英语人教版八年级下册Unit 5 (3a-3c)

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R,八年级下册,Unit 5,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,SectionA,第二课时,3a-3c,Grammar Focus-4c,storm n.,暴风雨,wind,n.,风,light n.,光;光线,report v./n.,报道;公布,window,n.,窗户,wood n.,木;木头,flashlight,n.,手电筒;火炬,match,n.,火柴,3a.,Read the passage and answer,the questions.,What was the weather like before the heavy rain started?,2.What was the neighborhood like after the storm?,3a,1.What was the weather like before the heavy,rain started?,2.What was the neighborhood like after the,storm?,Strong winds were blowing,and black clouds were making the sky very dark.,The neighborhood was in a mess.There were fallen trees,broken windows and rubbish everywhere.,3b.,Complete the sentences using,information from the passage.,1.When the news on TV was reported,strong,winds _.,2.While Bens mom was making sure the radio,was working,his dad _,_.,3.Ben _,when the heavy rain finally started.,4.When Ben _ at 3:00 a.m.,the wind,_.,were blowing,was putting pieces of,wood over the windows,was helping his mom make dinner,fell asleep,was dying down,3c.,Discuss the questions with a partner.,“Although the storm broke many things,apart,it brought families and neighbors,closer together.”,What other things can,bring people closer together?How can,we help each other in times of difficulty?,Grammar,Focus,What were you doing at eight last night?,I was taking a shower.,What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm?,She was doing her homework.,What was he doing when the rainstorm came?,He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.,What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?,When it began to rain,Ben was helping his mom make dinner.,What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?,While Linda was sleeping,Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.,语法内容请见学案对应处,4a.,Look at the table and write sentences,with both,while,and,when,.,John,Mary,take photos,buy a drink,play the piano,leave the house,clean his room,turn on the radio,shop,take the car to the car wash,4a.,Look at the table and write sentences,with both,while,and,when,.,While John was taking photos,Mary bought a drink.,John was taking photos when Mary bought a drink.,_,While John was playing the piano,Mary left the house.,John was playing the piano when Mary left the house.,4a.,Look at the table and write sentences,with both,while,and,when,.,_,While John was cleaning his room,Mary turned on the radio.,John was cleaning his room when Mary turned on the radio.,While John was shopping,Mary took the car to the car wash.,John was shopping when Mary took the car to the car wash.,4a.,Look at the table and write sentences,with both,while,and,when,.,4b.,Fill in the blanks with,was,were,when,or,while,.,At 7:00 a.m.,I woke up._ I _ making my breakfast,my brother _ listening to the radio._ I was eating,the radio news talked about a car accident near our home.My brother and I went out right away to have a look.,While,was,was,While,_ we got to the place of the accident,the car _ in bad shape from hitting a tree.But luckily,the driver _ fine.The roads _ icy because of the heavy snow from the night before.,4b,When,was,was,were,4c.,What were you doing at these times,last Sunday?Fill in the chart.Then ask,your partner.,You,Your partner,9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m.,4:00 p.m.,9:00 p.m.,4c,What were you doing,at nine oclock last,Sunday morning?,I was sleeping.,How about you?,I was doing my,homework.,Youre kidding!,4c,Language points,1,.With no lights outside,it felt like midnight.,light,是,名词,,意为“,光;光线;光亮,”,如果其前有形容词修饰,可与a连用,。light在句中有时可用作,定语,。,如:I try to see but Im blinded by the white,light,.,我试着去看,但是有道白光让我什么都看不到。,I cant read while you are standing in my,light,.,你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。,Language points,2,.The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm in the area.,report,是,动词,,意为“,报道;公布,”。,如:The death of the premier was,reported,in,the newspapers.,总理的逝世已在各报纸上报道。,For some,I have good news to,report,.,但对其中一些问题,我有好消息要公布。,Language points,3,.She also put some candles and matches on the table.,put.on.,是“,动词+介词,”结构,意为“,把.放在.之上,”,与表示“穿上”“戴上”的put on是有区别的。后者是“动词+副词”构成的词组,后接名词时,可位于副词on之前或之后;接代词时,只能位于on之前。,如:She,put,the book,on,the table.,她把书放在桌子上。,Language points,4.,He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.,die down,意为“,逐渐变弱;逐渐消失,”,其中die的现在分词是dying。,如:The fire had,died down,so we put more,coal on it.,炉火变弱了,我们再加了些煤。,Open the air hole;the fire is,dying down,.,把气孔打开,火要熄了。,1.It took a long time for the excitement to,_.,A.die of B.die down,C.dying down D.die from,2.It was raining heavily outside and I could,not _ for a long time.,A.go to bed B.be asleep,C.fall asleep C.be sleepy,B,B,同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!,学习必须与实干相结合。,泰戈尔,


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