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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,12.主题句展开的模式,在根据要点写好段落主题句后,就要围绕主题句展开,大体相当于为论点提供论据。,1.,正反式,如谈“诚信与人生的关系”这个话题,可以利用正反式的逻辑组织材料,:,诚信对人生的重要性,;,没有诚信的人会怎样。,Its obvious that an honest person will definitely win respect from others, which is of great importance in our study and daily life, let alone in the business world.,However, a dishonest person will lose his fame and trust from others sooner or later. No matter how intelligent he is, dishonesty will ruin his future.,拓展主题句主要有以下几种模式,:,技巧点拨,2.,递进式,如谈论“儿童肥胖的不良影响”,可以从身体上进而从精神上谈论肥胖对儿童造成的不良影响。,As far as we know, obese children tend,to eat a lot but they take little exercise, as a result of which they often fall ill easily.,Besides,because of their appearance, they have less confidence in themselves, which leads to isolation and depression.,3.,列举式,如谈论个人对网上购物的看法。一方面利用正反式谈论其优点和缺点,另一方面利用列举式分别谈其优点和缺点。例如详写其优点:,On one hand, online shopping has its advantages.,Firstly, it is much cheaper. As far as Im concerned, online stores offer lower prices to the customers and some dont charge delivery fee if we buy more than one.,Secondly, it is more convenient as customers neednt walk to store after store for what they like. And its easier for them to compare products online.,4.,相关式,指围绕对事物起决定作用的相关因素来谈论问题。如就“如何减少交通事故”的主题谈论人们应该如何避免交通事故,我们就可以围绕造成交通事故的相关因素如司机和行人来谈论如何避免。,What can we do to avoid traffic accidents?,(1) As to,drivers:,keep their emotions under control; respect others,(2) As to,walkers/pedestrians,and,cyclists,: strictly obey the traffic rules; value their own lives,5.,细化主题句,就“压力对学生的影响”发表自己的看法。,(2007,珠海调研,),It is obvious that too much pressure is harmful to us students. As we know, pressure not only destroys our motivation for study but also ruins our health.,6.,说明结果或后果,你对国家“禁止商场免费提供塑料袋”的看法。,(2008,深圳一模,),It is necessary for the government to forbid shops from offering free plastic bags. With this ban, shopping customers would gradually form a habit of bringing environmentally-friendly bags with them so that the consumption of plastic bags would be greatly reduced.,7.,举例说明。,在写出主题句,表明观点后,我们可通过举例子来证明。例子必须紧扣主题句,不必长篇大论,写完例子后用一两句话重申主题。,However,,,there are other ways to make students work hard.,For example,,,teachers can reward us with small gifts if we do a good job.,There is no denying that confidence plays an important role in our life.,A convincing example that jumps into my mind,is about speaking English.,主题:自信的重要性,(,观点论证,) ,提出观点, Self-confidence,plays an important role in anything we do,. Just as Edison said, self-confidence is the first secret of success.,论证,It is clear that,self-confidence means trust in ones abilities.,语篇模板,(,正面论证,),If you,are full of self-confidence, it will bring you creative power to play,,,arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties;,as a result, your dreams will come true,. (,反面论证,),On the contrary, if you,have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything. Failure will be following you.,It turns out that,all your plans fall through.,论证,No one can deny another fact that,self-confidence gives you light when you are in the dark and encouragement when you are discouraged.,For example, the secret of Madam Curie lies in perseverance and self-confidence, the latter in particular.,得出结论,From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that,you must have self-confidence if you want to achieve anything.,(2011,佛山一模,),Thomas Jefferson High School Detention (,留堂,)Policy,The school knows well that students need to grow and mature. Part of growth involves making positive academic and lifestyle decisions or choices. If students decisions are contrary to Thomas Jefferson Highs expectations and standards, students will be held responsible.,超级仿写,Homework time after school may be one of the consequences.,Reasons for After School Detention include but are not limited to the following:,1. Late homework or incomplete work (A detention will be given when a fourth incomplete or late homework occurs in any subject).,2. Behavior that disturbs with school purposes or educational processes. Please refer to the teachers classroom rules, Rules of Behavior, and Code of Conduct, which are posted in each classroom.,Under normal circumstances, a student will be given a warning (and possibly other in-school consequences) before being given a detention.,They will be warned that further behavior of the same type will result in a detention. However, if the behavior problem is severe enough, the student may be given a detention without a warning.,写作内容,1.,以约,30,个词概括上文的主要内容;,2.,以约,120,个词对留堂这一做法进行议论,内容包括,:,你或你同学的留堂经历;, 你对留堂制度的看法,; (,列举式,),其它督促学生认真学习的办法。,写作要求,1.,作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。,2.,作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。,评分标准,概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。,If students fail to follow Thomas Jefferson High Schools requirements, they would be given detentions as punishment. Reasons for detention include late or incomplete homework and other disturbing behaviors.,This reminds me of my friend Li,Huas,experience in primary school.,One day, he was talking with another classmate in class although the teacher had warned him several times.,As a result, he had to stay for an extra hour after school.,In my opinion, detention has its advantages in educating misbehaved students.,For one thing, with the detention policy, we students will learn that we should be responsible for our behavior.,For another thing, the policy can make us finish our homework on time, which is good for our academic development.,However, there are other ways to make students work hard.,For example, teachers can reward us with small gifts if we do a good job.,Besides, students can be divided into groups to compete with each other so that we will work harder.,


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