Introduction of Nursing(精品)

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Introduction of Nursing,Group Five,Group Members,罗晖:,The ppt maker,张灵倩:,Giving the lecture,陈羽双,张叶霞:,Collecting the information,刘中舟:,Analyse nursing process in this case,Nursing Process,The nursing process is a working method for the systematic and scientific arrangement of nursing activity.It is a series of planned and comprehensive holistic nursing care according to the needs of different patients.,Charateristics of Nursing,Critical Thinking,Evidence Based Practice,Caring,Advocacy,Nursing Process,Nursing assessment,:,collect physiological,psychological and social aspects of information about the patient to find health problems.,Nursing Process,Nursing diagnosis,:,identify existing or potential health problems,causes and symptoms,through analysis of the assessment,.,By asking questions,Nursing Process,Nursing plan,:,determinie priorities and what nursing actions should be performed to help resolve or manage each patients problem,.,Nursing Process,Nursing implementation,:,taking actions to resolve the patient,s problems,according to,the nur,si,ng diagnoses,.,Nursing Process,Nursing evaluation,:,performed when the nurse reflects on the interventions he or she has performed and decides if they have brought the patient closer to achieve the goals and outcomes set in the planning step.,Case,Our patient was a chief engineer who comes from Wuhan.He has been in hospital for 11 years as a plant man.Now he is 59 years old.,Nursing Assessment,Clinical,diagnosis,:,In 2002,he was diagnosed as cerebral anoxia.Since 2002,he has been a plant man for 11 years.,Other health,problems,:during,the time he was in hospital,he developed the pressure ulcer,a serious expectoration and caught cold.,Nursing Assessment,Family history,:,the patient has a good relationship with his wife who is in good health.His father has a hypertension when he was young,but the patient doesnt have a hypertension,.,Treatment,:,For,the first three years,he has stayed in ICU at The Army General Hospital.Then,he was mainly treated by medicine.Now,he mainly accepted rehabilitation.(,康复治疗),Nursing Assessment,Cultural and social background,:,he got a good education and he has great contribution to his company.He is very dedicated to his job.Usually,he doesnt have much time to make friends or exercise because of his busy work and he even has no time to sleep.All of these above leads to his illness.,Current physical and psychological,status,:,2,years ago,he regained consciousness.Now he is mainly treated by rehabilitation.He is in good mood every day although he is not completely sober.,Nursing diagnosis,Lable:,Impaired Verbal Communication,Definition:,the ability of accepting,handling,conveying and applying semiotic system fell,delayed and lacked.,Characteristic:the patient cant speak and cannot respond to what others said.,Related factor:brain tissue necrosis.,Nursing diagnosis,Lable:,Impaired Physical Mobility,Definition:one or more than one limbs perform independent and,purposeful action is limited.,Characteristic,:the patient cant move by himself,Related,factor,:nervous system damaged.,Nursing diagnosis,Lable:,Impaired Swallowing,Definition:the function of,deglutition which is related to the vitium of nonnasality,pharyngeal and esophagus is abnormal.,Characteristic,:no deglutition reflex.,Nursing plan,Ensure that which problem should be first dealt with,.,For the patient,we should deal with impaired swallowing firstly.We plan to perform nasogastric feeding to make sure the patient gets enough nutrition to support normal life.,Nursing plan,Secondly,we plan to use,music intracavitary,(,音乐疗法),to treat his impaired verbal communication.The patient likes to listen to the erhu.So we choose to play the erhu every day to awaken his consciousness.,Nursing plan,Thirdly,we choose to improve the problem of impaired physical mobility.Thus,we plan to help the patient to move slowly and regularly to exercise his muscles.,The above three are all long-term plans.We need to persist which can lead us to improve or deal with these problems.,Implementation,Types of nursing interventions,Independent interventions,Dependent interventions,Collaborative interventions,Implementation,Before the implementation,we should clear that four W(what,who,how,when).,In the implementation,we should ensure the patients safety,and implement the task according to the nursing diagnosis and nursing plan.,Record the situation of the implementation in detail.,Implementation,Perform nasogastric feeding regularly,Play the erhu every morning in a good environment,Help the patient move his legs,arms and other muscles every day,Perform oral care for him to make the hygiene of his mouth,Evaluation,nasogastric feeding regularly,the patient gets enough nutrition to support his lifeour purpose has,achieved completely,when we face the impaired swallowing,we may use nasogastric feeding to solve the problem.,Evaluation,Play the erhu every morningafter one month,the pa


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