Unit6Topic2SectionA (2)

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Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 2 My home is in an apartment building.新宁中学 陈艳梨 Apartment building Townhouse Farmhouse 1b. Listen to 1a and match the buildings with the people.apartment building townhousefarmhouseA BCC. Wang Weis grandparentsA. K angkangB. Wang Wei They live in a townhouse with two floors. a townhouse with two floors 一栋有两层楼的城镇住宅 一套三卧室的房子 a house with three bedrooms 一座有着四层的教学楼 a classroom building with four floors带着 有.的 1. n.农村2. n. 国家China is a great country. Retell the conversation a townhouse with two floors not live with grandparents a big farmhouse in the country an apartment seven floors like living be looking for near their school Survey your group about the different types of homes they live in and report it to your class.A: What kind of home do you live in?B: Its an apartment.Example: You can report like this: In our group, three students live in H ome apartment townhouse farmhouse Name 2. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.1. What kind of home does Michael want to rent? A. A townhouse. B. An apartment. C. A farmhouse.2. Michael wants to rent a room under _ a month. A. 900.00 B. 960.00C. 800.00 3. Who does Michael live with? A. His brother. B. His parents.C. His classmate.4. What do they want to write? A. FOR RENT B. FOUND C. ROOM WANTED2. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers. Yushancun Community Bulletin Board Yushancun Community Bulletin Board FOR RENT Small apartment for students 850.00 a month Call Ms. Zhang Tel: 6264-2404 ROOM WANTED Look for a quiet room for two people under 500.00 a month. Call Bob at 139-7382-4946出租房屋求租less than, 低于 FOR RENTWANTED rent from sb. 向某人租用/租借 rent to sb. 把租给某人1.她把她的公寓出租给学生。2.我们租用李先生的公寓。She rents her apartment to students.We rent the apartment from Mr. Lee.出租 Teachers Wanted small apartment for students a quiet room for two people call sb. at + 电话号码 为 3a. Look, read and complete the sentences. 1. Michael can rent a small apartment for _ a month from Ms. Zhang. 2. You can rent a room for two people to _ for 480.00 a month. 3. We can watch a ping-pong game at _ p.m. on _ in the gym. 4. I cant find my wallet. I can call _. 850.00Bob3:00 Saturday372-5423 / the Lost and Found Task1 张先生一家三口从外地来台山做生意,想求租一套有三居室的房子,月租金不高于900元。请替他写一则广告,张先生的电话号码:13172211163。Task2 李小姐有一套两居室的房子想出租,月租500元,请替她写一则广告,李小姐的手机号码是5658001。You can choose Task1 or Task2 Sum up 1. What kind of home live in? 2. a house for two people3. call sb. at4. rent from sb. rent to sb. 5. Learn how to write ads For Rent and Room Wanted 1. - _ - Its an apartment.A. Whats your home? B. Wheres your house? C. What kind of home do you live in? D. Wheres the home?2. David wants to _ his house _ one of his friends.A. borrow, from B. rent, to C. rent, from D. borrow, to3. The old woman lives _ a house _ a garden.A. in; has B. on; with C. in; with D. with; in4. I want to rent a room _ 150 yuan _ month, for three months.A. with, per B. for, per C. with, one D. for, one5. You can call me _ 66926480.A. at B. in C. for D. withC B CBA Workbook :Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A 4a. Listen and read the sounds and words aloud. 4b. Read the words by yourself. Then listen, check ( ) and repeat. We learn: 1. some words: country, quiet, month, apartment 2. some phrases: for rent, call sb. at 3. some sentences: What kind of home do you live in? How many floors are there in your building?We can: 1. talk about the different types of homes. e.g. apartment, farmhouse, townhouse 2. talk about how to rent a house from/to others. e.g. For rent in 3a. Room wanted in 3a.


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