六年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Last weekend B∣人教

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Unit 2 Last weekend Introduce :What day is it tomorrow ? : Its Saturday:What about the day after Tomorrow ? : Its Sunday . :Saturday and Sunday we call them weekend .:What do you do at the weekend ? Wordscleanedklind 作动词,意为“打扫”。是clean的过去式。 eg: I cleaned the room an hour ago. 我在一小时前才清洁完房间。小练习:用所给词的适当形式填空: Yesterday the students _(clean) the classroom. 拓展:clean up 清理,大捞一笔; clean water 清洁(饮)水cleaned Wordswashed wt 作动词,意为“洗,洗涤”。是wash的过去式。 eg:They washed themselves quickly. 他们很快洗了洗。小练习:看图完成句子: Yesterday,She_ her _.washed clothes拓展: wash oneself 洗澡,自己洗漱; wash away 冲走,洗 掉,忘 却; Wordsstayed sted 作动词,意为“停留”。是stay的过去式。 eg:I stayed there a few days longer. 我在那里多住了几天。小练习:根据首字母填空:They s_ under ground for two days.拓展:stay in 呆在家里,不外出; stay at 暂住在,保留;stayed Wordswatched wtt 作动词,意为“观察,注视”。是watch的过去式。 watch也可作为名词,意为“手表”。 eg: They watched TV last evening. 他们昨天晚上看电视了。小练习:看图片完成句子: She stayed at home and_ _.拓展: watch TV 看电视; watch out 小心,提防; watched TV Expressions 动词过去式的构成分规则变化和不规则变化两种形式,不规则变化通常需要逐个记忆,规则变化则遵循以下原则: (1) 一般在动词后加-ed。如:play-played, offer-offered, weigh-weighed, destroy-destroyed, sign-signed. (2) 在以字母e结尾的动词后,只加-d。如:like-liked, provide-provided, hate-hated, date-dated。 (3) 在以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词后,则改y为i,再加-ed。如:supply-supplied, study-studied. Expressions (4) 在以单短元音的重读闭音节结尾且,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词后,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ed。如:plan-planned, refer-referred eg:He visited the Great Wall last year. 他去年参观了长城。小练习:用所给词的适当形式填空 I _ (watch) a cartoon last Saturday. watched DialogueMike:How was your weekend? Mike:你周末过的怎么样?Chen Jie:It was fine,thanks.Chen Jie:过的很好,谢谢。Mike:What did you do?Mike:你(周末)都做什么了?Chen Jie:I stayed at home and watched TV.Chen Jie:我待在家里,还看了电视。 Expand 有关英国的一些趣事你知道吗?1.在伦敦,从莱斯特广场到公约花园这段路是观光者最喜欢的地铁路线,即使实际上走路来得更快。2.伦敦地铁虽然是世界上最早和最大的地铁系统,它可也是最不靠谱和最贵的。3.伦敦地铁的409级自动扶梯每周走过的距离足够绕地球几圈!在英国酒吧里喝一杯 Summarycleanedwashed stayedwatchedI stayed at home and watched TV. Exercise选出不同类的一项( )1.A.cleaned B.watch C.washed ( )2.A.did B.stay C.watch ( )3.A.clean B.room C.clothes ( )4.A.was B.is C.am ( )5.A.wash B.stay C.didBA A AC Exercise单项选择( )1.-How was your weekend? -It _ OK. A. am B.is C. was( )2.What_ you do last weekend? A.do B. did C. does( )3.I _ my clothes yesterday. A. watched B. watch C. watching( )4.I _ at home and _ TV. A.stay;watched B. stayed,watch C. stayed,watched( )5.Last weekend,two students_ at home. A. stayed B. stay C. staysC BACA Exercise根据答句写问句A:_? B:I watched TV.A:_? B:They stayed at home.A:_? B:He washed his clothesA:_? B:She cleaned her room.What did you do?What did they do?What did he do?What did she do? Homework What did you do last weekend?


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