中班英语公开课活动目的:1、 整体呈现农场的情景,引导幼儿了解农场主人阿里巴巴的外型特点以及农场中的各种动物。2、 引导幼儿进一步体会本单元儿歌的语境,熟悉各种动物的叫声;通过互相配合进行游戏,让幼儿了解农场动物的外形特点。3、 体验“This is”句型特点,并能灵活运用到日常用语中。活动准备:羊羔、奶牛、小猪、小狗、鸭子、小猫的图片,以及每个小动物的部位卡片、西部牛仔帽、黑色胡须、活动过程:1、教师戴上帽子,再贴上胡须,装扮成阿里巴巴的样子,做自我介绍并与幼儿问好!。Hello!Boys and girls!I am AliBaba . Whats your name? (I am)I am 25,How old are you?(I am5)Nice to meet you .(Nice to meet you too!)Welcome to my little farm 。Look this is a little farm .It is mine.唱儿歌的第一段,唱到羊的时候,用手代表羊的犄角,并作出羊的动作和声音。待多数幼儿回答后,拿出羊的图片,并把它贴到农场的图片中。2、教师用同样的方法引出儿歌的第二段和第三段,分别演示出牛和猪的图片、叫声和动作。3、教师带领全体幼儿认读新单词“lamb、cow”再一次用肢体语言和声音形容小动物的特征。OK! Look at picture. How many animals on then picture? One tow the first one is lamb, the lamb cry baa baa,the next one is cow, the pig cry moo moo, the last one is pig. the pig cry onk onk。Now!I say you do。Let is sing a song。(放音乐)4、掷骰子游戏,灵活运用“This is”句型。There are many other animals on my little farm. Do you want to know who is there? Close your eyes? Listen !Quack -quack- quack , open you eyes. Who is coming? This is duck! ( A duck. Quack -quack- quack) Close your eyes? Listen!Close your eyes? Listen!Woof - woof ! Say Hello to the animals。(Hello!)Do you want to play games with animals ?(Yes)Please Miss Wang to do a demonstration! Who want is to try? 5、游戏拓展,体会儿歌语境。(小动物头饰和身体部位图片反贴在黑板后面)根据动物叫声让幼儿猜是什么动物,并找到相应的身体部位。教师与配班教师用身体作示范,以猪为例子,配班教师带猪头饰,主班教师粘羊身体,两个人一前一后,手拉手作为身体配合着表演一只羊,同时一起演绎儿歌!随后把卡片发给小朋友,教师唱英文儿歌,发出哪种动物的声音,就让小朋友拿着相应的头饰和身体部位上来组合。看谁最快组合并能精彩演绎儿歌!Are you happy?(happy)Also want to play?(yes)Close your eyes,open!what animal is it?Whose toes?let is play a new game。Look carefully. Miss wang come here。 Miss wang is the head of the pig, and I will be the toes of the pig. Are you ready?(唱儿歌)I put the card to you。Hear the sound of the what kind of animal ,which animal came out. OK? 6、结束。Its time for rest 。Say goodbye to alibaba !动物什么怎么粘贴 ?