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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Review,过去完成时,主语,had not,hadnt+p.p.+,其它,.,Had+,主语,p.p.+,其它,?,主语,had+p.p.+,其它,.,强调过去某一个动作发生在另,一个动作前常常用过去完成时态。,过去完成时的结构,过去完成时的用法,过去完成时的否定形式,过去完成时的疑问形式,1.,一般过去时,表示在,过去,某时发生的动作或,存在的状态。,例:,We,started,to learn English,5 years ago,.,我们五年前开始学英语。,对比,一般过去时、现在完成时与过去完成时,5 years ago,now,2.,现在完成时,表示的动作发生在过去,但侧重,对现在产生的结果或造成的影响,与现在有,关。其结构为:“助动词,have,(,has,),+,过去,分词”,。,例:,We,have learned,English,for 5 years,.,我们已经学了五年的英语了。,5 years ago,have learned,now,3.,过去完成时,表示在过去某个时间或动作之前,已经发生或完成了的动作或存在的状态,即,“过去的过去(,past-in-the-past,)”。,例:,We,had learned,English 4 year by last year.,到去年为止,我们已经学英语四年了。,past in the past,past,now,过去完成时,的,判断依据,:,由,“过去的过去”,来判定。,过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,,先,发生的动作用,过去完成时,,,后,发生的动作用,一般过去时,。,例:,When I,got,to the station,the train,had already left,.,当我到车站时,火车已经离开了。,After he,had finished,his homework,he,went,to bed.,完成作业后他就去睡觉了。,first,first,By the time,When,Speaking,By the time,he ran outside,the bus,had,already,left,.,过去的过去,过去,he ran outside,the bus left,the policeman got to the shop,Tom ran away,By the time,the policeman,got to,the shop,Tom,had run away,.,过去的过去,过去,Mary woke up,the concert was over,By the time,Mary woke up,the concert,had been,over.,过去的过去,过去,1.We _(learn)2000 English,words since we came to this school.,The teacher said we _(learn),2000 English words since then.,We _(learn)500 words last term.,We _(learn)2000 words by the end of last term.,have learned,have learned,learned,had learned,2.He _(have)a meeting next week.,He _(have)a meeting two weeks,ago.,He told me he _(have)a meeting,two weeks before.,3._ you _(be)to the Great,Wall?,The teacher asked if you _(be),to the Great Wall?,had,had had,Have been,had been,will have,1 Complete the passage with the,correct forms of the words in the,box.,cancel miss west accident,lady officer market unexpected,Last Saturday after my French course,I decided to drive to the _ to buy a meat pie for dinner.As I was heading _,I saw a huge truck in the middle of the road.There had been a(n)_,market,west,accident,and there were many police _ around.I turned around and decided to go to a nearby mall.However,I _ the road that led to the mall.Then I saw a restaurant that sold chicken noodles.I went inside and the _,who was the owner,served me the most delicious bowl of chicken noodles ever.I had made a(n)_ discovery!Im so glad that I _ my plan to go to the market.,officers,missed,lady,unexpected,cancelled,2 Think of ways to finish the answers.,A:Why didnt you hand in your science,homework?,B:Before