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1.1% MDS ; 2.3% in other BMF,.,PNH clones 0.01% in 167 of 1746 patients from all groups (9.6%) ;,1.8% in MDS; 39.5% in AA, and 7.8% in other BMF patients,.,Up to 35% of PNH patients die within 5 years of diagnosis, and up to 50% of patients die within 1015 years of diagnosis.,A Prospective Multicenter Study of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Cells in Patients with Bone Marrow Failure,18,High sensitivity assays,Sensitivity is determined by a number of factors,Number of events collected,Background rate (frequency of abnormal cells in normal populations),Difference between normal and abnormal population,Need to combine two GPI-linked WBC markers to maximize sensitivity and specificity,19,How many cells to collect,Collecting,250,000,cells of interest (i.e. granulocytes) and requiring 25 events to identify a population would allow a sensitivity of 0.01% with a precision of about 25%; 50 events out of,500,000,gives a precision of 14%,However, it is possible to screen fewer cells,If there are 0 cells with loss of GPI anchors out of 50,000 events, 99+% probability that true frequency is 0.01% (Poisson distribution);,0 out of 30,000 events has 95% probability 10,万,单核细胞计数,2,万。,43,结果,纳入骨髓或外周血标本合计,131,,其中,15,份阳性标本,来自,9,例阳性患者,(,PNH,克隆大小:,0.19%-93.5%,),Flaer/CD157,组合检出全部,PNH,阳性患者,敏感性、特异性、准确度均达到,100%,。,CD157/Flaer,组合检出的,PNH,克隆与其他组合检出的克隆大小一致。,本研究中常见(,69.8%,,,88/126,)单核细胞,CD14,弱表达而,Flaer,表达正常,外周血与骨髓标本类似。,44,PNH,阴性标本,45,PNH,阳性微小克隆,46,PNH,阳性克隆,47,CD157,异常证实可疑,PNH,克隆,1,例,MDS,患者存在单核细胞和红细胞,PNH,克隆,粒细胞未见,Flaer/CD24,低表达克隆,该患者,CD157,在粒、单核细胞表面均不表达。,48,7,例标本粒,/,单核细胞表面,CD157,表达同时缺失,巨幼贫患者治疗前后,49,讨论,本研究首次在同一标本管内标化各种混杂因素,证实,Flaer/CD157,组合用于识别,PNH,克隆其诊断性能与,Flaer/CD24/CD14,组合无差异,提示其可用于临床替代,CD14,和,CD24,,提高成本效益。,本研究也首次证实部分患者存在,CD157,在粒单核细胞上同时缺失,但不伴有,Flaer,表达下调,临床应用中应注意以免误判。,CD14,在单核细胞上表达弥散,应注意避免影响,PNH,诊断,50,


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