Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,October 31,st,is Halloween,Halloween is one of the worlds oldest holidays,celebrated in several countries around the,world,including the USA,Canada,England,Ireland,Scotland,Mexico,Latin America,and Spain.,万圣节是世界上最古老的节日之一,,在10 月31日,这,天,有,许多国,家,如:美,国,加拿大,英格,兰,爱尔兰,苏格兰,墨西哥,拉丁美洲,西班牙等,都,会庆祝万圣节的来临,。,Origin,of Halloween,万圣节起源,The Celtic peoples lived over 2,000 years ago,In the,place,that is now Ireland,the United,Kingdom,and Northern France.,Halloweens origins date back to the ancient,Celtic festival of Samhain.(pronounced sow-in).,在2000多年前的,爱尔兰,及法,国,北部,住,着,一群,凯尔,特人,而,万圣节,就是,起源于,古,凯尔,特人的一,个,叫做,Samhain,的,节庆,。,For the Celtic peoples,the New Year was celebrated on November 1st of every year.,This date marked the end of Summer and the beginning of,Winter.And this,time of year,often associated with,human death.,凯尔,特人,选,在每年,November 1st,,,11,月1日,庆祝,新年,正,值,夏天,结束,,冬天,刚开始,的,时节,,多,半让,人,联,想到黑暗的,死亡,。,Traditions of Halloween,许多关于,Halloween,的习,俗,包括,变装,打扮,不,给糖就捣蛋,的,游戏,,,打彩罐的游戏,,刻南瓜,灯笼,等,习俗,,都可以追溯到,凯,特,尔,人,Samhain,节,。,Many of the traditions associated with Halloween can be traced back to the ancient festivals of,Samhain,such as costuming,trick-or-treating,pinata,pumpkin carving.,万圣节的传统习俗,Symbols of Halloween,Modern day Halloween celebrations use many symbols to help make the holiday more,interesting.,Do you know what they are,?,现代人用许多东西来庆祝万圣节,让这个节日变得更有趣。你知道有哪些东西吗?,First,lets watch a short vedio.,bat,ghost,spider,coffin,zombie,witch,werewolf,vampire,mummy,pumpkin,Jack o lantern,mask,pinata,candy,trick or treat,If you want to get your candy back.,So have to beat devils.,May the good luck be with you!,Pass One:,Please cover eyes and move according to your parents words,,,use tools to break the baloon,。,Pass Two:,Please cover eyes and move according to your parents words,,,use tools to break the baloon,