I could start working on it,_,_,2.A:Why didnt you take a shower this,morning?,B:By the time I got up,_,_,my baby brother started crying and I had to look after him as my mother was sick.,my sister had already gone into the bathroom and the bus was honking for me to hurry up.,3.A:Why did you have to walk home from,school?,B:By the time I left my school,_,the school bus had already left.,Exercises,1.Ihappened_himintheparkyesterday.A.meet B.meeting,C.met D.tomeet,2.Haveyoueverinvitedafriend_your,school?,A.for B.with,C.to D.at,一、单项选择,D,C,3.Whatdidyoudo_AprilFoolsDay?,A.on B.at,C.in D.with,4.-Theadvertisementsaystherewillbeagreat,celebrationthisSunday.,-Forgetit,itsa_.,A.fool B.hoax,C.pleasure D.risk,A,B,5.Johnnyannouncedthathewouldnever,_beforefindingasatisfyingjob.,A.marry B.married,C.getmarried D.getmarry,6.-WhywasMissLeeangrythismorning?,-BecauseTomdidnt_hishomework.,A.handout B.handin,C.giveaway D.giveout,C,B,二、根据汉语提示写出下面句中所缺的单词。,1.Whata_(,傻瓜,)Iwastobelievehewasa,goodman.,2.Fewpeoplerealizedtheimportanceof the,_(,发现,).,3.Heisnotan_(,军官,),butacommon,soldier.,4.Heistheonlypersonthatis_,(,可相信的,).,5.Whenspringcomes,thesnowandice will,_(,消失,).,fool,discovery,officer,believable,disappear,Homework,Review what you have learned in this,unit and preview what you will,learn in next unit.,Thank You!,小魔方站作品 盗版必究,语文,更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取,扫描二维码获取更多资源,谢谢您下载使用,!,这些都是由三个相同部件(俗称偏旁)堆砌而成的、外观呈“品”字形结构的字。同部件重叠堆砌,是古代的一种造字法。这组字,“矗、卉、磊、晶、品、森、众”常用字,“其余的都是生僻字。有些字曾经是常用字,汉字简化之后,被另一个字形替代。在繁体字文本中,它们还是比较常用的字;而在简化字文本中,人们已经很难见到它们,它们已经沦落为生僻字。例如:蟲,虫 飝,飞 轟,轰 聶,聂这些字记录不同的词,但是这些词的意义大多都有“众多”的词义特点。例如:毳,鸟的绒毛。(许多细毛)磊,石堆。(许多石头)森,树林。(许多树)众,人群。(许多人)掱,小偷。(比一般人多出一只“手”)上古时期汉民族以“三”代表多数,因此用三个相同部件的重叠来给“众多”的词义特点造字。这种字书写麻烦,结构不但难看,更重要的是,不符合汉字左右布局的主流结构,因此,有些被其他字所替代,有些被废弃不用,成为死字。被替代的有:羴,膻 掱,扒 鱻,鲜 姦,奸 犇,奔 麤,粗淼,渺 歮,涩 劦,协 馫,馨 嚞,哲,二、口语字,汉语中有些词,在汉语中是常用词,但是,这些词仅仅保留在人们的口语中,很少进入书面语,人们很少在书面上见到它们;因此,为这些口语词造的字,读出来人们都熟悉,但是,看到本尊后,却未必能认识,未必能读出来。这些专门为口语词造的字,就成了生僻字。我的微信曾经收到这样一个帖子:这个帖子收的,33,个字,就是这种耳朵熟悉眼睛陌生的“生僻字“,说白了,就是记录人们最熟悉的词的生僻字。这个帖子很好,每个字一张图,字下有,【,读音,】【,释义,】【,举例,】,,便于学习。例如:,我们中国的汉字落笔成画留下五千年的历史让世界都认识我们中国的汉字一撇一捺都是故事跪举火把虔诚像道光四方田地落谷成仓古人象形声意辨恶良,b xio ku j ch mi wng ling,魃 魈 魁 鬾 魑 魅 魍 魉,yu shung ru zhu,又 双 叒 叕,hu yn yn y,火 炎 焱 燚,shu zhu mio mn,水 沝 淼,ku bo,qing qing ji l hng xi y q,茕 茕 孑 立 沆 瀣 一 气,j j d xng th gun dng,踽 踽 独 行 醍 醐 灌 顶,min min gu di fng wi gu ni,绵 绵 瓜 瓞 奉 为 圭 臬,lng xng d d j jio g l,龙 行 龘 龘 犄 角 旮 旯,png tng nio nu t s png tu,娉 婷 袅 娜 涕 泗 滂 沱,no no b xi b lng b yu,呶 呶 不 休 不 稂 不 莠,ng,卬,du ji di xi mo di to ti,(咄 嗟 蹀 躞 耄


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