢的). A car is _(快的).14. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. My tooth hurts. What should I do?You should see the d_.2. You s_read in the sun Its bad for your eyes.3. When do you go to bed at night?My b_is before ten oclock.4. You should go to bed and have a r_.5. Whats the matter, Jim?I f_ill.6. Why are you so sad?Im ill. I dont want to eat a_.15. 单词拼写。1. The_(高山) is so high.2.Lets go to the_(森林).Yeah!3. The_(小山) looks like an old man.4. The water in the_(河流) is clean.5. There is a_(湖泊) in the park.4 / 4


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