八年级上unit2How often do you exercise

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1a.Look at the picture.Make a list of the weekend activities.,1.,help with housework,4._,2._ 5._,3._,1b.Listen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words.,always(100%),exercise,_,usually_,often _,sometimes _,hardly ever _,never(0%)_,go shopping,read books,play sports,watch TV,read,help with housework,watch TV,go shopping,watch TV,go shopping,How often,every day,once a week,twice a week,three times a week,once a month,twice a month,Activities,a._ go to the movies,b._ watch TV,c._ shop,d._ exercise,3._ read,2a.Listen.Cheng Tao is talking about how often he does these,activities.Number the activities1-5in the order you hear them.,1,5,4,3,2,2c.How often do you do these activities?Fill in the chart and the make conversations.,Activities,How often,watch TV,every day,use the Internet,read English books,go to the movies,exercise,A:How,often do you watch TV?,B:I watch TV every day.,A:Whats,your favorite program?,B:Animal,World.,A:How,often do you watch it?,B:Twice,a week.,2d.Role-play the conversation.,Jack:,Hi,Claire,are you free next week?,Claire:,Hmm,next,week is quite full for me,Jack.,Jack:,Really?,How come?,Claire:,I,have dance and piano lessons.,Jack:,What kind of dance are you learning?,Claire:,Oh,swing dance.Its fun!I have class once a week,every Monday.,Jack:,How often do you have piano lessons?,Claire:,Twice,a week,on Wednesday and Friday.,Jack:,Well,how about Tuesday?,Claire:,Oh,I have to play tennis with my friends.But do you want to come?,Jack:,Sure.,Grammar Focus,What do you usually do,on weekends,?,I,always,exercise.,What do they do,on weekends?,They,often,help with housework.,What does she do,on weekends?,She,sometimes,goes shopping.,How often,do you go to the movies?,I go to the movies maybe,once a month,.,How often,does he watch TV?,He,hardly ever,watches TV.,Do you go shopping?,No,I,never,go shopping.,2a.Complete the questions with do or does.Then match the questions and answers.,1.How often _ he play soccer?,2._ you drink milk?,3.How often _ they stay up late?,4._ Sue eat a healthy breakfast?,5.How often _ you eat apples?,6._ your parents play sports?,a.,b.,c.,d.,e.,f.,does,Do,do,Does,do,Do,3b.Use the words given to write questions.Then ask and answer them with a partner.,1._?_,(how often/help with housework),2._?_,(what/usually/do/weekends),3._?_,(how often/best friend/exercise),4._?_,(what/usually/do/after school),3c.What can you do to improve your English?Add more things to the chart.Then ask your classmates the questions and find the best English student.,How often do you,Names,Frequency,read English books?,Lin Ying,twice a week,A:How,often do you,read English books?,B:I read English books,about twice a week.,1a.Match the words with the pictures.,1._ junk food 3._ fruit 5._sleep,2._ milk 4._ vegetables 6._coffee,1b.Ask and answer questions.Use the words from 1a.,A:How,often do you drink milk,Liu Fang?,B:I drink milk every day.,A:Do,you like it?,B:No,.But my mother wants me to drink it.She says its good for my health.,b,a,c,e,f,d,1c.Listen to an interview about two peoples daily habits.Circle your answer to each question.,Does Tina have good habits?,Yes.,No.,I dont know.,Does Bill have good habits?,Yes.,No.,I dont know.,1b.Listen again.Fill in the blanks in the survey.,Questions,Tina,Bill,1.How often do you exercise?,every day,2.How often do you eat fruit?,3.How mangy hours do you sleep every night?,4.How often do you drink milk?,5.How often do you eat junk food?,6.How often do you drink coffee?,hardly ever,every day,never,nine,nine,every day,never,two or three,times a week,three or four,times a week,never,four times,a day,2a.Rank these activities according to how often you think you classmates do them(1=most often,6=least often),watch TV,go to the movies,play computer,games,exercise or play,sports,use the Internet,go camping in,the country,2b.Read the article and complete the pie charts on the next page.,What Do No.5 High School Students Do in Their Free Time?,2c.Read the article again and answer the questions.,1.How many percent of the students do not exercise at all?,Twenty percent.,2.How many percent of the students use the Internet every day?,Ninety percent.,3.How often do most students watch TV?What do they usually watch?,Every day.Game shows.,4.What does the writer think is the best way to relax?Why?,Exercise.It is healthy for the mind and the body.,5.Do you think the students at No.5 are healthy?Why or why not?,No.,2d.According to the article and the pie charts,write sentences with the percentages using,always,usually,or,sometime,.,1.90%:,Ninety percent of the students always use the Internet.,2.85%:_,3.45%:_,_,4.10%:_,_,5.13%:_,_,6.2%:_,_,Eighty-five percent of the students watch TV every day.,Forty-five percent of the students exercise four to six,times a week.,Ten percent of the students use the Internet at least,three or four times a week.,Thirteen percent of the students watch TV four to six,times a week.,Two percent o


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